Wall St For Main St

Jim Willie: More US Vote Rigging Coming as US Debt Problem Looms



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, editor of the Hat Trick Letter at http://www.goldenjackass.com/, Jim Willie. During this hour+ interview, Jason asks Jim 6 important questions about the global economy and the upcoming US presidential election. Here's the questions Jason asked Jim: 1) Do you think many central banks are colluding and coordinating behind the scenes to manipulate markets, interest rates and currency exchange rates? How much more "monetary cocaine and heroine" can the global financial system take before all control is lost?2) What do you think governments and central banks gain from implementing NIRP? Is this a main part of the cashless society and totalitarian control plan?3) Was this recent bear market rally in oil and base metals done so banks wouldn't have to write off many billions in bad loans? Is that tsunami of loan defaults still coming soon?4) Is it even possible for the GLD to get its hands on over 100 tons of physical gold in a week or two?5) Do you thi