Agency Intelligence



Agency Intelligence Podcast, formerly known as The Grow Podcast Is the number 1 listened to insurance podcast in the country featuring three shows from Jason Cass and Joey Giangola. Agent's Influence, the flagship show hosted by Jason Cass, is your weekly guide to the latest and greatest thought leaders the industry has to offer. Insurance in Your Words, hosted by Joey Giangola, travels to the front lines of the industry twice a week to hear from the agents living and breathing insurance every day. Insurance Agency Intelligence is the latest of the podcast series, covering real data from real agents in real agencies. A segue from Agent's Influence, you get the same grit and truth about what it takes to make it or break it in the greatest industry God's every created: the independent insurance industry.


  • Who Taught You How to Think Outside the Box?

    10/11/2016 Duración: 16min

    You don’t always have to listen to the first or loudest person you hear when getting into the insurance industry. It’s also a surpsising journey on how most of us got here. The industries adjecent to the one we call home ussually produce the most interested canadates. It’s also surprising to hear the people in […] The post Who Taught You How to Think Outside the Box? appeared first on .

  • Will Happiness Set Your Agency Free?

    09/11/2016 Duración: 39min

    If your employees aren’t happy before they come to work, there’s a good chance they’ll walk out your door the way they came in. There isn’t an agency owner, on some level, that doesn’t want to try and get the most out of their people and provide an enjoyable working envirionment. The problem is trying […] The post Will Happiness Set Your Agency Free? appeared first on .

  • Are You Playing for a Participation Trophy?

    08/11/2016 Duración: 15min

    If you are, you’ll find yourself celebrating a lot of moral victories that won’t impact your agency. If you want to cut through the noise and do something no one else is doing, sometimes that means ignoring things that everyone says you should do. Because when you try to hedge your bets you spread yourself […] The post Are You Playing for a Participation Trophy? appeared first on .

  • 001 Listen In: Dark Fears You Aren’t Properly Afraid Of

    05/11/2016 Duración: 21min

    If the sky was falling would you want to know? On this brand new show, Jason Cass and Joey Giangola casually discuss the head in the sand mentality you might be taking with the disruptors gunning for our jobs. Jason feels that winning in social and digital will be what keeps the best agents in […] The post 001 Listen In: Dark Fears You Aren’t Properly Afraid Of appeared first on .

  • Will a Regulation Breakdown Obliterate the Market?

    04/11/2016 Duración: 17min

    Just because some one has the resources doesn’t mean they know how to use them? It seems like the defult postion in the insurance industry is to try and hold on and protect what we have and complete close oursleves off to something new. This most commonly shows up in the form of technolgy and […] The post Will a Regulation Breakdown Obliterate the Market? appeared first on .

  • The Conversation You Didn’t Have With Your Employees (That They Hate You For)

    02/11/2016 Duración: 38min

    Assumed expectations aren’t clear to anyone but you. This week Jason Cass stops to take a break from his Young Agent Series to recap the great action that has already happened with agents Jordan Greer, Erin Nutting, Rene Hernandez and Josh Lipstone. He also shares some insight on the Young Agents still to come to […] The post The Conversation You Didn’t Have With Your Employees (That They Hate You For) appeared first on .

  • Can Your Sales Process Handle Better Prospects?

    01/11/2016 Duración: 15min

    It’s easy to get set in your ways and treat all leads the same. When you start to level up your marketing you’ll also find your sales skills will also need to keep up with the times. Creating content that compels people to contact you and tell you how they found you is probably something […] The post Can Your Sales Process Handle Better Prospects? appeared first on .

  • Are You Afraid to Send Business Out the Door?

    27/10/2016 Duración: 17min

    Relying on other people to be as good at their job as you are at yours is a risky proposition. You know you can’t be everything to everyone, all the time, everytime. So when you find referal partners that make sense and can solve your clients problems it’s generally a good thing. However, when you […] The post Are You Afraid to Send Business Out the Door? appeared first on .

  • You Can’t Get Ahead Waiting For Someone Else to Make a Difference

    26/10/2016 Duración: 43min

    Too often you convince yourself you’re not ready to speak up and take the initiative. The longer you wait in your insurance career to do that, the longer you’ll find yourself sitting on the sidelines not playing with the big boys. Today Jason is joined by Josh Lipstone, Vice President of the Lipstone Insurance Group, […] The post You Can’t Get Ahead Waiting For Someone Else to Make a Difference appeared first on .

  • Disrupting Relationships to Create a Referral Partner Machine

    25/10/2016 Duración: 16min

    Have you ever thought about the power of one to many and what would happen if you started marketing to potentail refereal partners? If inbound marketing to potential clients scales your effectiveness, just think about the possibilties of creating that same funnel for someone who can consistenly bring you business? Sure you can go pound […] The post Disrupting Relationships to Create a Referral Partner Machine appeared first on .

  • The Death of The Insurance Application

    20/10/2016 Duración: 21min

    It actually already happened, but companies are afraid to move on without it. The faster you can be at delivering the information your clients and prospects want puts our industry further from “disruption.” The challenge is having the courage to step out on to that ledge and see what the new insurance world would look […] The post The Death of The Insurance Application appeared first on .

  • $80,000 Worth of Adversity Created His Opportunity (You’re Probably Taking For Granted)

    19/10/2016 Duración: 44min

    Sometimes a little perspective goes along way to reminding you how lucky you are and erase the fake excuses holding you back. Inspiration comes in many shapes and sizes, but finding something this satisfying in the insurance industry doesn’t happen everyday. Today Jason talks with Rene Hernandez, an agent for CPC Insurance, about how he overcame […] The post $80,000 Worth of Adversity Created His Opportunity (You’re Probably Taking For Granted) appeared first on .

  • Creating New Problems When Something Dramatically Works

    18/10/2016 Duración: 20min

    They are always great to have but will be fleeting if you don’t know what to do with them when they come. If you’re able to generate enough forward momentum to create content success, you’re bound to run into a host of new problems you didn’t know existed. In order to keep those problems and […] The post Creating New Problems When Something Dramatically Works appeared first on .

  • Old School Selling: The Problem Forcing Every Sale

    13/10/2016 Duración: 20min

    Maybe us new agents just don’t have the same killer instinct as generations past. However, the idea of trying to sell every prospect every last policy is a tactic that is unwelcomed by today’s consumer. It’s like if you walked into a mattress store and they tried to sell you a new recliner after they […] The post Old School Selling: The Problem Forcing Every Sale appeared first on .

  • The Truth of Being a Woman in Insurance With a Strong Niche

    12/10/2016 Duración: 01h34s

    The residue of certain inequalities from generations past can be bleakly palpable. That statement can be true for many demographics across an infinite numbers of industries. It also becomes alarmingly more depressing each year it to be true. Expediting the dismissal of “less than” is one action all corners of society will benefit from. Specifically talking about […] The post The Truth of Being a Woman in Insurance With a Strong Niche appeared first on .

  • You Don’t Have to Do Anything (You Don’t Want To)

    11/10/2016 Duración: 15min

    You just better be very comfortable with the results you’re currently getting. Maybe it’s implied that you are always looking to improve and grow your agency. But often times you talk about things you’d like to be doing when the one or two things you are won’t let you do anything else. That means one […] The post You Don’t Have to Do Anything (You Don’t Want To) appeared first on .

  • Why Do You Fall Off The Content Wagon?

    06/10/2016 Duración: 15min

    It will keep hurting every time until you can figure out how to get results that create momentum. How many times have you heard yourself say, I was doing really good job blogging, but I haven’t written for three months. Why do you keep finding yourself starting at the bottom of an empty bottle of […] The post Why Do You Fall Off The Content Wagon? appeared first on .

  • Can Your Agents Sell $364,000 of Premium in One Month?

    05/10/2016 Duración: 54min

    If you paid them different you might be surprised at what is possible. One of the tried and true commission splits our industry has held on to for decades has been something close to 50/50. It’s only fair that the place that puts a professional roof over your head take it’s fair share to keep […] The post Can Your Agents Sell $364,000 of Premium in One Month? appeared first on .

  • The Video Secret That Makes Your Phone Ring

    04/10/2016 Duración: 24min

    It has nothing to do with your camera, microphone or editing software. Creating visually appealing video content is the barrier for entry these days, just because you have a decent camera and microphone doesn’t mean people will flood your phone lines wanting to do business. Instead, your biggest challenge is knowing what to say and […] The post The Video Secret That Makes Your Phone Ring appeared first on .

  • Don’t Make It Scarier Than It Is

    30/09/2016 Duración: 17min

    The only victim is your insurance career and how far it will or will not go. Any good horror movie director knows that the scariest thing they can do is leave it up to your imagination. Because you will create something far more uniquely terrifying than they could ever hope to visualize. The same concept […] The post Don’t Make It Scarier Than It Is appeared first on .

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