The Priestess Podcast

Asha Frost on Sacred Medicine Ways (E159)



My guest on The Priestess Podcast today is the extraordinarily special Indigenous Medicine Healer Asha Frost. Asha is a descendent of the Ojibwe people and was deeply initiated onto a healing path when she was diagnosed with a chronic illness in her teens. In this interview Asha shares with us her belief that we are all our own greatest healers, the important first step to take in finding your own healer within, and her thoughts on the future of Indigenous medicine and sacred ways throughout the world. She also shares with us the vital importance of non-Indigenous people not taking aspects of Indigenous culture and using them in healing ways without being committed to understanding the full culture, stories and impacts of colonisation and white supremacy as they do. This is a beautiful, powerful and reverent interview that touched my heart. I am sure it will yours too.