Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle



Cristy CodeRed Nickel, author of The Code Red Revolution, is a speaker, #2 world-ranked boxer (retired), celebrity nutritionist, award-winning personal trainer, and elite-level athlete.In this podcast, I am going to share everything I've learned over the past 25 years in the health and fitness industry. I'm going to leverage my experiences as a professional boxer, NPC Figure competitor, MTV MADE Coach and celebrity trainer to share only the best and most effective tactics to ensure you achieve all your health and lifestyle goals in record time.Be sure to check the website to learn more about how you can join the Code Red


  • Are You Mad At Your Body?

    02/06/2021 Duración: 32min

    Congratulations! You've stopped blaming the stop getting mad at your body. Anger is a very powerful motivator and more often than not, it leads to (further) destruction. You can't shame yourself into good health. You only ruin your health further when you don't recognize that your body needs love, time and patience. You took the time to drive over to your favorite fast food chain. You were patient enough to wait in line for that scrumptious taco meal. No doubt, you loved eating all that food and you couldn't get enough of it. Am I right? Yes? Perfect! Looks like we've established that you actually have the most important resources you need to improve your health. We just need to tweak where you focus using those resources on. Take time to start on the weight loss program that you signed up for. Take a step at a time. Be patient enough to follow your program and celebrate your victories with the reward system. You are accountable for loving your body until you can't get enough of its growth and pro

  • The Power of Community

    26/05/2021 Duración: 36min

    Studies, data and research have indicated that COMMUNITY is the biggest determining factor whether someone loses their weight and keeps it off. But why is it so powerful? We surveyed the group and the info we got back was crazy.  Do you know why people joined the custom program group and challenges? They do it because they really want the COMMUNITY. As an entrepreneur, this is what you want for your, for your movement, for your message, you want people meeting outside of you. You don't want to have to be there in order for people to meet. And what we noticed over the last five years, just pockets of people were popping up all over the country. People that were getting together to go out to coffee together. People getting together to go walking, people just getting together for whatever reason and supporting each other in person, of course, before COVID, this was so much easier.  They do this because we as humans need a COMMUNITY. And now we're starting to get back to that at the time of this recording may of

  • Are you running in the opposite direction?

    19/05/2021 Duración: 24min

    I was listening to Joyce Meyer. And no, I did not poach this from her, but I always get inspiration from her. And she was talking about the book of Jonah and I did grab my Bible and I opened up to the book of Jonah. So on today's episode we discuss the book of Jonah, how I hate when people use Yolo, doing the right thing, and how a past client paid $97 to be at an event all the while she was so angry with me, so confusing... Tune in and we will talk about how I know that I can help you! Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.  Click here to take the 10-pound takedown challenge! Be sure to grab your copy of my book, The Code Red Revolution here. Connect with Cristy: Facebook Instagram LinkedIn YouTube Website

  • Losing The Weight For The Second Time

    12/05/2021 Duración: 51min

    After losing 55 pounds back in 2016 and helping me take Code Red global, you'd think Natasha Hazlett would have no problem losing the weight after her twins were born, right? I mean, after all, no one knows the program better than her! So then why did it take her 2 years to lose her weight? And why did it finally "stick" when before it didn't? Listen to Natasha's shocking story on how it all went down. Link to Natasha's book:  Unstoppable Influence: Be You. Be Fearless. Transform Lives. Link to Natasha's challenge: Additional Resources: --------------------------------------------- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.  Click here to take the 10-pound takedown challenge! Be sure to grab your copy of my book, The Code Red Revolution here. Connect with Cristy: Facebook Instagram

  • Are You Wandering In The Desert?

    05/05/2021 Duración: 36min

    The Bible talks about the Israelites wandering the desert for 40 years for an 11-day journey. Their grumbling and complaining kept them from entering the promised land. So I ask you: what is keeping you from your promised land? What has caused you to wander the desert? Money? Partners? Your weight? Fear of the unknown may be holding you back from the promised land. Just like the Israelites, they were comfortable going back to captivity because they knew what it was like. We meet so many people who want to take their life back, but fear of the unknown keeps holding them back. Each one of us is battling something and is wandering around in the desert. It might be weight for some, debt for others, relationships, etc. We have to step out from underneath our own Pharaoh and go around the mountain to our promised land. When we allow ourselves to wander too long in the desert, we forget the captivity we were in and may want to go back. You have to keep moving forward to free yourself. Like the Israelites, you might

  • Instagram Q & A

    28/04/2021 Duración: 33min

    It's time for an AMA (ask me anything) where Instagram fans and followers sent in a dozen questions, and you get raw, real, honest, unrehearsed response from me! I love these, so I hope you love them, too. Every once in a while, we do one of these Q&As and give our listeners and fans the opportunity to ask me any question they have about anything. So, thank you to all those who sent in their questions. The questions are quite interesting, as you'd expect from Rebels and also from other people keen on the Code Red community. The topics range from my mohawk to my dream vacation, carnivore and vegan lifestyles, goal setting and staying motivated, and much more. It's always fun to get these questions and answer them, so I hope you learn something about the Code Red Lifestyle from them and my candid answers. Listen in and enjoy! Key Takeaways Will Cristy change her mohawk from blue to bright green? (01:56) How many electrolytes should one drink per day? (04:36) Can Code Red be adjusted for an athlete in maint

  • Who Cares?

    21/04/2021 Duración: 31min

    So many people have this need to please others. They base their own decisions on what others think, want, and need. It's a paralyzing problem that you need to get control over. Who cares what others think of you? Life is too short to care about what people think of you, and one thing you should know is that no matter what you do, people will always have an opinion. You are borrowing trouble if you care what people think.   Cari and I have seen so many people who care too much about what people think to the point that they are afraid to take control of their lives and health. We don't want any of you to be this type of person. We get to a vicious cycle when we rely on what other people think of us. We give others power over our lives and lose our self-confidence. We should only trust a few opinions and ignore the rest. Do you find yourself constantly worried about what other people think of you? Tune in to learn how this is affecting you and how to stop caring to take back control of your life. Key Takeaways


    14/04/2021 Duración: 36min

    More and more organizations are helping you take the power back! And Code Red is also helping you shift the power from the diet industry, food industry, insurance companies, government, etc., back to YOU so that you can take control. Are you sick and tired of buying pills, powders, shakes and hoping that they will work and you will feel better only to end up disappointed? Are you tired of all the disinformation you have been fed by the processed food industry? It's time to take back control of your life! It's time you freed yourself from society's expectations and lived your best life. It's time you freed yourself from the pharmaceutical industry, and it's a pill for every ill paradigm. It's time we took back our power from these big predatory corporations.  Code Red is all about giving you back your power because you are extraordinary

  • Age Is A NUMBER But Old Is A MINDSET (Cristy's 45th Birthday Edition)

    07/04/2021 Duración: 36min

    As I turn 45, there is no better subject to explore than AGE vs. OLD. One is just a "number" but one is a "mindset." I feel better at 45 than I did at 25. But why? It's not just because I eat right and drink my water. It's because I don't let my age hold me back. I never, even jokingly, say 'I'm old' as it's common to hear with many people nowadays. You are what you say to yourself; what you hold in your mind becomes reality. If you keep saying and thinking you are old, then guess what, you'll feel old, and you'll never get to do anything. I would encourage everyone to take care of their body as they age and remember what's important in their life. Don't let your age hold you back from designing your best life and fulfilling your destiny. It's time to say no to stuff that doesn't bring you peace and joy and say yes to things that you want to do. This way, you keep your mindset young and fresh as you age. Tune in to this special birthday edition and get to hear what Cristy does to keep her mindset young and fr

  • Do It Now!

    31/03/2021 Duración: 28min

    So many times, we put things off. We say, "oh, I'll get to it tomorrow or Monday or next month..." But the days slip into years, and you'll find that you've run outta time. Don't let this happen to you. It's crazy how time flies by, especially as we get older. The question that you should constantly ask yourself is, are you showing up for yourself and doing the things you consider important, or are you continuously putting things off and saying to yourself that you'll do them some other time? We are all guilty of making promises to ourselves and postponing things we want to do. That is dangerous because before you know it, time is gone, life happens, and we are left with regrets. You need to understand that the days are passing by, and sooner than you realize, they'll turn into years. And the one thing you can't do is blame anyone but yourself for not doing the things you always wanted. You can't blame your kids, and neither can you blame your other obligations. If something is important to you, you have got

  • Finding Your GOAL WEIGHT

    24/03/2021 Duración: 36min

    At the time of this recording, I have had almost 45,000 people come through my program. And finding your correct goal weight is such a huge question! Who should you listen to? How do you calculate it correctly? Who do you believe? It's all so confusing, and no wonder people are frustrated! There's just too much conflicting information available online about how to calculate your ideal goal weight. And the thing is, many people don't know who to believe. Your doctor might be saying one thing, your insurance company says something different, and your BMI still gives you different goal weight. At Code Red, we have a proprietary formula we use to calculate the ideal goal weight for custom programs. And having written close to 45k of them to date, we pretty much hit the mark all the time. However, you don't have to have a custom program to determine your ideal goal weight. Your body intuitively knows your ideal weight. You just need to remember when you felt confident, felt great about your body, your clothes fitt

  • Can You Cheat On CODE RED?

    17/03/2021 Duración: 43min

    I wish I had a dollar for every time someone asked me this. Can you cheat on Code Red? Because all the other weight loss programs let you cheat! So what's the big deal, right? Well, the reasons might shock you! Even though all other programs allow cheat meals or cheat foods, Code Red doesn't do this. We don't believe in cheat meals because it is not worth it. People never make any progress with this type of mindset and behavior. The stakes are too high to have a cheat meal or, God forbid, a cheat day. We are dealing with people who are metabolically sick, people with type 2 diabetes, people who have failed on all other weight loss programs, or are just on the verge of a life-altering disease. This is about our health, we can't afford to not be serious about it by having cheat foods and cheat meals attitude. The major problem with cheat foods and the weight loss programs that have them is that they don't address the sugar addiction crisis that we have as a people. The heart of the problem with weight is sugar

  • How To Become More Insulin Sensitive

    10/03/2021 Duración: 42min

    Even if you're not diabetic or pre-diabetic, we all need to understand insulin and the role it plays in our body. Here are some very simple, natural things you can do to help your body in this area. Being insulin sensitive means that you need just a tiny amount of this very important hormone for it to do its job. It's crucial that we all strive to be more insulin sensitive, whether diabetic, pre-diabetic, or not. And if you think that today's topic doesn't apply to you, think again. Two-thirds of Americans, that's about 200 million, are pre-diabetic. At Code Red, we believe in eating like we are all diabetic. We shouldn't wait till our fasting blood glucose and our A1C is too high to look at what we are eating. We believe that everybody should be working towards becoming more insulin sensitive. Two of the five markers of metabolic health are related to our insulin levels. This explains how important this hormone is to our overall health and why we should be paying extra attention to it. Listen in to today's p

  • Hitting Hard Ground Vs. Hitting CONCRETE!

    03/03/2021 Duración: 30min

    Hitting the hard ground hurts. You're gonna be bruised, broken, and busted up. But hitting concrete is a career-ender, a deal-breaker, and you'll probably die. So many people think that the mistakes they make are career-enders (like hitting concrete). But I encourage you to reconsider; get up, dust yourself off and go again instead of giving up. What has happened to you is not a deal-breaker, it’s all the way you choose to look at it. So many people think they've hit concrete if they gain their weight back. They think they will never come back from it. There's nothing in weight loss or in Code Red that is a deal-breaker. It might be embarrassing, but spending the rest of your life overweight just because you are embarrassed doesn't make any sense. You can come back from it if you just took the next small step forward. Whatever happened is in the past. All you need to is identify what went wrong, learn from your mistakes, and move forward in a different direction. Is there anything in your life you think you c

  • The Species-Specific Diet

    24/02/2021 Duración: 39min

    Humans are the only species on the earth that don't eat a species-specific diet. We have been eating the proper human diet for 5-6 million years until recently. But now we eat processed food from factories. Hear my experience of transitioning my dog to a species-specific diet and how that made me really consider how the "American standard diet" is killing us. Here at Code Red, we believe the human species was designed to eat an animal-based diet. That's why you hear me talk of the proper human diet all the time. We were not meant to eat all these processed foods that make up the American diet. It makes so much sense to stick as much as possible to what our ancestors ate. If you are trying to lose weight, you'll get much better results faster by eating what our species was meant to eat. Even better results than working out. Remember the last episode we talked about fat athletes. It doesn't matter how much you work out; if your diet is crap, you will be unhealthy. Click Play to learn what the proper human diet

  • They Called Her "Jolly Green Giant."

    17/02/2021 Duración: 39min

    Lisa Cain has been heavy her entire life. Bullied as a kid, they called her "Jolly Green Giant." At 6 foot 2, she could never shop in the kids' section, couldn't fit into uniforms, and was told she was fat by her coach. Decades went by, and every diet failed, including weight loss surgery. Hear Lisa's story of how she finally lost 161 lbs and is no longer a "jolly green giant" but a goddess!! Her transformation story has inspired so many people to begin their weight loss journey, and as you'll be hearing from her, her life has been completely changed. If you look at her before and after pictures, they don't look like the same person. She looks younger and more vibrant after losing weight, and she is having a hard time getting used to her new body after being heavy her entire life. Lisa explains the reason she thinks Code Red worked for her after all other programs, including weight loss surgery, failed is that Code Red gets to the root of the problem. Her custom program helped her understand her body better,

  • Is It Okay To Be FAT If You're FIT?

    10/02/2021 Duración: 29min

    Are you throwing up a 195 overhead jerk but asking for the seatbelt extender on the plane? I've been saying this for years, but finally, a new study was released to back me up on if it is okay to be fat as long as you're fit. One cannot be fat but healthy. This is according to new research by the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. The negative effects of excess body fat on heart health cannot be mitigated by leading an active lifestyle. The idea that people who are fat and fit are healthy is simply a myth that has been busted by this new study. We have known this at Code Red all along, and I have said numerous times that exercise doesn't have anything to do with fat loss. Exercise has a ton of benefits, but weight loss isn't one of them. The number one biggest lie in weight loss is that you can exercise your weight off. It doesn't matter how much you bench press, run, or ride a bike. It doesn't matter how fit you are; if you are overweight, you need to lose that fat. And the answer lies in real food,

  • Why Do People Gain Back Their Weight?

    03/02/2021 Duración: 40min

    I don't want to talk about this. But it's the elephant in the room. So why do people gain back their weight after leaving the Code Red community? Let's have a heart to heart and learn where they went wrong and how you can prevent this from happening to you. Today we are talking about what many people in the weight loss industry avoid talking about. It is clear to everybody that people gain back their weight after leaving the program that helped them lose weight. Code Red is no different; most of our certified coaches and leaders have unfortunately regained some weight or all of it after they left the community. Does this indicate a failure of the Code Red program? Absolutely not; as much as it's baffling why people would go through the weight loss process only to regain back their weight, we have found the reasons why this happens. In this episode, we share these reasons so that we can prepare you not to repeat them. We want to set you up for success when you get to maintenance. We want to teach you how to li

  • How This 25-year Police Veteran Lost 121 Pounds - An Inspiring Weight Loss Story

    27/01/2021 Duración: 30min

    After calling her "Fat Butt," this 25-year police veteran became a hermit crab and sank lower and lower into shame and guilt. But hear what happened when she found Code Red and lost 121 lbs. She is now a speaker, author and living her best life at 54 years old. I am talking about Liz Weber, whose weight loss journey is so inspiring and unlike any other, we have done before. Her story will inspire all of us and resonate with many police officers, firefighters, and other first responders. Working as an overweight police officer came with numerous challenges. Her weight often held her back, and faced ridicule from her fellow officers. Even though she enjoyed her job, it was getting difficult just to physically do the job. Once she retired, she let herself go and became completely overweight at 261 pounds. At rock bottom with no hope, she came across Code Red and joined the 10-pound takedown challenge, and her weight started falling off. Tune in to hear her amazing story, including some advice to overweight first

  • Don't STOP After Reaching Your GOAL

    20/01/2021 Duración: 22min

    It sounds silly, but a lot of people STOP once they reach their goal. You can't stop, and you can't go back to the old ways that got you into this mess, to begin with. But you can pivot, shift and move into a new phase. We have noticed that many people stop doing what they did to reach their goal, they just stop and become lazy. We don't want you to do this, we want you to reach your goal and stay there. What you did to reach your goal, you got to keep doing it. Pivoting to your new phase once you reach your goal requires a change of plan and a shift in mindset, but you have to stay committed every day for the rest of your life. You ain't never going back to your old ways. At Code Red, we are playing the long game. Hitting your weight loss goal is just one piece of the puzzle. Once you get there, we shift and pivot into the maintenance program because we believe that America doesn't have a weight loss problem, but a weight regain problem. Listen in and learn more about pivoting to your new phase once you reac

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