The Priestess Podcast



The Priestess Podcast shares inspirational interviews and intimate conversations about all things Divine Feminine, Goddess Culture, Women's Spirituality and Soulful Business. Listen in to some of the world's great spiritual thought leaders, authors and speakers with your host Priestess Julie Parker.


  • Jema Lee on Ancestral Health (E198)

    02/06/2021 Duración: 30min

    If you are a regular listener of The Priestess Podcast then you will know that I am a big believer in the power of all things ancient and ancestral. Our past and the past of others has so much to teach us about ourselves in a modern context - everything from how we relate to each other, how things like the patriarchy impacts us, spiritual traditions and more. Part of that ‘more’ is our health and wellbeing and my guest today - Jema Lee - is passionate about the wisdom of the ancient world and things related to that such as ancestral health, nature based healing and tapping into the wisdom and medicine of our cyclical selves. She’s a passionate guide and here to share with us today the power of the ancient world when it comes to our health and wellbeing and the connection of those things to our own spiritual journeys through life.

  • Rachael Kable on Mindfulness (E197)

    26/05/2021 Duración: 30min

    My guest on The Priestess Podcast today is the beautiful and soulful top ranking podcast host, author and mindfulness expert Rachael Kable. Rachael discovered mindfulness at a time in her life when she was experiencing challenging thoughts and feelings that were taking her out of the present moment and either focusing on her past, or projecting her into the future and a space of being where things were even yet to happen. And if you’ve had thoughts like that then you will relate. I think we all can in so many ways. Rachael guides us today on what mindfulness is, it’s connection to self-compassion and our spirituality and how to gently begin to cultivate it. And slowing down as a part of this? Oh yes please.

  • Laura Banks on Shine and Be Seen! (E196)

    19/05/2021 Duración: 30min

    Can you relate to any of the following things dear listener…? You want to be seen but you don’t. You want to draw people towards you and your work but you don’t want to be judged or criticised. You want to put yourself out there in a big and bold way but you don’t want to make a mistake. You want more followers on social media but you don’t want to have to share everything about your life. I think that many of us can relate to at least some of these things and I know I certainly have before. On the surface it can seem such a simple and even easy thing as a human being - just make yourself visible. Be seen. Get out there. But it not’s that easy right? Right. Many of us have fears and concerns about what it means to be more visible and more often than not those fears are ones of our own creation. My brilliant guest on The Priestess Podcast today is Life and Business Coach Laura Banks and she’s here to break this down for us in a soulful but also practical way that’s going to help you shine and be seen before yo

  • Julie Parker on The Power of Your Fears (E195)

    12/05/2021 Duración: 28min

    Host of The Priestess Podcast Julie Parker shares in this solo episode about the very real and even very helpful power of your fears. Those fears that hold us back, keep us small, have us hide and stop ourselves from being and shining in our full light. What are they really about? Could they be something more than a voice or feeling that stops us from doing and being what we truly want to do and be? Could their meaning be deeper than that and in fact a sign that we are on the threshold of something amazing? Imagine that...

  • Erika Cramer on Queen Confidence (E194)

    05/05/2021 Duración: 32min

    Sometimes when we talk about things like developing confidence and sovereignty and being in charge of our own life, the narrative around that can make it sound somewhat easy. Make this decision! Change your mindset! Choose a different path! And while all of those things, and many more, may indeed help, it does not mean that the changes or transitions or releasing they require are actually easy, or feel great all the time. My guest on The Priestess Podcast today, Erika Cramer, is known as the Queen of Confidence and her spin on confidence is that it does NOT always feel great to develop it. Developing confidence and being the Queen of your own life can at times mean making tough decisions, shaking in your boots, needing to push through something and change old habits and stories you’ve comfortably held on to for a long time. The great news is however that on the other side and through such times is a renewed or even newly found sense of self that will place you at the centre of your own life and confidently kn

  • Majo Molfino on The Good Girl Myth (E193)

    28/04/2021 Duración: 29min

    If you are anything like me, then you grew up in a household where you were told that being a ‘good girl’ was very important. And in fact, it was the most important thing you could be and along with it all things such as sweet, giving, forgiving and more. My guest on The Priestess Podcast today, Majo Molfino, is here to share with us about this good girl myth and how it can be damaging to our soul purpose, vitality, and how we show up in the world everyday. Majo also reassures us that the good girl way of being has its advantages, especially when we are children, but the key is to be discerning now and truly work out how it may be holding us back from our fullest potential and having vibrant relationships with those around us.

  • Terri Cole on Self-Determined Boundaries (E192)

    21/04/2021 Duración: 29min

    Boundaries. Hmmmm. We all need them right? We know they are a good thing. That in fact they can elevate our life, confidence, relationships and so much more. But knowing such things and actually implementing them as a conscious practice into our being and world, is a whole other thing all together. My guest on The Priestess Podcast today is psychotherapist Terri Cole, and she’s here to guide us into a new relationship with boundaries, one that is sovereign, self-determined and has our spiritual selves and health at the core. If you are someone who struggles to set and maintain positive boundaries for yourself in your life this one is a must. And may indeed even be life changing.

  • Elaine So on Inner Revolution (E191)

    14/04/2021 Duración: 30min

    There comes a time for all of us in our lives where we may need to undergo a complete inner transformation or even clean out of some kind. In fact, we may need to undergo or do such a thing many times. My Priestess Podcast guest today, Elaine So, calls this an inner revolution, and she has made it part of her life’s work to support women undergoing this transition. Elaine speaks to us today about this revolutionary undertaking and how it involves de-conditioning, curiosity, awareness, tapping into our intuition and even developing our psychic abilities. And she beautifully describes as well how when even just one of us undergoes inner revolution, we create the conditions collectively for it to be possible for us all.

  • Lee Noto on The High Priestess Archetype (E190)

    07/04/2021 Duración: 31min

    My guest on The Priestess Podcast today, Lee Noto, believes there is a High Priestess in all of us. Now that may feel or seem hard to believe for some of you which I fully appreciate, but when you listen in to Lee and her own priestess journey and her embodiment of this archetype in life, sexuality, health, creativity and life purpose, I have a feeling you may just see a little bit - or even a lot of yourself - in her words. Let’s dive into the deep and rich world of the High Priestess Archetype.

  • Megan Fraser on Medieval Magick (E189)

    31/03/2021 Duración: 28min

    Megan Fraser (Priestess Moon) is a Western Australian artist and author. Her work is designed to impart a sense of enchantment, and she has five solo exhibitions to her name as well as numerous group exhibitions. Renowned for being colourful, decorative and highly symbolic, her work brings universal symbols into a modern context. Priestess Moon’s works have strong links to illuminated manuscripts, herbal codex and magickal grimoires. Containing special symbols that act as energy tools, the artwork is designed to evoke certain qualities such as peace, protection and prosperity. The addition of gold leaf to many of her paintings enhances the meaning, luminosity and beauty of the pieces.

  • Julie Parker on The Spiritual Lessons of Discomfort (E188)

    24/03/2021 Duración: 31min

    Host of The Priestess Podcast Julie Parker shares in this solo episode the spiritual (and life) lessons that can reveal themselves to us when we feel uncomfortable. No one necessarily enjoys feeling uncomfortable, but within the experience there can be so many lessons for us about self-care, perfectionism, tolerance and grace. Where do we project? Where do we overreact? Where do we bypass? Where do we bury? And what are the genuine benefits not just for us as an individual, but indeed all of humanity that can be found within the lessons of discomfort? They are absolutely there if we are open to them.

  • Sahara Rose on Your Soul Purpose (E187)

    17/03/2021 Duración: 29min

    Is your soul purpose in life all about what you do? Who you are? A combination of both? Or maybe even neither? Such are the questions of life, love and the Universe that we are exploring today on The Priestess Podcast with my guest Sahara Rose. Sahara’s take on your life legacy and what you are truly here to unveil about yourself in your life and spiritual journey is filled with wisdom. She also shares with us more about her own ancestral lineage as a daughter of refugees and how that still impacts her work today. It’s a refreshing and uplifting conversation on the true essence of your dharma and soul purpose.

  • Trudi Lebron on Fear, Failure and Social Justice (E186)

    10/03/2021 Duración: 30min

    Why are people so afraid of being anti-racist? How can that be the case when it is something that so many of us desire to do? This is the question we explore deeply on The Priestess Podcast today with my guest diversity, equity and inclusion coach Trudi Lebron. You are about to dive into fear, failure, perfectionism, white supremacy, oppressive systems, busting out of the good girl persona and learning to be accepting of discomfort and getting things wrong. It’s only when we do so that we can hope to address our own bias, embrace matters of social justice as a part of our spiritual path  and create the world we all long for. A world that is steeped in humanity, inclusion and equity for all.

  • Nadine McNeil on The Universal Empress (E185)

    03/03/2021 Duración: 28min

    Get ready to be inspired by Yogi and Global Empress Nadine McNeil, joining us all the way from Jamaica on The Priestess Podcast today. In this deep and soulful conversation Nadine shares with us what it means to her to walk through the world with the title of and embodiment of the empress archetype, her sacred spiritual practices, the courage and transition we have all moved through in these difficult global times over the past year (and continuing) and her commitment to the democratisation of yoga. We go here. We go there. We go everywhere. There are some chats and interviews that just through their own spirit and magick - cannot be contained or held in one space - and this is one of them. Leaning into the power of Nadine you will soon see why.

  • Thais Sky on The Worthiness Wound (E184)

    24/02/2021 Duración: 36min

    You are worthy. This I know. But do you know it? My amazing guest on The Priestess Podcast today is Thais Sky and she is devoted to supporting women around the world with something she calls ‘The Worthiness Wound.’ It is a wound that many of us can hold deep within and it impacts how we see ourselves, relate to others, love, work and transition through life. The good news is that any worthiness wound you may carry can be healed, and Thais is with us today to inspire us to release shame, what is holding us back, and how we can challenge any individually held notions or oppressive systems that have us captive to a worthiness wound. There is life beyond - well beyond - this wound for us all.

  • Stacey Demarco on The Modern Witch (E183)

    17/02/2021 Duración: 29min

    The impact that Stacey Demarco has had in the international realm of modern witchcraft cannot be underestimated. She is an international best selling author, oracle card creator, speaker and metaphysicist who after finding herself very successful but unfulfilled corporate career, embraced her Pagan nature and love of the natural world to bring forth her gifts as a witch. The thing I love most about Stacey is how truly grounded and practical she is, something that you will soon learn about her in this interview. She is nothing if not straight up, devoted to spiritual practice that is reality based and desiring of the world of modern witchcraft to serve the collective from the inside of our own souls and healing needs - out.

  • Annie Gichuru on The Power of Your Story (E182)

    10/02/2021 Duración: 31min

    Many times when we think of stories, I often wonder if our mind wanders to children and our experiences of being a child hearing or reading stories, or maybe reading a story to a child now. We don’t often stop to consider how powerful stories are for us as adults and what role they may play in our own lives, spiritual development, journeying and connection with others. My guest on The Priestess Podcast today - Annie Gichuru - is a very special story teller. She is shifting the paradigm of storytelling in the modern world, particularly when it comes to uplifting and sharing the stories of migrant women of colour. Annie is refreshing and bold in her storytelling and always brings creative flare to her sharings. Get ready for her special wisdom and call to connect in with the power of your own story.

  • Natalie Miles on Intuitive Power (E181)

    03/02/2021 Duración: 30min

    You are intuitive. You know that right? Even if your intuition may feel distant to you or even a bit ‘off’ at times, or even many times, you still are an intuitive soul. We all are in our own way. And it is the amazing work of my guest today on The Priestess Podcast - Natalie Miles - who is making it a part of her life’s work to ensure that you not only know this about yourself, but should you desire, you cultivate it deeply as well. And for any of you who know what it is like to be very attuned with your intuition and soul voice you will know that it is very much something that can support your own power, personal sovereignty and decision making in the world in the very best possible way. Natalie is here with us today to support you to lean into your intuition more and indeed have it become a part of your most powerful self and way of being. 

  • Britt Deanda & Tara Schulenberg on Good Morning Intentions (E180)

    27/01/2021 Duración: 31min

    Do you have a morning routine or practice that you know deeply serves you? Or are maybe trying to establish one for yourself? If so then you will love my guests on The Priestess Podcast today - Britt Deanda and Tara Schulenberg. Britt and Tara share with us their very practical and down to earth wisdom on how to cultivate a start to your day that is intentional and filled with energy, grace and soul. From this place they believe you can then be at your very best throughout your day and create the type of life that is most reflective of you and any desire you may have to serve others. And the great news? The tips and suggestions that Britt and Tara share in this episode and their new book ‘Good Morning Intentions’ can be applied to any time of the day and so don’t step back if you’re not a ‘morning person’ per se. There is absolutely loving guidance here for you too! 

  • Lettie Sullivan on The Goddess Ministry (E179)

    20/01/2021 Duración: 35min

    When I first read the words ‘Goddess Ministry’ I felt transported into a beautiful world of possibility and hope - for both our present and future. I see the healing of our world to be so deeply connected to the power of people reclaiming their innately divine and spiritual nature. People who believe in community, collective care, the facing head on of injustice and inequality, and the opening of pathways for us all to heal - and compassionately witness others do the same. And so it’s not going to be a surprise to you that in finding the creatrix of The Goddess Ministry - Lettie Sullivan - that I wanted to have her as a guest on The Priestess Podcast. Lettie’s journey, work and presence is an inspiration and since we conducted this interview, I have had the joy of sitting in a virtual circle with her and soaking in her wisdom even further. Blessings to you all as we begin this 2021 year of The Priestess Podcast with this very special guest.

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