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EMPOWERED WITH BOLDNESS - pt1 - Empowered With Boldness



In “Empowered With Boldness”, Rodney shares Many in Pentecostal churches mistakenly believe the baptism of the Holy Spirit is only for speaking in tongues. This is in error. Speaking in tongues is associated with Pentecost but the purpose of the infilling of believers is for empowerment to witness. In other words, this empowerment allows the believer to have supernatural boldness in sharing the message of Jesus Christ, and doing the work of the ministry. If we have ever needed the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit it is today. We need a supernatural boldness. There is a difference in the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit which takes place at the moment of salvation, and the infilling empowerment of the Holy Spirit which is a second experience. Jesus promised we would, “receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses”. Every believer should seek a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The same experience that occurred on the Day of Pentecost in the second chapt