GracePointe Church Douglas, GA
Moses: The Journey Ahead - Audio
14/10/2015 Duración: 2329h00sWhenever we travel there is a chance we might forget some important things. It's always good to check your bags to make sure you packed well. The same is true of the life journey. This sermon helps us with our mental packing for our life journey.
Under Advisement: Bad Advice - Audio
11/10/2015 Duración: 2406h00sWe know that all advice is not good advice. So, how do we discern between good counsel and bad counsel? There is an old story in Genesis that can give us some help in this area so that we can be under good advisement and avoid the bad advisement.
Prayer Life - Audio
07/10/2015 Duración: 2008h00sWe communicate everyday to the people we love. If we say we love God it is essential that we communicate with Him & God with us.
Under Advisement: Failsafe Switches - Audio
04/10/2015 Duración: 2629h00sGod is the source of wisdom that we all need. He has given us resources to coach us in the game life, to guide us on the journey and advise us on the path. He wants us to leverage the wisdom He has provided by being under advisement.
Moses: The Purpose of the Plagues - Audio
30/09/2015 Duración: 2732h00sGod has a reason for everything. It is not always easy for us to see what God is doing in history and in our personal lives. The plagues on Egypt give us insight to what God is ultimately up to in our lives and the history of the world.
Under Advisement: Go To Guy - Audio
27/09/2015 Duración: 2408h00sThere will be times when we don't know where to go and what to do. What do you do when you don't know? This is an important step to making wise decisions. There is a source of help that is right where you are. This sermon encourages you to go to the right source for counsel.
Under Advisement: New Set of Eyes - Audio
20/09/2015 Duración: 2097h00sWhat is the difference between a fool and the wise? We have all been foolish, but we don't have to be. In this sermon, we discover the one thing you can do to move from being a fool to being a wise guy.
Moses: You Mad Bro? - Audio
16/09/2015 Duración: 2074h00sMoses got angry. We get angry. Anger can be a destructive force in our lives if not controlled. Moses is an example of how anger can impact our lives.
When in Rome: Debatable Issues - Audio
13/09/2015 Duración: 2441h00sYou don't have to attend a church long to find out everyone is not agreement on everything. How are we supposed to relate to one another when we don't see eye to eye. The Apostle Paul's words to the Roman Church apply to us as well when we don't always agree.
Moses: Before You Go - Audio
02/09/2015 Duración: 3172h00sGod’s calling is of highest importance, but we still need to maintain human relationships that has placed us under. Before you go there may be a few things you need to do.
When in Rome: Kings & Subjects - Audio
30/08/2015 Duración: 2538h00sWhat is our relationship to authorities as Christians? How are we to live with those who have been given charge over cities, states and countries? Paul instructs the new church in Rome on how to be good subjects to governing authorities.
When in Rome: Against the Grain - Audio
23/08/2015 Duración: 2448h00sBelievers are commanded to the hard thing. When it comes to opposition to the gospel, what is our response? The Apostle Paul calls us to an assault of good on evil.
Moses: Reluctant Leader - Audio
19/08/2015 Duración: 2272h00sWhat do you do when God calls you to a ministry? to share the gospel with someone specific? to become a leader? God wants us to be obedient to His call, but often we are reluctant. What can we learn from a reluctant Moses?
When in Rome: Parting Shots - Audio
16/08/2015 Duración: 2615h00sThe church is God’s plan. He has made and saved us to be one; but, with diversity comes difficulty. The church we all desire to be a place of grace. Paul gives us instruction on how each person in the body has a role to play.
Moses: Fully Equipped - Audio
12/08/2015 Duración: 2588h00sMoses tried to question God’s call because he felt he was unable to do what God wanted him to do. God is not tricking you. He will prepare you for everything He wants you to do. How does it change us to know that we are prepared by God for His work?
When in Rome:Navigating Culture - Audio
09/08/2015 Duración: 2869h00sHow should we relate to the things in our culture? Every generation of Christians will be thrust in to new contexts to live and share the gospel. Our minds must be informed by the gospel so that we navigate life for the sake of the gospel.
Moses: Shady Honey - Audio
05/08/2015 Duración: 2762h00sAre you believable? Moses was concerned that Israelites wouldn’t listen to him. He had a message that was hard to believe. This message helps to know how we can we have credibility with the gospel message.
When In Rome: True Colors - Audio
02/08/2015 Duración: 2261h00sThe world is constantly changing. What is our response in the church? What should we do?
Moses: Licensed to Tell - Audio
29/07/2015 Duración: 2491h00sWhat authority did Moses have for the message he was to give? What authority do you and I have as Christians to preach the good news? We have been licensed to tell.
Treasure Island: Is It Treasure... Or, Is It Stuff - Audio
26/07/2015 Duración: 2146h00sWe all have stuff… heirlooms, treasures, just stuff. Many times its things we can’t live without, so we save it, keep it, or pack it away with other stuff. Heaven, its like a treasure that we long to keep, pack away, or treasure, But the Kingdom of Heaven will not pass away.