Conversation Street

Conversation Street Episode 596



In our latest episode of the podcast, we chat about the goings on in Weatherfield between the 2nd and the 4th October (Episodes #11073 - 11078). Twenty years to the week after Todd's famous 'wrong move' that saw him attempt to kiss Nick, Coronation Street finally had its first gay wedding day this week (or at least the first that didn't end in a jilting or a pesky factory roof landing on one half of the couple's head..). Despite the tragic fact that this marriage can't possibly end happily ever after due to Paul's condition, the day itself was joyous, and the resultant fallout between Billy and the Church led to some great discussion on the podcast too! We also had a fair bit to say about the marketing of vapes to children too, as Corrie begins its latest teen bullying / peer pressure story focusing on Liam, Dylan and new bad boy Mason. Also this week, a few unlikely coincidences (that are actually ten a penny on Corrie, to be fair) lead to Stephen realising that he needs to leave Weatherfield ASAP, Aadi's hi