Wall St For Main St

Welcome to Dystopia Episode 18: Forget Panama Papers, Sprott Scarfing Down More Silver!



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and managing editor of The News Doctorshttp://thenewsdoctors.com/ and independent financial journalist, Eric Dubin are back for episode #18 of the Welcome to Dystopia podcast. BIG NEWS IN THE PRECIOUS METALS MARKETS IS THE SPROTT PHYSICAL SILVER TRUST OR PSLV IS BUYING $75 MILLION WORTH OF MORE PHYSICAL SILVER! https://finance.yahoo.com/news/sprott... Jason and Eric discuss what this purchase means for the silver market and that a lot of silver supply could be offline in the next few years because of low base metal prices. A lot of the annual silver production (more than 60%) is from base metal mines as by-product. French investment bank, Societe General (Soc Gen) predicts silver supply will fall by 9% in 2016 and by 13% in 2017 due to low base metal prices. Eric and Jason also discuss gold and silver mining share. Next, Jason and Eric discuss the Panama Papers leak and what motives are really behind it? Eric suggests listeners read this article: http://thenewsdoctors