The Priestess Podcast



The Priestess Podcast shares inspirational interviews and intimate conversations about all things Divine Feminine, Goddess Culture, Women's Spirituality and Soulful Business. Listen in to some of the world's great spiritual thought leaders, authors and speakers with your host Priestess Julie Parker.


  • Amy Lea on Business Energetics (E218)

    04/05/2022 Duración: 31min

    My guest on The Priestess Podcast today - Amy Lea - is a beloved human design, astrology and energetics guide. You only have to see her Instagram account to know why this would be as you soak in her generosity, wisdom and service to her community on there. Amy is with us today to talk about business energetics as I know that many of you who listen to The Priestess Podcast own your own business or potentially desire to. Amy shares with such heart and soul about how our businesses have their own energetic blueprint and nature and how we can attune to that and our own inner world to create greater flow, connection and results in our service to the world.

  • Shannon Kaiser on Mental Health & Spirituality (E217)

    20/04/2022 Duración: 31min

    Mental health and spirituality. What is the connection? Well…some may say that’s a silly question because for those of us attuned to our spiritual nature, we know that all of life is in some way connected to every part of that. And yes, that includes the parts of our lived experience that can be and are challenging, dark, sad, frustrating and require extensive help and healing. My guest on The Priestess Podcast today - Shannon Kaiser - is a world renowned best selling author and speaker and she has also lived extensively with depression and anxiety. Shannon shares openly in this episode her own journey with her mental health and how it coincided with her spiritual awakening. It is a raw, honest and illuminating conversation that opens up these two worlds and how they can be so deeply connected.

  • Andrea Arare on Rite of Passage Ceremonies (E216)

    06/04/2022 Duración: 34min

    All of us are cycling through life in some way at every moment. We are born, we live, we die. And in between those moments we are reborn and also live and die in metaphorical ways over and over again. The times in our lives where we cross thresholds of bodily experience or living can be profound for our sense of self and connection to earth and others. Menstruation, birth, creative undertakings, illness, loss, gain, puberty, menopause and so much more. All are in their own separate, but interconnected ways rites of passage and can be honoured with beautiful and sacred ceremonies. My guest on The Priestess Podcast today - Andrea Arare - is a soulful, experienced and divine guide in the realm of rites of passage and her wisdom and passion for this area lies ahead as inspiration for you today.

  • Nikki Tegg on Goddess Rising (E215)

    23/03/2022 Duración: 29min

    Sometimes when we talk about the Goddess and her world I wonder if maybe she feels like a very far off entity and being and even feeling that is not very grounded or practical in our day to day lives. Given she has such ancient roots I can understand where this comes from but I truly believe the most powerful relationship we can develop with the Goddess - or a Goddess - is one where it shows us our full humanity and divinity and can help our lives be better in small but significant ways. My guest on The Priestess Podcast today - Nikki Tegg - has a beautiful way of relating to the Goddess and inspiring her connection with others too. Her first book ‘Goddess Rising’ is a true journey of feminine connection and beauty - and one that will awaken your inner creatrix and spiritual connection to self. 

  • Jennifer Cameron on Ancient Ways for Current Days (E214)

    09/03/2022 Duración: 30min

    I’m not kidding you when I say that my guest on The Priestess Podcast today - Jennifer Cameron - is a pioneer of the goddess spirituality movement in Australia. An historian and priestess of the Goddess for decades, Jennifer is wise, moving and heart devoted to Mother Earth which you will hear in her beautiful words ahead. Jennifer's latest book, Ancient Ways for Current Days, is a sacred balm to the patriarchal, oppressive and climate emergency laden issues we face as a collective right now. It brings to light the sacred power of matrifocal societies and how the ways of the old can be brought into these times for lasting impact and change. Get ready to be lit up and inspired into action as the sacred leader you already are with Jennifer by your side.

  • Amber Bibby on Your Aura (E213)

    23/02/2022 Duración: 31min

    Amber Bibby is an absolute delight. And I’m so excited to be bringing her to you as my guest on The Priestess Podcast today to discuss aura’s and the energetic field. When I approached Amber to be a guest on the show she very kindly said yes - and also then said if we’re going to DO this - we’re going to DO it - and as such, I want to read YOUR aura Julie. That was an offer I could not refuse, especially given I had never had my aura read before. My reading with Amber was divine, reassuring, illuminating and so much more. If you’ve always wondered what takes place inside an aura reading and what your aura actually is, Amber is here to share this with you today. I know you are going to love her as much as I do. 

  • Caroline Kell on Aboriginal Science and Stories (E212)

    09/02/2022 Duración: 30min

    Is there a connection between science, stories and even spirituality? Even if you may never have thought of those things as somehow ‘belonging’ together - they do and there is. My guest on The Priestess Podcast today - Mbarbrum woman Caroline Kell - is here to share with us the beautiful intersection of Aboriginal science and stories with a weaving of culture, community and collective togetherness as well. All of which our world is crying out for right now. Caroline’s wisdom, insight and joyful presence will inspire you - as it did and still does - me. 

  • Shirin Eskandani on Trusting Yourself (E211)

    26/01/2022 Duración: 30min

    What does it mean to truly trust ourselves? What does in fact TRUST even mean? Our first guest for 2022 on The Priestess Podcast - Shirin Eskandani - is here to intuitively guide and traverse trust terrain with us and what a perfect time to do so as we begin a new year and are tuning into our hopes and dreams for the months ahead. Shirin’s take on self-trust is divinely grounding, sacred, and also practical. Her personal journey from being an award winning opera singer to international coach is inspirational in it’s courage and wisdom and how, when we tune into our own inner guidance and trust the messages we are receiving, anything can be possible for us.

  • Julie Parker on 2021 The Priestess Podcast Year (E210)

    15/12/2021 Duración: 29min

    Host of The Priestess Podcast Julie Parker takes you on a journey of the top five most popular episodes for 2021. Who will be number one?!

  • Katherine Mackenzie Smith on Your Soul Work (E209)

    01/12/2021 Duración: 31min

    This episode of The Priestess Podcast might be about to bust a myth or belief you have wide open. And so get ready. If you think your soul work is all about what you do for a living or to earn money - my guest today Katherine Mackenzie Smith is here to lovingly challenge that notion and - put honestly - get you to think much bigger, deeper and wider about yourself and your reason for being here in this life than that. Katherine has a truly divine way of expressing the depths of what it means to be human - in all our mess, loveliness, shadow and imperfect perfection. This is a conversation that may just change your life and have you viewing what you ‘do’ and who you truly are, in a whole new light.

  • Becca Piastrelli on Root & Ritual (E208)

    17/11/2021 Duración: 30min

    First time author Becca Piastrelli is back with us on The Priestess Podcast today to talk about her divine book ‘Root & Ritual.’ This beautiful talisman of wisdom is a rich exploration of what it means to ‘belong’ as a modern human being, and guides us with practical and soulful ways to connect with land, lineage, community and self. In this episode Becca and I dive deeply into the power of understanding our inherent relationship with nature, the miracle that is our DNA and ancestry, the lush relationship between food and our spiritual connections and the archetype of the wild woman. Root & Ritual is one of my most favourite reads of the year and a divine gift for yourself or a soul you love who is in search of greater meaning and connection in their life. 

  • Alia Walston on Christ Consciousness (E207)

    03/11/2021 Duración: 30min

    The term Christ Consciousness is a relatively new one to me. And I knew the first time that I heard it, it was something I wanted to deepen into further and learn more about. Then when I found Alia Walston I knew I had found the perfect vessel to deepen with and bring to you in this episode of The Priestess Podcast. While I don’t know what your beliefs or knowledge about Christ Consciousness are - you may like me - be about to have it’s true meaning opened up to you and even challenged. What is the role of Yeshua with Christ Consciousness? Is it only about or from the Christian faith? Or is it more than that and something we all have the capacity to connect with further? Alia is about to lead you on a journey that answers all these questions - and then likely raise more for you - as a true catalyst and initiator of spirit always does.

  • Diana Dubrow on The Scent Priestess (E206)

    20/10/2021 Duración: 33min

    In continuing in this current season of The Priestess Podcast to bring you more divine guests living in the crone stage of their life, I am so thrilled to be joined in this episode by Diana DuBrow. Diana is a Scent Priestess and filled with heart and wisdom. She has been in service to the world as a priestess for more than forty years, with a particular passion for the art of essential oils, sensory acuity and anointing. Get ready to be inspired by this truly incredible woman and her passion for sisterhood, the collective, and our ongoing spiritual awakening as leaders.

  • Grace Niu on Feng Shui Serenity (E205)

    06/10/2021 Duración: 30min

    So, you may already know this - or you may not. Feng Shui is about so much more than just furniture placement in your home and office. The divine Grace Niu is sharing with us today on The Priestess Podcast about this amazingly beautiful and soul rich spiritual practice that has so many benefits for our life. Grace brings eastern and western wisdom and practice to all she does in an incredible way, and you will undoubtedly learn some things from today’s episode not just about Feng Shui, but indeed your own life and soul longings, that you might never have previously recognised. This is the beauty of listening to practising intuitive mentors and guides that are an embodiment of years of ancestral and cultural wisdom. It’s learning that you simply can’t get in the same way from anyone else.

  • Anique Radiant Heart on The Crone Priestess (E204)

    22/09/2021 Duración: 34min

    In the fast paced modern world we live in it seems sometimes as though we are always searching for something new, fresh and never before seen. Our culture is one that at times feels filled with disposables and an insatiable desire for the latest ‘thing’. And while new things can bring us so much, we surely must recognise that the old, the old ways, the ancient, the wise and wisdom filled, have deep merit too. I’ve often thought that a deep indicator of how well functioning a society is, is seen in how it treats its elderly and older citizens. The better that is, to me, the more likely enlightened that society would be. My guest on The Priestess Podcast today talking all things crone wisdom in her precious 70’s, is the extraordinary Anique Radiant Heart. Anique has been a High Priestess for decades and has inspired and worked with thousands of women around the world as they’ve been uncovering their version of this sacred leadership path. Her wisdom and humor and passion is timeless.

  • Heather Plett on Holding Space (E203)

    08/09/2021 Duración: 32min

    Holding space. I know it’s something that many of you who listen to The Priestess Podcast do whether it be as a parent, sacred space holder, coach, healer or guide. How well do you do it however? How deeply, how reverently, how present, how focused? Big questions I know but there is no one better I could think of to converse with about such things than my guest today, Heather Plett, author of ‘The Art of Holding Space’ and the Founder of the Centre for Holding Space. Heather leads us in this interview about how vital it is we learn to hold space for ourselves, what liminal space is and why it’s so important to know as a space holder, why we should be aiming to move from safe to brave spaces and the most potent step you can take right now to become a better space holder. Get ready to leave this conversation with your heart lit and ready to become better at your craft and the art of conversation with those you love.

  • Andrea Owen on Patriarchal Unlearning (E202)

    25/08/2021 Duración: 31min

    It’s well beyond time that we started to acknowledge in the self development and spiritual worlds that so much of what we may be healing and trying to work through is due to the collective oppressions we have all been living with for generations. We of course must all take responsibility for our own learning, unlearning and rising above, but when we can see that systems of oppression like the patriarchy have been designed and deliberately orchestrated to keep women and non-binary folks quiet, subjugated, lost, confused and separated from each other, we begin a path of power. My guest today Andrea Owen is here to talk about patriarchal unlearning and unravelling so we can step out, speak up and just like the title of her latest book ‘Make Some Noise.’

  • Deb Macintyre on The Shamanic Path (E201)

    11/08/2021 Duración: 30min

    Shamanism. Shamans. Shamanic practices. So many myths and mistruths and misconceptions abound about them all. And so I am absolutely thrilled to be in conversation today with Deb Macintyre on The Priestess Podcast - a Shaman by birth and royal lineage. Deb’s grounded, practical and refreshing way of speaking to these topics is going to ignite your soul - it and she did mine. I left this conversation feeling empowered and even more ready to explore my own Celtic lineage and spiritual traditions. May you take inspiration from Deb’s words to potentially do the same.

  • Julie Parker on Episode 200 Celebration (E200)

    28/07/2021 Duración: 29min

    Julie Parker on Episode 200 Celebration

  • Jonita D’souza on India and The Divine Feminine (E199)

    14/07/2021 Duración: 30min

    How someone may come to concepts in our lives such as the Divine Feminine is of course as varied as we all are. I have always had a fascination with people who have had the world of the Goddess and Divine surrounding them since birth, because it was not something that came into my own field of consciousness (even though it WAS present), until I was well into adulthood. My guest on The Priestess Podcast today, Jonita D’souza has been surrounded by the Goddess since an early age, but in a culture that she came to realise that while very leaning towards female deity worship, did not so much show that respect ongoing towards women in day to day life. Her journey as an Indian woman in this realm and her opening to the Divine Feminine at a later stage in her life is fascinating and one that I know will inspire you.

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