Wall St For Main St

Chris Martenson & Adam Taggart: Prosper in Challenging Times



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest, Dr. Chris Martenson and his business partner at Peak Prosperity http://www.peakprosperity.com/, first time guest Adam Taggart.Chris and Adam co-founded Peak Prosperity and also created the popular Crash Course video series on the 3Es: Economy, Energy and the Environment that has woken a lot of people up about what's really going on in the world since the video series debuted around 2007. Chris worked as a corporate executive for a Fortune 500 company before quitting his job and changing his lifestyle and Adam worked on Wall St and was an executive at Yahoo before also quitting his job, waking up and changing his lifestyle as well. They came on a podcast to talk about their new book, Prosper!: How To Prepare for the Future and Create a World Worth InheritingThe book can be bought on Amazon and Audible in hard cover, ebook and audio book formats. http://www.peakprosperity.com/blog/95...For a limited time, the book is also 50% for Audible members until