Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®



The Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast with award winning business coach Peter Boolkah (aka The Transition Guy®) will help you take control of your business (and your life) while growing and transitioning your business from one level to the next.Featuring special guests from around the world, including best-selling authors, keynote speakers, world-class coaches and business leaders, The Transition Guy® podcast is sure to give you the insights, knowledge and understanding you need to take your business leadership skills to the next level.----As a business owner, transitioning your business is all about setting and reaching your goals as well as business transition planning and process. Do you want to accomplish what you set out to do with your business? Do you have dreams of doing things other than running your current business? Could you do with some honest help and guidance to make it happen? If you answered YES then this business transition podcast is for YOU!


  • Investment Opportunities For Venture Capitalists In 2021! - 165

    09/02/2021 Duración: 08min

    What are some of the investment opportunities that are out there? Venture capitalists have been making good use of their revenue in order to invest in industries that are starting to get more popular.A lot of investment opportunities have shown themselves for a variety of companies and industries. And these organizations exhibit a lot of potential for growth in the future.There are so many new ideas that have changed the marketplace. And together with them, new payment systems have been helping with their growth.Before technology made it easy to create communities or start social networks, fewer venture capitalists were aiming for these sectors. But as more people started using things like social media and online education, investment opportunities began to show themselves. And venture capitalists have jumped on the chance to invest in startups that were organized around those areas.--------------------CONNECT WITH PETER BOOLKAH:--------------------http://www.Boolkah.com

  • Are You Buying A Business? Or Buying A Job? - 164

    02/02/2021 Duración: 06min

    When you're buying a business, it's important to understand what the business is about. You need to take your time, do due diligence, and make sure that you choose the right business for you.You'll have to learn how to market yourself as a business owner, and you might find yourself stuck with having to work 24/7 just to make sure the business stays afloat.You could end up buying a job and working yourself to exhaustion without having the chance to enjoy what you're actually doing with your investment.Think of it this way - are you really buying a business? Or are you just buying more work?In this video, I'll tell you more about the things you should consider before buying a business, and why it's important to practice due diligence before making any commitments.--------------------CONNECT WITH PETER BOOLKAH:--------------------http://www.Boolkah.com

  • 12 Lessons From Bill Gates That Are Life-Changing! - 163

    26/01/2021 Duración: 11min

    Today I'd like to share my takeaways and lessons from Bill Gates derived from the past year. Despite everything that's happened, have you been feeling gratitude for what humanity has accomplished?Everyone is so busy with making a profit and being individually successful that we have a tendency to forget our essence as human beings.We forget that with unity and working together, we can accomplish so much!Despite being faced with something that threatened our survival, one thing we can be proud of is how we've been pulling through so far.And with all the advancements we've made in the previous year alone in terms of medicine, it begs the question, what other goals can we accomplish by working together?--------------------CONNECT WITH PETER BOOLKAH:--------------------http://www.Boolkah.com PETER BOOLKAH--------------------Peter Boolkah (AKA

  • Bad Leadership In Action: Donald Trump’s Pardons -- 162

    19/01/2021 Duración: 07min

    Being a leader means setting a good example for others to follow. On the other hand, bad leadership can have a corrosive influence on an organization. Take Donald Trump, for example.Every outgoing president has certain privileges when it comes to granting pardons; however, Trump’s use of pardons can only lead one to question his character.Paul Manafort was convicted for meddling in the 2016 elections; Roger Stone was convicted for lying to Congress about Hilary Clinton's leaked emails; Charles Kushner was convicted and sentenced to two years in prison for tax evasion.Then there's the Blackwater contractors who were involved in the 2007 Fallujah massacre, and Michael Flynn, who was convicted for election tampering.It is simply bad leadership to give these convicted individuals pardons. But it’s not just Donald Trump who engages in nepotism, nor does it only take place in the political sphere. Being a leader in business carries its own responsibilities, it’s privileges, and pitfalls. For example, when

  • Why Arcadia Group Couldn't Find a Buyer --TTG155

    08/12/2020 Duración: 10min

    Why Arcadia Group Couldn't Find a Buyer

  • Preparing For A Future Workplace (95% Of Us Will Need To Retrain) --TTG153

    24/11/2020 Duración: 05min

    How would you feel if you heard that 95 percent of people will need employee retraining? At first I was quite skeptical of that claim, but the truth is that the future workplace could look very different than what we have now.To me, the claim sounded like an exaggeration. But the last two months have made me understand that this could, in fact, be true. The reason is that the way that we're working has changed. A lot of people are waiting for the world to bounce back to normal. But the reality is that normal probably isn’t going to come rushing back anytime soon.So, we’re going to have to adapt and pivot.I have a lot of clients that didn't want to do virtual meetings for the longest time. They were accustomed to the personal interactions, and I don’t blame them.But the future workplace will be different and employee retraining is going to be a necessary part of that transition. My own switch to a completely online way of doing things meant that I had to teach myself new things.When I first started c

  • When Not To Pivot Your Business (Change Isn’t Always Good!) --TTG152

    17/11/2020 Duración: 04min

    Business changes are not always good. That’s why it’s important to know when to pivot your business and when not to.You see, “pivot” is probably one of the most overused, overrated words of 2020. When the pandemic hit, everyone said “you've got to pivot.” The problem is, I saw too many businesses become unfocused because they were just changing out of pure panic. When you've got no data, how do you know what you're pivoting to? Of course, some businesses had no choice but to pivot for survival. But it's important to think about the long term consequences that may occur when you pivot your business. Any business changes that you make now are going to affect the trajectory of your business.I recently did some work with a company, and their board had told them to diversify. I asked them what their market share was. When they told me they had under 5 percent of the market share, I was floored. When you have only 5 percent of the market share, it shows that people out there don't know abou

  • Business Hierarchy Of Needs - Applying Maslow's Pyramid To YOUR Business! --TTG151

    10/11/2020 Duración: 06min

    Today I want to draw parallels between Maslow's hierarchy of needs and a business hierarchy of needs. How does Maslow's pyramid apply to your business?Well, as I'm sure you remember from school, Maslow's hierarchy of needs outlines the five different tiers of needs we have as human beings. At the bottom we have physiological needs, above which we have safety needs, then psychological needs, then esteem needs and at the very top of the pyramid are self-actualization needs.What's interesting amidst all the turmoil and hurt right now is that a lot of businesses have completely lost focus of where their customers are. They're seemingly oblivious to the fact that business needs and priorities have changed.It's all well and good putting out marketing or promotional material that's aspirational and targeting self-esteem needs ("you can be what you want to be", "you can do what you want to do"), but right now are lot of people and businesses are in turmoil.

  • 3 Day Employment Probation (& Why That’s All You Should Need) --TTG150

    03/11/2020 Duración: 06min

    For help with your cash flow, check out the FREE webinar: the community at: you enjoy this video, PLEASE SUBSCRIBEIn this video, I want to talk to you about employment probation. Specifically, are we using these probationary periods to compensate for a bad employee recruitment process? When I started working, we had a three-week probationary period. I wasn't hired on core values; they just hired me and gave me a trial period. It was very hit and miss. It was all about getting people through the door and trying them out. In the 1980's this approach was common because there were plenty of people to hire. What people didn't consider was the financial impact on the business. It was just an accepted part of the process back then. The reality is that this kind of employment probation is no longer a viable option. In the last thirty years it's amazing how our understanding has developed. Part of the employee recruitment proces

  • Indecision Kills Business (Why You Have to Make Business Decisions TODAY!) --TTG149

    27/10/2020 Duración: 07min

    ⭐ For help with your cash flow, check out the FREE webinar:⭐ Join our community at: a business owner, learning how to deal with indecision is crucial, especially during times of crisis and change. It’s your responsibility to make business decisions even if the future is uncertain. Failing to do anything is often the worst thing you can do.During April and May of 2020, we started to see lockdowns happen. We had mixed information coming in, and the government (at least in the UK) was not adequately addressing the problem. During the lockdowns, the world came to a standstill. Business owners panicked.Now, there's naturally going to be a period of indecision when something like this occurs. Many businesses watched things unfold before acting. Many people started hoping for a bounce back. Then, the three-week lockdown became three months. Finally, restrictions were lifted and things opened up, albeit in a different manner.The rea

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