Kensington Church Orlando

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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The preaching and teaching ministry of Kensington Church Orlando


  • Battle Ready

    29/11/2020 Duración: 01h06min

    “As a man thinks so he is”. The helmet protects the control center of the body the mind. The helmet of Salvation protects the control center of our lives our minds. And how it does this is it protects your thoughts. Satan wants your mind He wants to confuse you, confound you, distract you, satan wants the control center of your life to be offline – to be out of commission. If he can take over that, if he can get a head shot in if he can confuse your mind he can make you ineffective in this war. Romans 12 talks about renewing your mind. The renewing of your mind is not a one time thing but being transformed by the ongoing renewing of your mind. The renewing of your mind is regularly daily renewing your mind! Daily clothing your mind with Salvation. Daily remembering that Jesus died for you. That he loves you, that even though the world be against you Jesus is for you.

  • Battle Ready

    22/11/2020 Duración: 01h06min

    While the war has been won by Jesus, every day we have a battle to fight. And with that the shield of Faith is key. The roman army would use different types of Shields for different types of fighting. The shield of faith extinguishes all the arrows of the evil one. This is about temptation. The darts are temptations of satan. Our faith that God can be trusted to meet our needs, that His way is best, that he can and will fulfill us protects us from giving in to temptation which leads to destruction in our life. Gods promises are a shield that keeps us safe from the destruction of temptation.

  • Battle Ready Feet of Peace

    15/11/2020 Duración: 01h05min

    The Gospel of Peace with God is what gives the follower of Jesus confidence. Confidence that If God is for me than who can be against me! Without the gospel of Peace we stand on uneven ground, we can get pushed around, satan can push and slide us wherever he wants but with the gospel of peace we can stand our ground with confidence that God is on our side. We can dig in and not be moved by the wind of personal opinion or such. Often times the romans would push nails through their boots to have more grip on the ground. To put on this piece of Armor and stand our ground we need the peace of the Gospel…Peace with God. Peace is a Person- Jesus Christ and a relationship with Him.

  • Battle Ready: Week 2

    08/11/2020 Duración: 01h06min

    In this spiritual battle we have the second piece of Armor the breast plate of righteousness. The Breastplate of Righteousness, what protects our vital organs, is the righteousness of Christ when we believe that is freely given to us, and the protection of living righteously which protects us from destruction. This is not of our own. Our own righteousness does not protect us. Christ’s does. Good people are not protected, righteous people are.

  • Battle Ready: Week 1

    01/11/2020 Duración: 01h03min

    WARFARE: The reality of our lives is spiritual warfare is not an option….we are in it! It doesn’t matter whether you want to or not – you’re neck deep in it! Some of us just don’t realize it. The bible talks of this huge battle going on in the spiritual realm and it then proceeds to lift up the veil between our physical world and the spiritual world. It outlines the war that is going on and the enemy is defined for us. For some people, the topic of spiritual warfare is a game. Comic books, cartoons, daily sitcoms, movies, and video games have popularized and trivialized the spiritual realm and spiritual warfare. In some ways it has become a children’s game or superstitious nonsense. But the reality is that most people believe that there is another realm around us. A spiritual reality that we cannot see, but we feel. This day will explore in detail this alternate reality happening just under the surface of our current one.

  • Red, White and Bruised: Pick a Side

    25/10/2020 Duración: 01h06min

    This election year is shaping up to be even more divisive and difficult than 2016. With both sides of the aisle digging in and continuing to place more and more distance between their side and the evil other side we have never felt more apart. Which side is God’s side? The answer is neither. God is on God’s side. And followers of Jesus are called to be on God’s side as well coming together and listening to each other and valuing People over Policy. Sunday, October 11th, we will focus in on ratcheting down the rhetoric and finger pointing leading people to being fully investing in “the party of the Lamb” where hope is found not in a political party, not in an ideology, not in a politician but in Jesus. God is in control even of politics.

  • Disagree Politically, Love Uncondionally

    18/10/2020 Duración: 01h15s

    Nothing divides like Politics because nothing divides like fear. Both sides of our political construct peddle fear. Republicans are trying to take away your vote, Democrats are trying to take away your guns. In our church we have both sides of the aisle represented. And because of that we have the unprecedented opportunity to model for our community what it looks like to do 2 things. Disagree Politically and Love unconditionally. Jesus prayed for the church today. He prayed for those who would believe in Him because of the testimony of those before us. And he asked for something that none of us have ever prayed for. He prayed specifically for us to experience and intentionally cultivate UNITY so that THE WORLD may believe that Jesus was sent by God. He asked God to give us the strength to be unified together so that people may come to know Him. “ In essentials unity, non essentials liberty, in all things charity.”

  • God Loves Purple

    11/10/2020 Duración: 01h08min

    This election year is shaping up to be even more divisive and difficult than 2016. With both sides of the aisle digging in and continuing to place more and more distance between their side and the evil other side we have never felt more apart. Which side is God’s side? The answer is neither. God is on God’s side. And followers of Jesus are called to be on God’s side as well coming together and listening to each other and valuing People over Policy. Sunday, October 11th, we will focus in on ratcheting down the rhetoric and finger pointing leading people to being fully investing in “the party of the Lamb” where hope is found not in a political party, not in an ideology, not in a politician but in Jesus. God is in control even of politics.

  • Tap the Brakes

    04/10/2020 Duración: 01h06min

    With a forced stop in the action for many of us as we go back to a new future, is there a rhythm we can set up in our lives that will lead to the kind of future we want to have? Is there a guide or a formula that can help set us up for success? Enter the Sabbath. From the very beginning of creation God set up a rhythm to live by. On 6 off 1. Jesus taught about abiding and resting in Him. During this day we will explore the Sabbath as a sustainable rhythm and what it looks like to abide in Jesus through bible study and prayer.

  • Back to a New Future

    27/09/2020 Duración: 01h06min

    Through the pandemic we have seen firsthand the difficulty of being isolated. God created us to thrive inside of deep human connection. Study after study continues to point us in the direction of our relationships being the key to leading a richer, fuller, more joy-filled life. In this message we will be taking our cues from Jesus at how to simplify, order, and organize our friendships in a way that helps us and those close to us thrive.

  • Back to a New Future

    20/09/2020 Duración: 01h06min

    So often our digital distraction has robbed us of the ability to be present: present to God, to other people, to all that is good around us, to our souls. How do we process, pray, read, sit under teaching, rest well, when every chance we get we reach for our phones? We practice two things that are contrary to our current culture but vital to our development as humans and followers of Jesus. Silence and Solitude. A new future, a better future, a restful future included meaningful intentional moments of daily silence and solitude.

  • Back to a New Future

    13/09/2020 Duración: 01h06min

    Prior to COVID-19, we were a society that was in a constant state of rush, addiction, stress, compulsive behavior, spending, and so on. Maybe we’re not in a rush right now, there just aren’t enough choices out there for what to do but as soon as the SIP is lifted the temptation will be there to re-enter that frantic pace. We were yoked, attached, addicted to the sickness of hurry and have paid the price with our health, our families, our relationships, and our souls. Covid has given us an opportunity that God can use to unyoke ourselves from Hurry and yoke ourselves to Jesus who says that if we who are weary and tired will come to him that He will give us rest. He tells us his yoke is easy and His burden is light because he shoulders the load. In this talk we will explore where we have been in our past and how to step into a new future “yoked” to Jesus.

  • Binge Watch Episode 6

    12/07/2020 Duración: 59min

    During the shutdown many of us have turned to something that we usually keep for long weekends or vacations. Binge Watching! Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu all have thousands of hours of season after season of some of the most popular shows out there. Friday Night Lights, Parks and Rec, Bones, Greys anatomy, The Great British Baking Show, any season of Star-Trek are all “bingeworthy”. And binge we have! During this summer series we are going to “binge watch” the life stories of two major players in the Old Testament. Joshua who was the successor to the leadership of Moses and led Israel into the promised land, and Nehemiah whom God called on to rebuild Jerusalem after being in ruins for decades and without walls for centuries. Both Stories have heartache and loss coupled with victory and triumph. And both stories teach us about what a life of faith in God looks like in real life. Join us for Binge Watch: 6.7.20 – 7.26.20.

  • Binge Watch Episode Four

    28/06/2020 Duración: 35min

    During the shutdown many of us have turned to something that we usually keep for long weekends or vacations. Binge Watching! Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu all have thousands of hours of season after season of some of the most popular shows out there. Friday Night Lights, Parks and Rec, Bones, Greys anatomy, The Great British Baking Show, any season of Star-Trek are all “bingeworthy”. And binge we have! During this 8 week summer series we are going to “binge watch” the life stories of two major players in the Old Testament. Joshua who was the successor to the leadership of Moses and led Israel into the promised land, and Nehemiah whom God called on to rebuild Jerusalem after being in ruins for decades and without walls for centuries. Both Stories have heartache and loss coupled with victory and triumph. And both stories teach us about what a life of faith in God looks like in real life. Join us for Binge Watch: 6.7.20 – 7.26.20.

  • Binge Watch Episode Three

    21/06/2020 Duración: 34min

    During the shutdown many of us have turned to something that we usually keep for long weekends or vacations. Binge Watching! Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu all have thousands of hours of season after season of some of the most popular shows out there. Friday Night Lights, Parks and Rec, Bones, Greys anatomy, The Great British Baking Show, any season of Star-Trek are all “bingeworthy”. And binge we have! During this 8 week summer series we are going to “binge watch” the life stories of two major players in the Old Testament. Joshua who was the successor to the leadership of Moses and led Israel into the promised land, and Nehemiah whom God called on to rebuild Jerusalem after being in ruins for decades and without walls for centuries. Both Stories have heartache and loss coupled with victory and triumph. And both stories teach us about what a life of faith in God looks like in real life. Join us for Binge Watch: 6.7.20 – 7.26.20.

  • Binge Watch Episode Two

    14/06/2020 Duración: 31min

    During the shutdown many of us have turned to something that we usually keep for long weekends or vacations. Binge Watching! Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu all have thousands of hours of season after season of some of the most popular shows out there. Friday Night Lights, Parks and Rec, Bones, Greys anatomy, The Great British Baking Show, any season of Star-Trek are all “bingeworthy”. And binge we have! During this 8 week summer series we are going to “binge watch” the life stories of two major players in the Old Testament. Joshua who was the successor to the leadership of Moses and led Israel into the promised land, and Nehemiah whom God called on to rebuild Jerusalem after being in ruins for decades and without walls for centuries. Both Stories have heartache and loss coupled with victory and triumph. And both stories teach us about what a life of faith in God looks like in real life. Join us for Binge Watch: 6.7.20 – 7.26.20.

  • Binge Watch Episode One

    07/06/2020 Duración: 35min

    During the shutdown many of us have turned to something that we usually keep for long weekends or vacations. Binge Watching! Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu all have thousands of hours of season after season of some of the most popular shows out there. Friday Night Lights, Parks and Rec, Bones, Greys anatomy, The Great British Baking Show, any season of Star-Trek are all “bingeworthy”. And binge we have! During this 8 week summer series we are going to “binge watch” the life stories of two major players in the Old Testament. Joshua who was the successor to the leadership of Moses and led Israel into the promised land, and Nehemiah whom God called on to rebuild Jerusalem after being in ruins for decades and without walls for centuries. Both Stories have heartache and loss coupled with victory and triumph. And both stories teach us about what a life of faith in God looks like in real life. Join us for Binge Watch: 6.7.20 – 7.26.20.

  • On Purpose Week 4

    02/02/2020 Duración: 40min

    You were put on earth not to just eat, breathe, and consume. You were created to make a contribution. You were created to serve God. In fact you were placed on this planet for a special assignment. This begins with loving other like Christ loves us. Then finding your SHAPE. Spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experience all play a role in finding out what your assignment is. God deserves your best and you are fulfilling your assignment when you serve others. This week will focus in on how to find your shape and how to act and think like a servant of God and employing those gifts in the church.

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