

Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Take a look at your relationships.  Are you 49% of the relationship?  49% is the less then, the back seat driver, the follower, the ‘not as good as’…  Or are you 51% of the relationship?  51% is the better half, the last word, the leader by domination, the one who takes control and is responsible for carrying the load…  What does the 49/51 dynamic create in your relationships and communications?  What if you were able to step UP or DOWN to 50%?  And were willing to invite your conversation partners to be 50% as well?  Would that change anything? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how choosing to be 50% in your relationships and communications can create greater for everyone.  It’s time for 50/50 baby!