Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

Preparing For A Future Workplace (95% Of Us Will Need To Retrain) --TTG153



How would you feel if you heard that 95 percent of people will need employee retraining? At first I was quite skeptical of that claim, but the truth is that the future workplace could look very different than what we have now.To me, the claim sounded like an exaggeration. But the last two months have made me understand that this could, in fact, be true. The reason is that the way that we're working has changed. A lot of people are waiting for the world to bounce back to normal. But the reality is that normal probably isn’t going to come rushing back anytime soon.So, we’re going to have to adapt and pivot.I have a lot of clients that didn't want to do virtual meetings for the longest time. They were accustomed to the personal interactions, and I don’t blame them.But the future workplace will be different and employee retraining is going to be a necessary part of that transition. My own switch to a completely online way of doing things meant that I had to teach myself new things.When I first started c