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THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT JESUS - pt1 - The Good News About Jesus



In “The Good News About Jesus”, Rodney shares Jesus is more than a good teacher, or founder of a faith. Jesus did more than challenge religious systems, heal sick, deliver demoniacs, or raise up religious and cultural outcasts. Jesus did more than endure unimaginable suffering, and die on a cross. Jesus rose again, is alive and well, and preparing to return. Some people don’t fully understand the Easter story or its importance. The Spirit of God comes along side those who genuinely are curious seekers of truth. The story of Philip the evangelist and the Ethiopian eunuch allow us to see how God chases after those who are hungry to be fed spiritually. You can come to understand the truth of the gospel message in the Bible. God isn’t hiding from you; in fact, he is likely sending someone your way to share with you the good news about Jesus.