Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

BONUS EPISODE: Cristy And Billy Together In Studio



GNC owner and Chippendale dancer Billy Jeffery has been in the health & fitness industry for over 20 years (Cristy says Billy is her "spirit animal"). After watching fellow Idahoans suffer greatly from the lockdown in 2020, they team up to help listeners get past this slump and get healthy. Cristy and Billy advise people that they can change their lives and start getting healthier by just nailing the basics. It is better to do something, however small than nothing at all. At the end of the day, it's you vs. you. You are fighting to be a better version of yourself every day by your choices.  We would rather see you pick one thing and nail it every day consistently than overcomplicate it and fail to do anything. Put in the work every day, and you'll see your life change. Just focus on the next thing you need to do to get closer to your goals.  During these times we are living in, with the pandemic and all the stress and uncertainties, it becomes even more important to make healthier choices. Billy suggests