Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Setting The TONE Of Your HOME



People say, "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." But that is the reality. So ladies, how do you set the tone of your home? Guest mother and grandmother Carole Terherst (and yes, my mom) gives sound advice and a little tough love to wives & mothers from all walks of life. As a mother, you are responsible for setting the tone of your home. However, this doesn't give you a free pass to make everyone's life miserable because you let your frustrations get the better of you. This is not to say it will always be easy, but you can make an effort to control it. With only 7% of communication being verbal, there's so much energy that a mom can put out to her household, even without saying anything. You don't have to yell for your children to obey you. You have the magic wand to control the mood, temperature, and status of your home. As you'll be hearing my mom explain, parenting is mostly about setting rules and boundaries. You are the mom and the ultimate decision-maker. You are going to establish the non-neg