Citylight Church Sermon Audio



Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for CityLight Church in Adelaide, South Australia.Don Reddin and the preaching team at CityLight bring dynamic, Biblically-based, Gospel-centered messages each week that will inspire and strengthen your walk with Christ. CityLight Missionally engages culture, Makes disciples, Trains leaders, and Multiplies communities - we shorten it to Believe, Belong, Become, Be Strong!Visit us online at


  • 2. Can you be a Christian and Rich?


    If you earn the average wage in Australia, you're in the top 0.7% of earners in the world today... Jesus and the Scripture writers have some pretty sobering things to say to those who are rich, so whether or not you think of yourself as rich, if you live in Australia, you're going to want to hear this message.

  • 1. Can you be a Christian and Not Go To Church?


    Is church a weekly moral shower, or is the church an event at all? Does it matter if you attend on a Sunday, or hang out with your mates at the pub on a Wednesday... where 2 or 3 are gathered, right? Is it right? In this message, John takes a look at what the church is, what it's for, and why that's good news for us! Have a listen!

  • Royals/Exiles 14 - What to do with worry


    In the final message of the Royals Exiles series, Don takes us through the last chapter of 1 Peter; showing how God wants us to relate to each other in humility and submission. We learn what to do with worry, and the many reasons to have great trust in God. And finally, we wrap up the letter seeing how we can resist the devil, and stand firm in the faith.

  • Royals/Exiles 13 - How to suffer well


    According to the Bible, there's a right and a wrong way to suffer... sounds weird, doesn't it! In this week's message, we'll look into Peter's wrap up to the theme of suffering - and see how our response to suffering will either result in growth, blessing, praise, and God's glory.. or bitterness, struggle, and distrust of God. Have a listen!

  • Royals/Exiles 12 - If you remember...


    What does it mean to remember who God is; to remember who we are in Him, and to remember His glory as we carry out His mission in the world? This week John takes us through chapter four of 1st Peter, to see what it looks like for Christians to live in light of Jesus victory - what that means for us as individuals, as a community, and as God's representatives in the world.

  • Royals/Exiles 11 - Hope that leads to good


    This week's sermon looks through 1 Peter 3:13-22. Peter tells us to be zealous for what is good, and goes on to show that our great hope in Jesus gives us confidence in the face of intimidating circumstances. If you're lacking in hope, feel ineffective in Kingdom work, or have fear, this message is for you!

  • Royals/Exiles 10 - The Blessed


    How do you love those who treat you poorly? Look to the example of Jesus! This week, we'll see what life looks like when Christian community operates in love, unity, humility, tenderheartedness, and not looking for revenge, returning evil for evil, or reviling for reviling. There's a promise of blessing attached to life like this.. but it might not be in the way you're used to using the word! Have a listen!

  • Royals/Exiles 9 - Fearless Women | Honourable Men


    How does belonging to Jesus, and following His example change how we relate to each other in marriage? What does Peter write about how wives treat husbands, and husbands treat wives? In this message, Don shows us that because we submit to God, women can be fearless in the face of difficult circumstances, and men need to honour their wives. There's a promise and a warning attached to these!

  • Royals/Exiles 8 - when you have a bad boss


    Ever been treated poorly at work - even when you're doing the right thing? Had a boss that takes credit, but dishes out blame? Ever been asked to do something that just didn't feel right? This week we look at how Peter encourages Christians to live lives that reveal the glory of God, even while suffering under unjust authority in the workplace.

  • Royals/Exiles 7 - What it means to be royal


    How do you progress in your faith? What does it look like? And what does it mean to wage war against your sin nature? This week John looks at how Christians live as sons and daughters of the King, while living under the authority of worldly rulers.

  • Royals/Exiles 6 - what it means to be chosen


    What does it look like to live as chosen people? How is life different when you remember you're Royal - a son or daughter of the King? In this week's passage we see Peter (the rock) showing us (living stones) what it means to be a people chosen by Jesus (the cornerstone).

  • Royals/Exiles 5 - one another


    The Gospel changes how we relate to God, and it changes how we relate to each other! In this week's message we see how Peter encourages us to apply the Gospel in our lives; not just for salvation, but every day, in how we interact with other Christians - with massive implications for our joy, our worship, and our witness.

  • Royals/Exiles 4 - how to live hopeFULL


    If you've ever lacked hope, or want to live a life more congruent with what you believe, this message is for you. Have a listen, and see why our hope is anchored in Jesus - in particular His resurrection - and what that means for us!

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