Gb @work



Its a series of topics related to work life. People, process and philosophies of the corporate life shared with you without the pressures of being politically correct.


  • Twitter Identity Crisis

    05/11/2022 Duración: 16min

    Unlike the Bourne Identity, Twitter may never get to know what it really is, or was? If a loss making company lays off 50% of it's staff, and restructures its infrastructure - what's wrong you'd think? The question to answer is: how did we get to this point in the first place? Poor governance of some, can't become the bane of thousands! what happens to those "productive"employees who are mentally broken? what happens to fake profiles?  what happens to privacy? how will $8 change/address any thing? Tune in to this fascinating episode of BasTalk. --- Send in a voice message:

  • The Myth about 30% pay hike

    02/11/2022 Duración: 17min

    How much raise do you expect? The usual. The usual? Yes, 30%. Errm, but who said it was usual? -- That was an excerpt from an honest conversation about pay hikes. In this episode, I dive deep into the complex world of pay raises and employee expectations.  As always, expect to hear a straightforward free-flowing narrative that explores all three proverbial sides of the story.  I will walk you through some common perceptions, notions, and perceived realities to help you decide your next pay hike movement. #management #career #payhikes --- Send in a voice message:

  • What's your Plan B?

    18/10/2022 Duración: 12min

    Can you negotiate a salary or compensation when you don't have an alternative plan? What measures can you take? Does not having a plan B jeopardise negotiation leverage? Tune in to get 3 tips to manage a negotiation situation  in case you have no plan B in place. #careers, #job, #negotiations --- Send in a voice message:

  • Be Unfuckwithable

    13/10/2022 Duración: 10min

    Many speak about being this picture-perfect image of a leader, full of poise, calm and collected, yet vulnerable, sensitive, and thoughtful, all critical traits of a successful leader, aren't they? Then you paddle, waddle, flip-flap, slip and trip, walk, talk, think, and plan about the next survival plan. The optics are terrible. Hours turn to days, days to quarters, huffing, puffing, pulling, and pushing through a difficult situation, and someone you can't stand asks how you are.  You think I'm like a duck, calm on top and furiously paddling below, but choose to offer a polite smile and nod without uttering a word. Your gut churns. But it's not over. You're in for a surprise. Work pressure is real, and it does not make for any excellent optics! #mentalhealth ;#mentalhealthmatters ; #optics #leadership --- Send in a voice message:

  • Are you listening or hearing?

    30/09/2022 Duración: 18min

    You are in a meeting. Yes, the same one you were in, the same time last week, yes again, the same one you were in at the same time, the week before!  You've heard the message before, and you're pupils begin to dilate. You hear what's being said, but it's not registering in your head. Then the manager turns towards you and asks a different question! You are jolted. The mind is blank.  Are you not listening? Asks the frowning manager. The people around the table are staring at you. And your mouth is dry as you struggle to utter some sensible response. Does it sound familiar? Tune in to this fascinating topic of hearing versus listening. I share three tips to break out of hearing people and get into a proper listening mode! #communicationskills #listeningskills  --- Send in a voice message:

  • Moonlighting:Employers & Employees

    29/09/2022 Duración: 17min

    Your honeymoon is over! How many times have bosses said that to new employees? How many times did employees get a chance to reply? And if they did, guess what the employee would like to say in return? What goes around, comes around! The curious case for moonlighting: simply put, it is a situation where an employee chooses to work for another organization simultaneously while being gainfully employed. Sounds unfair, right? Or is it fair? Let us examine this from both points of view, that of the employer and the employee. Join me in this exciting topic exploring both sides of the story, employers and the employee's version, and then find out if Moonlighting works or not. #bastalk #Moonlighting #career #jobs --- Send in a voice message:

  • 3 ways to tackle failures

    08/09/2022 Duración: 16min

    How did it feel when you won that MVP award? I'm sure it must've felt great. And how did it feel when you were left out for the promotion over your fiercest rival? Miserable, I guess. How did it feel when you got your dream job, and what happened when you were laid off?   For many, the feeling of loss is a far stronger emotion than the thrill of a victory, because no one taught you how to cope with a loss. So who taught you how to lose?  Was it your teacher, your parents, friends, or siblings? Chances are the answer for most people is no one. We live in a world where the emotional distance between winning and losing is staggering. Yet, all management gurus advise not to be too affected by  either success or failure. The question is, how? How do we not get affected by a failure or a loss when the world constantly reminds us  of what we missed and what others gained? Tune in to this episode of BasTalk, where I share a coping mechanism or framework to deal with failures, defeats, or losses

  • Burnol for sales burnouts

    03/09/2022 Duración: 15min

    Is there a Burnol for sales burnouts? Chances are, if you are reading this or about to listen to this episode, you have Sales Fatigue! Here are three symptoms: Feeling drained on Monday morning forecast call. Unable to sleep without thinking about excel sheets Fearing the following business review Sounds familiar? Wish there was a Burnol for sales burns? Let's get to the root cause and find ways to address these issues. (

  • Quiet Quitting or Escaping Reality?

    26/08/2022 Duración: 22min

    Shhh... quiet quitting now? Why should I give more when I'm not paid more? Why ask for more when you can't give more? Why quit when I'm delivering what I'm supposed to? Quiet Quitting the term might be new, but the phenomenon is old. It's been happening since Adam and Eve.  In the modern workplace, burnouts are real. They happen quicker than the previous generation. Is extreme performance sustainable? What's wrong with employees scaling back from that extra work or stretch project? So, then are we saying mediocrity is the way to progress?  A bit of an oxymoron, isn't it? Imagine if Edison thought Candles were good enough. Would you have electric bulbs  today? Tune in to this fascinating episode on BasTalk, where we dive deep and simplify quiet quitting and discuss ways to deal with it, not just as an employee but as a leader having a team experiencing the effects of quiet quitting. #Bastalk #worklifebalance  #Quietquitting #podcasts --- Send in a voice message:

  • An age old problem

    20/08/2022 Duración: 25min

    Age is just a number when you are in your 20s; by the time you hit the 30s, it asks some questions, and in your 50's, you are known by the number more  than the person you are!  So why is age such a significant factor in the typical workplace? If you are competent, qualified, and able to execute the job well,  what stops you from being gainfully employed?  Turns out, people want to hire younger people at a lower cost. So what's wrong with that? Were you not hired over someone older when you were younger? So then what happens to older people? What do they do? Does their competency reduce over time? How do you choose between experience and ability? So what do you do if you find yourself on the wrong side of the 40s in a country where the average age is 28?  Join me in this fascinating discussion about ageism in our offices and job markets. Is old really Gold, or is Gold getting old?  #Ageism #dated #old #job #senior --- Send in a voice message:

  • Boring Jobs & Exciting Minds

    13/08/2022 Duración: 16min

    You wouldn't need to travel too far to find someone complain about their boring job, isn't it? What does an exciting mind do with a boring job? Does it get bogged down or does it make the job exciting? Are jobs supposed to be exciting? Where do you find excitement?   If these questions float in your mind, then this episode will surely resonate with you.   Tune in to this episode of BasTalk where I share a reality check about finding excitement in your boring job! #jobs, #worklife , #excitement --- Send in a voice message:

  • Will you hire people better than you?

    08/08/2022 Duración: 18min

    It's an important question, isn't it? Will you hire people who are more talented than you? If yes, how will you cope with anxiety and a latent  sense of insecurity or competition? How do you identify top talent? What happens when a top talent challenges your belief system? Fight or flight? What is your response?. Or is it dodge and reject? Tune in to this episode of Bastalk where I share  insight into identifying top talent and hiring them with the right mindset. #hiring, #jobs #toptalent #interviews #interviewer --- Send in a voice message:

  • Trainer Spotting

    02/08/2022 Duración: 12min

    Did you spot the right trainer?  If not, the results could be disastrous.  Besides not yielding the proper return on investment, Instead of helping the team, it could confuse them. --- Send in a voice message:

  • The Brand Identity

    28/07/2022 Duración: 27min

    What works better - working for a big brand or a small company? The answer might surprise you. People often think of it as a no-brainer. Join a big tech company, and the rest of it takes care of itself until they get jolted out of their silly perceptions. Likewise, some think working at a startup is the easiest thing to do until the paycheck gets delayed ten days and your bank  account is depleting. On one hand, money is more at a big brand; on the other, the workload complexity doubles while the role remains straight-jacketed. However, if you work in a boutique outfit, or a startup, for example, the flexibility is high, but the stability is low. So how do you decide? Can you afford to make a mistake in this mad rush?   In a  complex world and competitive environment, you need to make decisions wisely.  Tune into this podcast, where I simplify and highlight some of the most common misconceptions or perceptions people have about working in  these two different types of companies. --

  • What kind of a manager are you?

    22/07/2022 Duración: 23min

    Have you become the boss you'd love to hate or hate to love? For people managers, is life more challenging than you thought it'd be? I guess so. The question is, what are you doing differently? Or are you becoming just like your manager? Is that good or bad? Join me in this episode of BasTalk, where I talk about front-line managers and their progression to middle management. I share three things to consider and leverage if you are not already doing it today. #BasTalk #career #boos #leaders #managers #Team --- Send in a voice message:

  • Toxic Work Culture

    11/07/2022 Duración: 15min

    Given that culture has been eating strategy for breakfast for many decades, one wonders why hasn't it burped yet?   We've been discussing toxic workplaces for ages, and it does not shock anymore. If you sit on the throne long enough, the odor stops bothering you.  Everyone knows it exists, because they're breathing it each day.  So why does it persist? #toxicworkculture #toxicworkplace --- Send in a voice message:

  • Confirmation Bias

    08/07/2022 Duración: 12min

    A typical Startup Founders dilemma #23: having conviction vs being in denial! Some founders are blessed with the gift of the gab & over time they begin to view their own BS as the real deal. This is compunded more in nascent organizations, because no one questions them. So what happens? They succumb to confirmation bias. A tendency to search, interpret, and out logic people in a way that confirms or supports their own preconcieved notions, make it sound real and present it as the only truth. Gradually,they become hyper cynical,convoluted and warped in their thinking. And when results show otherwise, they find yet another counter-logic to justify the original fallacy.  There's so much power in the denial cycle,it sucks in everyone around it.They risk not just their own future but also those who follow them. Tune in to this episode of BasTalk where I share 3 ways to navigate past confirmation bias. Alpha leaders on notice : break the loop before its too late. #confirmationbias #leadership #start

  • Career Gaps in Resumes

    04/07/2022 Duración: 14min

    Career gaps, career breaks, resume gaps, time-off. These more or less mean the same thing: you are not employed.  So when the next opportunity comes your way, you get nervous about the best ways to share the gap-story! For some its a joyous reason, but for most, it's a sentimental reason, as to why they were not gainfully engaged.  But what if you did not have a sentimental story to share? What if your backstory does not add up? What if your break was your own mistake? How do you then handle the career gap story when the recruiter reaches out with a new job opportunity?  Tune in to this BasTalk podcast episode to  think about three ways to manager career gaps.  #careergraps, #unemployment, #jobs , #hiring, #mentalhealth, #linkedin  --- Send in a voice message:

  • BasTalk past, present and future

    30/06/2022 Duración: 12min

    I've often been asked why do a podcast, why now, why  BasTalk? My answer has always straight and simple - I share because I care.  I share content to make it easy for people to understand how to navigate through this complex maze of the corporate world. In the process, I help simplify, clarify, demystify and burst some long held perceptions about management, career and office life. In this episode, I talk about how BasTalk now reaches a global audience, whats in store for future episodes and some insights about the  philosophy of this podcast. --- Send in a voice message:

  • What is the BasTalk podcast all about?

    28/06/2022 Duración: 01min

    Here's a list of things this podcast does not do: give you life-changing gyan,  save you money or  make you grow rapidly! Nor is it a typical Tech-Talk, or a Management big-talk.  So what is BasTalk? BasTalk literally means Simply,Talk! BasTalk is a simple, practical & tactical insight from my life at work!  It's a podcast about people management, career insights and issues from regular office-life!   It may work for you, it may not, the goal is to get you to rethink. email: Twitter, Facebook: #gyanban BasTalk when you find time! --- Send in a voice message:

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