Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

Bad Leadership In Action: Donald Trump’s Pardons -- 162



Being a leader means setting a good example for others to follow. On the other hand, bad leadership can have a corrosive influence on an organization. Take Donald Trump, for example.Every outgoing president has certain privileges when it comes to granting pardons; however, Trump’s use of pardons can only lead one to question his character.Paul Manafort was convicted for meddling in the 2016 elections; Roger Stone was convicted for lying to Congress about Hilary Clinton's leaked emails; Charles Kushner was convicted and sentenced to two years in prison for tax evasion.Then there's the Blackwater contractors who were involved in the 2007 Fallujah massacre, and Michael Flynn, who was convicted for election tampering.It is simply bad leadership to give these convicted individuals pardons. But it’s not just Donald Trump who engages in nepotism, nor does it only take place in the political sphere. Being a leader in business carries its own responsibilities, it’s privileges, and pitfalls. For example, when