Akin For The Truth

Episode 206: Woodpecker - Amazing Demonstration of Design



Not too long ago we noticing some interesting, specialized examples of irreducible complexities found in the bombardier beetle, beaver, giraffe and the fruitfly. We also briefly discussed the woodpecker. Let's look today a little close at this very special bird. The woodpecker has a specialized tongue in a tough beak with a sharp point; a shock absorbing tissue behind the bill; a tough, double reinforced skull; a stiff tail for bracing itself; strong leg muscles to hold on; and special four-clawed feet to give added support. The woodpecker can hammer at a tree with a force of over 1000 Gs; 300 times greater than the effect that pushes our astronauts on lift off. For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon  called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and . For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone