Gb @work

Confirmation Bias



A typical Startup Founders dilemma #23: having conviction vs being in denial! Some founders are blessed with the gift of the gab & over time they begin to view their own BS as the real deal. This is compunded more in nascent organizations, because no one questions them. So what happens? They succumb to confirmation bias. A tendency to search, interpret, and out logic people in a way that confirms or supports their own preconcieved notions, make it sound real and present it as the only truth. Gradually,they become hyper cynical,convoluted and warped in their thinking. And when results show otherwise, they find yet another counter-logic to justify the original fallacy.  There's so much power in the denial cycle,it sucks in everyone around it.They risk not just their own future but also those who follow them. Tune in to this episode of BasTalk where I share 3 ways to navigate past confirmation bias. Alpha leaders on notice : break the loop before its too late. #confirmationbias #leadership #start