Wall St For Main St

Erik Townsend: What We Have Now Isn't Capitalism



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on first time guest, Erik Townsend. Erik is a former software entrepreneur who is now a hedge fund manager. He also hosts the new Macro Voices podcast http://www.macrovoices.com/ Listeners may also remember Erik from the past being on both the Peak Prosperity podcasts with Chris Martenson and also the Financial Sense Newshour with Jim Puplava. During this 40+ minute interview, Jason starts off the interview by asking Erik about his background. Erik talks about how he built a successful technology company and then sold it before the technology bubble popped. Erik then, unfortunately, lost a lot of his money after trusting Wall Street with his money. He then started to learn about investing on his own and how to manage his money himself. Jason and Eric talk about some of the problems with Wall St and the hedge fund industry. Next, Jason asks Erik if he thinks central banks are trapped? Erik thinks all the major central banks like the US, Japan, ECB, etc are trapped bu