Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Blame Vs. Accountability - It's Much Easier To BLAME Than Take Responsibility



It's so much easier to blame your family, your job, COVID, your kids, etc... for you getting off track and NOT taking care of yourself. It's time to stop blaming and start taking responsibility for your own actions. Do you know why it's easier to give excuses than take responsibility for your circumstances? Yeah, taking responsibility is hard, and many people are unable to do it. However, if you need to succeed in anything, you have to do it. You simply have to take responsibility without the need to give bullcrap excuses. If you want to be great at something and reach the top, you have to learn to take responsibility for everything that happens. Own up the problem, look for solutions, and fix it, then make sure that it never happens again. That is the formula for greatness. If you are placing blame on everything other than you, then you got to step back, take a hard look in the mirror and realize that ultimately, the buck stops with you. The bottom line is that it's nobody else's fault but you. You have to t