Kensington Church Orlando

Disagree Politically, Love Uncondionally



Nothing divides like Politics because nothing divides like fear. Both sides of our political construct peddle fear. Republicans are trying to take away your vote, Democrats are trying to take away your guns. In our church we have both sides of the aisle represented. And because of that we have the unprecedented opportunity to model for our community what it looks like to do 2 things. Disagree Politically and Love unconditionally. Jesus prayed for the church today. He prayed for those who would believe in Him because of the testimony of those before us. And he asked for something that none of us have ever prayed for. He prayed specifically for us to experience and intentionally cultivate UNITY so that THE WORLD may believe that Jesus was sent by God. He asked God to give us the strength to be unified together so that people may come to know Him. “ In essentials unity, non essentials liberty, in all things charity.”