Conversation Street



An unofficial podcast for the long-running British soap, Coronation Street.


  • Conversation Street Episode 601

    11/11/2023 Duración: 02h48min

    In our latest episode of the podcast, we chat about what went on in Weatherfield between the 6th and the 10th November 2023 (Episodes #11103 - 11108). We love a hyped up, 'special' week of Corrie as much as the next fan, but sometimes, an episode comes along out of the blue that completely catches you off guard and blows you away with its unexpected brilliance, and Friday's trip to Weatherfield was absolutely that. Throughout the story of Paul's heartbreaking decline, Corrie has made sure to retain the lighthearted, comedic touches to balance out the darkness, and the combination of Billy and Paul's bath-time escapade and Bernie and Abi's dimly lit chat at No. 5 delivered in spades - a delight to watch and discuss for this episode of the podcast! There were other stories too this week, of course - the factory strike was a nice callback to the days of Ida Clough and co downing tools to stick it to Baldwin, and Mason is proving to be a very watchable baddie in Dylan's bullying storyline - but it's the MND story

  • Gordon Clegg Character Profile

    09/11/2023 Duración: 01h15min

    For this week's bonus podcast, we chat about the character of Gordon Clegg, following the recent passing of actor Bill Kenwright. Gordon may only have been in just over 100 episodes of Corrie over the years, but with appearances stretching between 1968 and 2012, you could certainly say he was one of the show's longest-running characters. Plus, he was the centre of one of Weatherfield's most scandalous stories of the 70s... so of course, there's plenty for us to sink our teeth into!

  • Conversation Street Episode 600

    04/11/2023 Duración: 03h10s

    On the 600th edition of the podcast, we chat about what went on in Weatherfield between the 30th October and the 3rd November (Episodes #11097 - 11102). Did anyone else absolutely love Monday's episode? The Halloween party at the Bistro, Peter and Audrey's reconciliation chat, Tim and Steve's fishing trip.. a script that ticked all the right boxes for what Corrie should be, as far as we're concerned. The rest of the week was more so-so (we did have to sit through more of the Stu and Eliza story after all), but the focus on Daniel piecing together the clues about Ryan and Daisy's time at the hotel definitely helped keep things interesting for the most part. As well as that, we had Courtney's abrupt dumping of Aadi (though Michael was sure something more sinister was afoot!), a couple of cute scenes between Sam and Hope and even little bit more Toyah - who Simon DEFINITELY seems to suspect is having an affair with Peter... All in all, it gave us plenty to chat about! Up next on the podcast is The Kabin, where w

  • Corrie’s Grisliest Kills - Our Tier List

    31/10/2023 Duración: 01h45min

    In this special episode streamed live on YouTube, we ranked all of Corrie's kills by just how gruesome and grisly they are - perfect for Halloween night! Over the years, Coronation Street has seen bludgeonings, stabbings, drownings, hole punchings.... and that's not even half of it! We had a great time recording this live, so please do head over to YouTube to get the full experience here!

  • Conversation Street Episode 599

    27/10/2023 Duración: 02h38min

    On our latest podcast, we share our thoughts on the episodes of Corrie shown between the 23rd and the 25th October (Episodes #11091 - 11096). Poor old DS Swain, eh? Two hot leads this week - one after a massive wodge of cash mysteriously appears in Michael's bag and another when the perp is literally seen running into someone with his car and killing them - and both walk away scot free! Yes, the debate about just how much guilt Peter should be feeling about seeing off Stephen continues to rage on this week, but even though it looks like the police won't be punishing him this time, he certainly seems to be giving himself a good flogging in his own mind... Also this week, Sam invites Hope to the Bistro's Halloween do, Courtney continues to duck out of anything that seems remotely like work, and Ryan and Daisy manage to avoid giving into their carnal desires... but for how long? There's sad news in the Kabin as we chat about the news that Corrie alumnus Bill Kenwright has passed away, and we finish off the show

  • Todd Boyce Interview

    24/10/2023 Duración: 56min

    For this episode of the podcast, we chat to Stephen Reid actor Todd Boyce, who tells us about what it was like to play the show's latest serial killer, from bashing Teddy over the head with a hole punch to drowning Rufus in the swimming pool - including how the original plans for the drowning scene were actually quite different! And in case you're wondering, yes - we make sure to get time for a bit of bin chat too!

  • Conversation Street Episode 598

    21/10/2023 Duración: 03h10min

    On our latest podcast, we chat about the aftermath of last week's Super Soap Week, covering what went on in Weatherfield between the 16th to the 18th October (Episodes #11085 - 11090). With Stephen now zipped up in a body bag and the finger of blame pointing squarely at Peter, the question on everyone's lips is, 'Should he be punished for taking a murderer's life?' There's no denying that Stephen had dropped the bottle before Peter accelerated towards him, but that certainly doesn't mean it's a cut and dry case for Swain and co - and it's great how much it's got the fans talking too! Also this week, Daisy finally drops her drawers for Ryan - it seemed inevitable, but we're certainly not happy about it! Meanwhile, Ed resorts to desperate measures to get his hands on some cash, and Lee lurches off from Shuttleworth's after a slip of the tongue from George - alas, we hardly knew ye! In the Kabin, we chat to a Corrie viewer who was at the fan event with Todd Boyce last week, and share our thoughts on the excellen

  • Stephen Reid Character Profile

    19/10/2023 Duración: 02h27min

    Love him or hate him, Stephen Reid and his bumbling string of murders have certainly been the hottest topic on the lips of Corrie viewers for the past year or so, and now that his time on the show has finally come to an end, we take the opportunity to take a look back at his full story. From his early days as the suave businessman who caught Alma Baldwin's eye in the mid-90s to the killer Canuck of modern day Corrie, Stephen has certainly been on quite a journey - especially for a character who's been in fewer than 300 episodes in total! Were there any hints back in his early days that he could eventually turn to the dark side? Do we buy his excuse that he just wanted his mother's approval? What were our favourite Stephen moments from the past year - and what didn't work so well for us? We discuss all this and much, much more in our latest character profile!

  • Coronation Street Episode 597

    14/10/2023 Duración: 03h41min

    In our latest podcast, we chat about what went down on the cobbles between the 9th and the 13th October (Episodes #11079 - 11084). Super Soap Week is here again, and this year they're dedicated to the demise of Corrie's killer Canuck, Stephen Reid. Going into the week, everyone had the same question on their lips: who was going to be Stephen's final victim? Though we must admit we were somewhat disappointed the answer turned out to be Rufus, we still had a blast watching this week's episodes, and the misdirection and twists that Corrie continued to throw at us over the course of the week certainly kept us on our toes! Will Tim be found before it's too late? Did Stephen have a fitting end? Will Peter become the latest of Ken's kids to get away with murder? Buckle up as we discuss these questions and much, much more! After a particularly length Street Talk segment, we quickly bash through some ex-cast member related news stories in The Kabin, then end the show by hearing some listeners' early reactions to this

  • Our Top 5 People Stephen Should Have Killed

    12/10/2023 Duración: 01h34min

    For this week's bonus podcast, we've borrowed the format we use for our Patreon exclusive episodes each month and are counting down our individual Top 5 characters Stephen Reid should have killed off. Now obviously, at the time of recording, there's still scope for him to claim another victim, so we've decided not to include anyone on our list who we think actually has a realistic chance of getting bumped off this week, however small. (Plus we thought that if the likes of Elaine or Tim were on the longlist, the pair of us would probably end up making very similar choices!) With that in mind, we've decided to throw the doors right open and choose from ANY other character on the show we'd like to see the back of at the hands of Corrie's latest serial killer - and of course explain why! Not only that, but we've also plotted out the scenarios by which they'd meet their sticky end, so if you like a bit of fan fiction, this episode should be right up your street!

  • Conversation Street Episode 596

    07/10/2023 Duración: 03h27min

    In our latest episode of the podcast, we chat about the goings on in Weatherfield between the 2nd and the 4th October (Episodes #11073 - 11078). Twenty years to the week after Todd's famous 'wrong move' that saw him attempt to kiss Nick, Coronation Street finally had its first gay wedding day this week (or at least the first that didn't end in a jilting or a pesky factory roof landing on one half of the couple's head..). Despite the tragic fact that this marriage can't possibly end happily ever after due to Paul's condition, the day itself was joyous, and the resultant fallout between Billy and the Church led to some great discussion on the podcast too! We also had a fair bit to say about the marketing of vapes to children too, as Corrie begins its latest teen bullying / peer pressure story focusing on Liam, Dylan and new bad boy Mason. Also this week, a few unlikely coincidences (that are actually ten a penny on Corrie, to be fair) lead to Stephen realising that he needs to leave Weatherfield ASAP, Aadi's hi

  • Candice Stowe Character Profile

    05/10/2023 Duración: 59min

    For this week's bonus episode, we chat about crimper to the Quo, Candice Stowe. A regular on Coronation Street for six years in the early 2000s, Candice was definitely more of a side character than someone who had big stories to herself, but she still had her moments, as we discovered when putting together this profile! Of course, actress Nikki Sanderson is probably better known now for her much lauded role in Hollyoaks, but if you want to know where she got started in the business, the full story's all here!

  • Conversation Street Episode 595

    29/09/2023 Duración: 02h59min

    On our latest episode of the podcast, we chat about what went on in Weatherfield between the 25th and the 27th September (Episodes #11067 - 11072). It's last orders in the Rovers this week as Jenny and co are turfed onto the cobbles by their new bosses at Waterford. Even though we're feeling pretty damn sure most things will be going right back to the status quo before too long, Corrie still did a great job of keeping us gripped this week - and of course the fact that Stephen is also involved can only be a good thing in our book! Elsewhere on the cobbles, Paul has a bit of a spiritual revelation at Shelley's funeral, and with the Bistro all booked up for Monday, surely, SURELY nothing can get in the way of Corrie finally having its first gay wedding? Also this week, the truth about Ryan's O-vidz double life comes out (much to Sean's excitement!), Dev and Darren spectacularly fail to split up Aadi and Courtney, and Cassie proves to be quite the asset at the garage!  Up next, it's the Kabin, where we celebrate

  • Conversation Street Episode #594

    23/09/2023 Duración: 03h35min

    In our latest edition of Conversation Street, we chat about what went on in Corrie between the 18th and the 20th September (Episodes #11061 - 11066). The walls are closing in on Stephen this week as Ed unearths Leo's surprisingly verdant corpse at the dig site. Are we seeing the beginning of the end for the killer Canadian, and will he be able to squeeze in one more victim before he succumbs to soap justice? We run down the possible candidates and make our predictions... Also this week, Paul and Billy's stag night (afternoon) ends in sadness when Bernie reveals what's happened to Shelley - she sure can choose her moments, can't she? Meanwhile, Ryan resorts to desperate measures to keep that sweet, sweet O-vidz cash coming in, and Todd begins to realise that working for Rest Easy is actually anything but... If you've been following our socials, you'll have seen that the reason for our late upload this week was because Gemma had to have her appendix out on Monday morning, and she's been a little bit knackered!

  • Conversation Street Episode 593

    16/09/2023 Duración: 02h41min

    In our latest podcast, we have a good old natter about what went on in Corrie between the 11th and the 15th September (Episodes #11055 - 11060). It was a bit of a mixed bag this week, we thought, with a few great shocks and surprises sitting alongside some plots that really struggled to engage us - chief among which was the Stu and Eliza story. A stroppy pre-teen, a deadbeat dad trying to sell his daughter, a tussle with a copper leading to a character's brief arrest.. it all kind of feels like it has been done before, and with characters we cared more about, too! On the flip side, though, you've got Paul's continuing decline and that gut punch of an ending to Friday's episode - Peter Ash's performance continues to really impress us, and we're sure there are more heartbreaking scenes to come! Also this week, Dee-Dee goes on a date, the truth is out about Aadi and Courtney and Roy finds himself with a new house guest! There are a couple of big talking points in The Kabin this week, as Coronation Street announc

  • Sue Devaney On Stage!

    13/09/2023 Duración: 54min

    Last weekend, we travelled up north for a couple of days to see Sue Devaney perform in her one-woman show, Didn't You Used To Be Somebody?, which was performed at HOME as part of Manchester's first annual Recoverist month. While we were there, we also popped into a few Corrie filming locations we hadn't visited before and even stopped off at a cafe run by Simon Gregson's wife! A busy old weekend, then, and we had a great time chatting over our favourite moments!

  • Conversation Street Episode 592

    08/09/2023 Duración: 02h38min

    On our latest podcast, we chat about the episodes of Coronation Street shown between the 4th and the 7th September (Episodes #11049 - 11054). There's a whole lot of fighting between Cassie and Evelyn this week, as mother and daughter vie for Tyrone's trust. Can Evelyn convince him that his mum's a wrong'un, and can we believe a single word that comes out of Cassie's mouth? Meanwhile, there's a three-way tussle of a different kind over at the precinct this week as Max is pursued by Lauren and Sabrina. Has Lauren really changed her ways and repented for what she has done in the past? Come to think of it, has Max? Also this week, Henry attempts a grand gesture in the hope of whisking Gemma off her feet, Ed does his best to risk temptation and Courtney's back - and can't keep her hands off Aadi! In The Kabin, we mourn the loss of one of Corrie's greatest ever scriptwriters, John Stevenson, and we finish off the show with more of your feedback. Street Talk - 00:15:10 The Kabin - 01:59:39 Feedback - 02:26:57

  • George Banks Interview

    07/09/2023 Duración: 30min

    This week, after an all too brief return to the cobbles, Henry Newton bowed out of the show once more following a brutal rejection from Gemma. For this week's bonus podcast, we sat with actor George Banks to chat about what it was like to step back into Henry's shoes after five years, ponder how the character has changed since we last saw him, and quiz him about why on earth Henry would employ someone like Gemma as his PA!

  • Conversation Street Episode 591

    02/09/2023 Duración: 02h19min

    In our latest podcast, we chat about what went on in Corrie between the 28th August and the 1st September (Episodes #11043 - 11048). It's the week of the brewery buyout, and despite (or maybe because of..?) how many times Debbie tried the reassure Ronnie that everything would go to plan for him, we had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't going to be all plain sailing. Surprisingly, by the end of the week, it looks like the Baileys are actually rolling in it - though if Ed were to reflect on any of the lines from that Flint woman's book of inspirational quotes right now, it would be 'a fool and his money are soon parted'... Meanwhile, after sniffing round her for the best part of a year, Stephen finally makes the move on Jenny - does he have his sights set on the Rovers next? Also this week, Stu comes to a decision about Dom's access to Eliza, Carla comes surprisingly close to figuring out the true source of her psychotic episodes, and Billy and Paul have a go at skinny dipping. Not a huge amount of news to co

  • Evelyn Plummer Character Profile

    29/08/2023 Duración: 01h48min

    For this week's bonus podcast, we chat about modern Corrie legend Evelyn Plummer, a character who is unbelievably about to hit her five-year anniversary on the show! It was certainly a massive coup for Coronation Street to secure an actress like Maureen Lipman back in 2018, and comparisons to former Weatherfield battleaxes would be inevitable. Five years on and Evelyn is easily one of our favourite characters on the show, has shown what makes her different from the likes of Blanche and Ena, and we had a blast reminiscing about some of her best moments so far when we recorded this episode. Enjoy!

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