The Priestess Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 127:09:17
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The Priestess Podcast shares inspirational interviews and intimate conversations about all things Divine Feminine, Goddess Culture, Women's Spirituality and Soulful Business. Listen in to some of the world's great spiritual thought leaders, authors and speakers with your host Priestess Julie Parker.


  • Natalie Walstein on The 2021 Year Ahead (E177)

    02/12/2020 Duración: 32min

    2020. Well...what can you say really. It’s been a year like no other in my lifetime and I am sure for many people decades older than me too. It has been filled with challenges, realisations, learnings, unlearnings, change and I would dare say for many if not all of us - uncomfortable growth and even loss and grief. And so as we near the end of this tumultuous year what is it that may lie ahead for us in the stars for 2021? Is there more of the same ahead? Or something new and fresh on the horizon? I couldn’t think of anyone better to ask this of than cosmic astrologer Natalie Walstein. Natalie is here with us today to guide us into 2021 and what the stars and planets have in store for us...remembering always of course that your own free will is your greatest compass and guide. 

  • Annabelle Sharman on Yuma Healing (E176)

    25/11/2020 Duración: 34min

    I never take for granted what an extraordinary privilege it is every time a guest is a yes to coming on The Priestess Podcast. And I certainly feel that privilege and honour today with my guest Annabelle Sharman. I first met Annabelle at a beautiful workshop about Indigenous wisdom and sharing, where she gave me a healing. And it was while Annabelle was holding space for me that I received a call, retrieved via message just moments after, that a dear friend of mine had passed. It was not a timing coincidence. Annabelle and I have remained in touch and connection to each other ever since and I am constantly in awe of the beautiful and deeply healing work she puts out in the world. If you are a coach, counsellor, healer or space holder yourself, I’m honestly not sure there is someone I could recommend more highly right now to explore your own capacity to hold space and BE the guide you most long to be. This is Annabelle’s magick - bringing out your own - through her Yuma Healing.

  • Pia Gaia on Building a Goddess Temple (E175)

    18/11/2020 Duración: 31min

    In general whenever I have thought about Goddess Temples, visions of the ancient world have come into my minds eye from places such as Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia and Crete. Thinking about a Goddess Temple in modern times was not something regular for me until I had the experience of going to one in Glastonbury in 2019. It’s challenging to describe how truly special it was to walk into a physical space entirely devoted to the Goddess; a haven of beauty, wisdom, devotion and spiritual guidance there for the greater good of all. And so when I learned that an incredible group of people were renovating a very special space right here in my home town of Melbourne, Australia, I could not get my special guest on the show today quick enough. Priestess Pia Gaia has grown up in a world entirely surrounded by the Goddess and she, along with a group of devoted humans, are creating a Goddess Temple in Melbourne devoted to The Great Mother. Pia shares with us today the journey to making this space happen and how it still con

  • Hayley Carr on Fearful to Fierce (E174)

    11/11/2020 Duración: 31min

    Have you ever drunk a feargarita? Not a MARgarita but a FEARgarita? Well I didn’t even know that such a concoction existed until I read about it on the website of my Priestess Podcast guest today - Hayley Carr. And in this interview ahead you’re about to dive into the world of this mindset maven and world champion sportswoman who is going to encourage you to DRINK UP! Hayley is one of the most incredible coaches I know in the personal development field right now. She has a particular passion for supporting incredible people with their mindset and how they can, in particular, dance with fear and uncertainty and make it work for them in every aspect of their calling. And so...the bar is open everyone. Step up and have a drink with Hayley and I today to move from fearful to fierce! 

  • Leonie Dawson on Embracing Your Dreams (E173)

    04/11/2020 Duración: 30min

    I think it’s reasonably safe to say that if you are blessed enough to be alive and listening to The Priestess Podcast right now you have dreams that you would love to come true. Hopes, desires and wants for the life you want to lead - as a spiritual expression of your soul and who you truly are. What does it really take to embrace those dreams and make them happen? That is something of course that is going to be different for every person. What works for me or someone else may not work for you. And that’s what makes my guest on the show today - Leonie Dawson - so fascinating. As an author, course guide and artist, Leonie has created a multi-million dollar business doing what she is deeply passionate about, and she has touched hundreds of thousands of lives in doing so. She’s quirky, creative, has extremely strict but loving boundaries on her time and needs, and is living proof of what can be possible when you fully embrace your dreams and reach for the life that you most want.

  • Susanna Barkataki on Decolonising Yoga (E172)

    28/10/2020 Duración: 33min

    If you do yoga or have it coming into your field as something to explore, then my guest on The Priestess Podcast today, Susanna Barkataki, is going to be Goddess sent to you. I have this small theory, (which is clearly untested in any scientific way but still pressing on my heart), that most of us do not really know what yoga actually is. What we think it is, is a version sold to us through a white and capitalist lens that has stripped yoga of it’s full spiritual and social meaning to just be about what we do on a mat. Susanna is here to share with us today how yoga is so much more than likely what we think we know and how to decolonise our practice and view of it. She is enlightening, warm and also challenging in true yoga practitioner form.

  • Shakisha Reynolds & Laureen Mally on The Woo Collective (E171)

    21/10/2020 Duración: 32min

    Today is a first for the Priestess Podcast where we have not one but TWO very special guests for you - Shakisha Reynolds and Laureen Mally of The Woo Collective. These incredible mystics have been helping people activate their spiritual DNA and bring their soul gifts into the world for a number of years now after meeting on the interwebs - Facebook to be exact! They have an ignited bond of sisterhood that runs deeply both through their personal lives as well as the work they bring to the world in partnership. THIS is the sort of sister relationship that I know so many of us crave and want to be a part of and I can’t wait for you to listen in and hear their goodness in this episode. It’s like a girl chat of the highest spiritual order!

  • Neha Awasthi on Your Life Purpose (E170)

    14/10/2020 Duración: 31min

    What is your life purpose? Big question right? Right! It often seems to me that when this topic is being discussed there are suggestions that you need to do a lot of seeking and searching to FIND your life purpose, however my guest on The Priestess Podcast today - Neha Awasthi disagrees. How and why she disagrees is going to be something I won’t reveal to you now - but encourage you to simply listen in to Neha’s beautiful, soulful and I believe deeply spiritual way of looking at our life and any given moment we are blessed with. This is the sort of episode that might just see you take a big exhale OUT both during and at the end - and change the way you view life and your purpose differently and forever more.

  • Christine Gutierrez on I Am Diosa (E169)

    07/10/2020 Duración: 28min

    You are worthy. You are loved. You are Diosa. These are the words of my special guest on The Priestess Podcast today - psychotherapist Christine Gutierrez. Christine has been working with and through La Diosa - The Goddess - since she was a child and you’re about to learn how passionately she connects with Her in everything she does in her work today. Christine is particularly passionate about how the Goddess can help us transcend emotional wounds, traumas and hurt IF we are open to all that She needs to show us. And the operative word there is OPEN, because the face of the Goddess does not always come to us in a way that is pretty or neat. Sometimes She needs to show us our darkness and shadow to truly create the conditions for a deeper connection to our soul and highest self.

  • Hayley Tapper on Soul Aligned Business (E168)

    30/09/2020 Duración: 29min

    If you own and run your own business or dream of doing so one day, then today's episode of The Priestess Podcast will be an inspiring one for you to listen into with my guest Hayley Tapper. Hayley is a Feminine Empowerment Coach and Business Mentor and is passionate about serving in her business from a deeply soul aligned space. She shares with us today what a true soul aligned business really is and looks like, how to find your way back to or tap into your soul gifts, and the importance of embodiment and compassion as a business owner. If you’re feeling a little lost in your business and not really sure how to let your heart and soul lead the way for you, it will be filled with feminine wisdom that will support you.

  • Willow Rising on Human Design (E167)

    23/09/2020 Duración: 30min

    Human Design. It’s quite hot right now! And if you’ve not heard very much about it, I have a feeling that may be about to change as it continues to ignite and inspire people throughout the world on in their lives and spiritual paths. My guest today on The Priestess Podcast is Willow Rising, and she is passionate about Human Design and in particular how supportive it can be for those people who identify as highly sensitive. Human Design is certainly not however just for highly sensitive people. It is something that via your natal chart can provide you with an inspiring opening and pathway to the ownership of your soul gifts. And I’m sure we can all agree that’s a wonderful opening for any of us to dive into. 

  • Shunanda Scott on Angel Connections (E166)

    16/09/2020 Duración: 30min

    We are talking all things angels today on The Priestess Podcast with my special guest Shunanda Scott who is an angel medium. Shunanda shares with us exactly what an angel is and it just might not be what you think! She also does some myth busting for us around the physical form of angels, their representation in art and religion and how we all have angels in our lives, even if we are not consciously aware of them. And in this very special conversation we are visited by a guest - a shared friend of ours who passed over this year - in the most beautiful and unexpected of circumstances. Such is the power of angels and how they can bring people together - and you closer to yourself - at any time. 

  • Wendy Wise on The Wise Method (E165)

    09/09/2020 Duración: 28min

    My guest on The Priestess Podcast today, Wendy Wise, has been, up until now, somewhat of an incredible spiritual secret. She has been doing the most amazing and visionary work as a First Nations Healer and now has been called to start to share her magick more widely throughout the world. And so I feel very blessed to bring her to you as our guest today. Wendy is here to share with us about The Wise Method and her three step process and experience that is on the one hand so very simple as a spiritual undertaking and journeying within to our deepest selves, but also so profound, that it may just make you wonder if this visionary woman has the key to unlocking our collective healing as a planet, which we all so deeply need right now. 

  • Rebekah Borucki on Meditation Magic (E164)

    02/09/2020 Duración: 33min

    Confession time! You might be forgiven for thinking that maybe with me being a priestess and all that I serenely meditate every day and in fact are a dab hand at it! I am not. I do meditate, but I am not what you could say are a devotee or regular, more that I dip in and out when I need it, want it, or am guided to it. And that works for me. Whatever your connection to meditation - be it tenuous or a total devotion - I know you’re going to love my guest on The Priestess Podcast today - Rebekah Borucki. Bex is a meditation teacher and guide who is passionate about bringing the benefits of meditation to the masses, particularly those who are feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and anxious. And let’s face it...right now in life and the global happenings we are all traversing, isn’t it the case that all of us in some way or another are feeling such things right now to varying degrees? Bex wisdom could therefore be a saviour for you as it has been for so many people through her work all around the world. Her passion

  • Shar Moore on Breaking Free (E163)

    26/08/2020 Duración: 31min

    Can you possibly imagine what it must be like to be engaged at the age of 11 - a soon to be child bride - and have your entire life mapped out for you with no choice or control over your own destiny? Maybe you have had that experience or a similar one as a child and know the sense of confusion and uncertainty it comes with, or maybe it is too far away from your own life to even contemplate. My guest on The Priestess Podcast today - Shar Moore - was engaged to be married as a child - and is with us to share her story and how she broke free of that to become the successful and thriving woman she is today. I know that all of us in some form or another have had feelings of deep uncertainty about our lives and spiritual paths. This is in fact for so many of us meant to be a part of our path. Hearing the lived experiences of other people like Shar supports us to know we are not alone, and even in the most dire of circumstances we can so often find light and a way forward to become who we truly long to be.

  • Emily Ghosh Harris on Dark Night of the Soul (E162)

    19/08/2020 Duración: 32min

    You can be forgiven for thinking that the term ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ is a new age one. I know I did. However it is in fact a life and spiritual experience that has been around since the 16th century and likely a long time before then as well. The Dark Night of the Soul is an intense spiritual awakening bought about by a disconnection from one’s own source of love and divinity. It can and often is frightening, difficult, isolating, lonely and come about with a deep experience of depression and anxiety as well. My guest on The Priestess Podcast today - Emily Ghosh Harris - has had a Dark Night of the Soul - as have I. Emily shares with us her journey and some beautiful tips on how if you are experiencing one too you can gently ease your way through it to greater connection and joy on the other side.  

  • Jacqueline Teej on Master of One (E161)

    12/08/2020 Duración: 31min

    Wouldn’t it be nice to have a map that you could refer to when it comes to finding your divine soul purpose in life and walking a truth path of empowerment and sovereignty. special guest on The Priestess Podcast today - Jacqueline Teej - has created one. It’s called The Soul Map and is the heart of her latest book ‘Master of One.’ You’re soon to find out that Jacqueline would be the last person to suggest that this map is a one size fits all approach to our spiritual journeys. There is of course no such thing. However her work in spiritual awakenings and journeys is filled with practical support for those of us on this sometimes beautiful, but also sometimes challenging and messy path. And let’s face it...sometimes we can do with all the help we can get right? Right!

  • George Lizos on The Pagan Priest (E160)

    05/08/2020 Duración: 30min

    My guest on The Priestess Podcast today, George Lizos, is SUCH a joy. An author, spiritual teacher, podcast host and Pagan Priest, George shares with us his passion for lightwork and lightworkers and his new book ‘Lightworkers Gotta Work.’ George also opens up about his journey to becoming a Pagan Priest and discovering he was gay, as well as his special affinity to the Isle of Avalon and Glastonbury and his Goddess experiences there. I am certain that George is going to touch your heart as he did mine in this special episode today.

  • Asha Frost on Sacred Medicine Ways (E159)

    29/07/2020 Duración: 31min

    My guest on The Priestess Podcast today is the extraordinarily special Indigenous Medicine Healer Asha Frost. Asha is a descendent of the Ojibwe people and was deeply initiated onto a healing path when she was diagnosed with a chronic illness in her teens. In this interview Asha shares with us her belief that we are all our own greatest healers, the important first step to take in finding your own healer within, and her thoughts on the future of Indigenous medicine and sacred ways throughout the world. She also shares with us the vital importance of non-Indigenous people not taking aspects of Indigenous culture and using them in healing ways without being committed to understanding the full culture, stories and impacts of colonisation and white supremacy as they do. This is a beautiful, powerful and reverent interview that touched my heart. I am sure it will yours too.

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