Connect With Rodney Cundiff



CONNECT with Rodney Cundiff is a free audio broadcast from the Sunday Talks delivered by Lead Pastor, Rodney Cundiff at the weekly gatherings of New Vision Church in San Antonio, Texas.Our vision is to CONNECT you to a GROWING RELATIONSHIP with JESUS CHRIST.We hope this teaching resource equips and empowers you to fulfill the plan God has for your life.


  • RECLAIMING MANHOOD - pt4 - Reclaiming Your Power

    30/06/2021 Duración: 01h00s

    In “Reclaiming Your Power”, Rodney shares that, in the Bible, Samson lives a life inconsistent commitment to God. He was a man used at times of God with great displays of physical strength; yet was often found to be morally a weak and spiritually frail. He struggles with sex, money, and power. Our lives much like Samson, is a life of contradictions. What God intended for us to use for good, we will often abuse, misappropriate, and misuse. A lifestyle of continual sin will leave you powerless. But, Samson’s story is one of repentance and redemption. After a season of brokenness, Samson’s heart of commitment and power returned, and you can reclaim your power too. When you humble yourself God will lift you up.

  • RECLAIMING MANHOOD - pt3 - Reclaiming Your Authority

    22/06/2021 Duración: 57min

    In “Reclaiming Your Authority”, Rodney shares that to reclaim one’s spiritual authority naturally implies at one time you had authority, but you lost authority. The Genesis account in the Bible reveals in the beginning man had been given dominion and authority from God. When mankind disobeyed God and listened to the serpent, Satan, he stole all that was good, in the garden, from mankind. Today, Satan continues to attempt to steal all that is good in your life. It is time to reclaim your authority in Christ. -You don’t have authority on your own. Authority is bestowed upon you from a higher authority - God. Because of the substitutionary sacrifice, death, and resurrection of Jesus, you can reclaim your authority in the name of Jesus Christ. The jurisdiction, reach, and scope of your authority. The Bible contains all the authority, rights, promises, privileges, responsibilities, and power vested in you, by God, through Jesus Christ. It is time for you to reclaim your authority that is contained therei

  • RECLAIMING MANHOOD - pt2 - Reclaiming Your Story

    15/06/2021 Duración: 59min

    In “Reclaiming Your Story”, Rodney shares that we shouldn’t let our past actions, circumstances, or experiences keep us from believing God is at work in our life, and reclaiming the narrative of our story. Reflecting and getting a proper perspective of our life story will help us better cope with our present circumstances and participate in God’s preferred future for our life. God is redeeming and using your personal story, the past and present, to shape your future, for the glory of God. You can be wise, wealthy, strong, handsome, talented, and a Christian, but without a proper perspective of your life story you will sense your life is meaningless - without purpose. We are sometimes discontent with our life is the beauty and glory of our life has not fully bloomed. We cannot see the whole scope of God work, activity, and redemption in our life. Your story is incomplete. God is still writing and the end will be greater than the beginning. Faith in God is the only way to find proper perspective, person

  • RECLAIMING MANHOOD - pt1 - Reclaiming Man's Purpose

    07/06/2021 Duración: 59min

    In “Reclaiming Man’s Purpose” Rodney shares that the average man doesn’t know what it means to be a “man” anymore. Males are confused about their purpose, identity, role, and significance. Manhood has become illusive to them. But, every man was made with a purpose in their heart, mind, and hand. Every person needs to know they were created for purpose and to have dominion over the garden God has placed them in. In the beginning of creation, God gave man responsibility and authority. He instructed him to provide and protect. Since the fall and initial sin of mankind, males have struggled with their understanding and ability to reigning and having dominion. Reclaiming one’s God-given manhood to reign and rule begins with first dealing with your personal unresolved sin. Sin produces death, toil, and struggle. Sin will keep you from experiencing God’s perfect purpose in your life. The first step to reclaiming your rightful position in the Kingdom of God is to come out from hiding and allow God to deal

  • EMPOWERED WITH BOLDNESS - pt1 - Empowered With Boldness

    04/06/2021 Duración: 56min

    In “Empowered With Boldness”, Rodney shares Many in Pentecostal churches mistakenly believe the baptism of the Holy Spirit is only for speaking in tongues. This is in error. Speaking in tongues is associated with Pentecost but the purpose of the infilling of believers is for empowerment to witness. In other words, this empowerment allows the believer to have supernatural boldness in sharing the message of Jesus Christ, and doing the work of the ministry. If we have ever needed the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit it is today. We need a supernatural boldness. There is a difference in the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit which takes place at the moment of salvation, and the infilling empowerment of the Holy Spirit which is a second experience. Jesus promised we would, “receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses”. Every believer should seek a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The same experience that occurred on the Day of Pentecost in the second chapt

  • THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT JESUS - pt1 - The Good News About Jesus

    07/04/2021 Duración: 55min

    In “The Good News About Jesus”, Rodney shares Jesus is more than a good teacher, or founder of a faith. Jesus did more than challenge religious systems, heal sick, deliver demoniacs, or raise up religious and cultural outcasts. Jesus did more than endure unimaginable suffering, and die on a cross. Jesus rose again, is alive and well, and preparing to return. Some people don’t fully understand the Easter story or its importance. The Spirit of God comes along side those who genuinely are curious seekers of truth. The story of Philip the evangelist and the Ethiopian eunuch allow us to see how God chases after those who are hungry to be fed spiritually. You can come to understand the truth of the gospel message in the Bible. God isn’t hiding from you; in fact, he is likely sending someone your way to share with you the good news about Jesus.

  • DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME - pt1 - Do This In Remembrance Of Me

    30/03/2021 Duración: 47min

    In “Do This In Remembrance Of Me”, Rodney shares that for Christians around the world this week is a sacred time of remembrance, reflection, receiving, and celebration. The events we remember first occurred in the context and setting of ancient Jewish culture and religious practice during the Feast of Passover. During this time, Jesus instituted a new fellowship feast that disciples of Jesus Christ were to follow. Jesus used the elements of bread and wine to represent and symbolize his body that was beaten, and blood that was shed during his crucifixion. This special ordinance of the church allows Christians to remember every time it is observed the physical death, burial, resurrection, and return of Jesus Christ. So, until Jesus Christ returns we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, and do this in remembrance of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

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