The Priestess Podcast

Alia Walston on Christ Consciousness (E207)



The term Christ Consciousness is a relatively new one to me. And I knew the first time that I heard it, it was something I wanted to deepen into further and learn more about. Then when I found Alia Walston I knew I had found the perfect vessel to deepen with and bring to you in this episode of The Priestess Podcast. While I don’t know what your beliefs or knowledge about Christ Consciousness are - you may like me - be about to have it’s true meaning opened up to you and even challenged. What is the role of Yeshua with Christ Consciousness? Is it only about or from the Christian faith? Or is it more than that and something we all have the capacity to connect with further? Alia is about to lead you on a journey that answers all these questions - and then likely raise more for you - as a true catalyst and initiator of spirit always does.