Citylight Church Sermon Audio



Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for CityLight Church in Adelaide, South Australia.Don Reddin and the preaching team at CityLight bring dynamic, Biblically-based, Gospel-centered messages each week that will inspire and strengthen your walk with Christ. CityLight Missionally engages culture, Makes disciples, Trains leaders, and Multiplies communities - we shorten it to Believe, Belong, Become, Be Strong!Visit us online at


  • Royals/Exiles 2 - Who's looking after your inheritance?


    If you've ever worried about the future, or you're going through a rough time, this part of 1 Peter will be challenging, and very encouraging for you! Don takes us through what it looks like to have God hold your future, and keep an inheritance for you.

  • Royals / Exiles 1 - Being chosen changes everything


    In the first week of our Royals/Exiles series, we look at Peter's initial greeting to his readers; and see a theologically rich opening sentence, packed with Gospel goodness. Have a listen, and discover how being chosen changes everything!

  • Did Jesus die so you could do whatever you want?


    Did Jesus die so you could do whatever you want? Even if you don't believe this doctrinally, your life might tell a different story. This week Joel looks at why it's so important to not take grace for granted, what this looks like in practice, and why the truth is such great news!

  • Did Jesus die for good people?


    God just wants us to be good people, right? And Christians are supposed to be nice people! Jesus said that, didn't He? The Church has an MTD infection...This week Don show us through scripture why this 'Moralistic Therapeutic Deism' is no gospel at all, and why the truth is so much better!

  • Did Jesus die to end poverty?


    The Gospel has many social implications; for how we treat the poor, how we advocate for those who can't advocate for themselves, for justice, in the political sphere, and many other areas of human flourishing. The Social Gospel says these things are the primary reason Jesus came - even that His death was politically motivated.. but is that what scripture tells us? This week, Don unpacks the social gospel, to see how it stands up to Biblical scrutiny, and why the truth leads to a greater freedom!

  • Did Jesus die so you could be wealthy?


    While blatant prosperity preaching is easy to identify, the more insidious form has crept its way more broadly into evangelicalism. Listen to this week's message to find out how to spot it, why it is lacking.. and why is the truth so much better!

  • You CAN know God's purpose for your life


    If you've ever wondered what God wants you to do with your life, take some time to listen to this podcast. Don shows in scripture that we CAN find God's purpose for our lives; and takes us through a helpful tool to apply wisdom in determining the direction God might have us pursue.

  • What grace looks like.


    Can a dead person do anything to help their deadness? This week tyson opens up Ephesians 2 and shows us what grace looks like.

  • What worship looks like.


    What does it mean to worship unceasingly? How can you drink a cup of coffee to the glory of God? This week Jake walks us through worship in every day life and how to drink coffee properly.

  • What repentance looks like.


    Why is God so patient with us? What is He trying to achieve? Joel Ken explores repentance in the Christian life.

  • A deeper look at the Nativity - Christmas 2015


    Why did Jesus come? What's the point of Christmas? In recent years, the nativity has become a cute play for kids to participate in, or a glossy scene of carefully crafted figurines.. but what if we stripped all that back to have a considered look at that moment the creator enters creation? Have a listen.

  • On being a better person


    John Harris walks us through Roman 6, showing us how christians have overcome slavery to sin, if you find it difficult to walk in freedom, this message is for you.

  • A wide door - CityLight's 3rd Birthday


    This week we celebrate 3 years of God's grace working in and through CityLight church! As we recount the great things He's done, we also look ahead at what God might have us step into next.

  • 5. "Forgive and Forget " - Things Christians Say


    Forgive and Forget. Forgiveness is surely a part of being a Christian, but what about the forgetting part? This week we see how this saying stacks up next to the Bible, how it's lacking, and why the truth is so much better!

  • 4. "Follow your heart" - Things Christians Say


    "Follow your heart" - it's the dominant philosophy undergirding western culture... You hear it wherever advice is given; as if the answer was inside you all along. But is this right? Is it actually helpful? What does the Bible have to say about this? Listen to this podcast and hear why the truth is so much better!

  • 3. "God will never give you more than you can handle" - Things Christians Say


    God won't give you more than you can handle' - that one's in the Bible, right? This week @ CityLight we'll see where this saying comes from, why it's lacking, and why the truth is so much better!

  • 2. "Everything happens for a reason" - Things Christians Say


    100% of people surveyed said they'd either heard or used the phrase 'everything happens for a reason'... usually said when there's been some sort of tragedy or disappointing circumstance; and we want to comfort the sufferer - by giving the difficult situation some sort of meaning or significance - if it happened for a reason, then it's not wasted, or at least means it wasn't all for nothing. But is this a Christian response? What does the Bible say, and why is the truth so much better?!

  • 1. "We go to church" - Things Christians Say


    Ever told someone you go to church? Or maybe you're at the other end of the spectrum; "I like Jesus, just not the church", or "you just don't need to go to church to be a Christian"... This week we'll see why at best these aren't helpful, and at worst will prevent not just your joy, but even fulfilling the law of Christ... And as always, we'll discover why the truth is so much better!

  • 11. How to overcome Anxiety


    In this chapter, Paul shows us how anxiety isn't part of the Christian life, and how we can overcome it, and have joy in every circumstance. If you're dealing with some tough situations in life, this week's message is for you!

  • 9. The year in review - Pray Provide Participate


    This week we take a look back at the last 12 months, and celebrate the great things God has done in us and through us at CityLight - God is great, and there are many amazing stories to share! Some of our ministry leaders share their highlights of the past year, and we have a look forward, to what God might be leading us into for the next 12 months!

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