1st Peter (2015)



This epistle focuses on the critical doctrine of how we face adversity and how we are to think about it in our lives. The key word is the word for suffering and its many synonyms. The purpose is to remind all believers that God has a destiny and a future inheritance for them. What we think of as speed bumps interfering with our personal plans are actually Gods training tools and are to be expected, rejoiced in, and not dreaded.


  • 167 - Standing in True Grace [b]

    25/04/2019 Duración: 01h03min

    Persecution of Christians is happening more and more frequently. What should we do to prepare ourselves and our families? Listen to this lesson to learn a number of biblical ways to ensure that you can stand firm in the face of unjust treatment. See what God’s glory and His dominion mean? As we come to the end of this epistle find out who Silvanus is and hear six points on whether Babylon is the actual geographical city or a code for another place. Accept that no matter what trouble comes our way, we are to remember that God’s power is greater than all His enemies and His grace will provide for us.

  • 166 - God is Always Sufficient for Our Adversity [b]

    11/04/2019 Duración: 01h07min

    If you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you had a tremendous inheritance in your future, would you panic when things were difficult now? Listen to this lesson to learn that all believers have a future of eternal glory beyond their wildest dreams. Find out that it is God’s manifold grace that enables us to have the strength we need so we don’t give up in the storms of life. Hear a number of verses describing this grace. See that God is our protector, our refuge, and our fortress. Accept that no matter what traumas we suffer now, once we are in Heaven it will all fade into insignificance as we receive our inheritance. The video Dr. Dean intended to show at the end of this Bible class can be found here.

  • 165 - Jesus Uses the Sword of the Spirit [b]

    04/04/2019 Duración: 01h11min

    Why is it important for us to study God’s Word and memorize parts of it? Listen to this lesson to learn that when Satan tested Jesus, Jesus resisted him by quoting Scripture. See that Satan used Scripture inaccurately and Jesus immediately corrected him. Find out that Jesus was being led by the Holy Spirit throughout His testing. See if Satan’s offer to give Christ the world’s kingdoms was something he could have delivered and hear Christ’s answer to that. Learn in your own life to take time to study and memorize the Bible so you can pass the tests you will face.

  • 164 - Using the Sword of the Spirit [b]

    28/03/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    How do you know when you’re being attacked by Satan or just facing a normal problem? Listen to this lesson to learn how to understand testing in the Christian life. Review the spiritual weapons we have and how to utilize them. See that all of them rely on our submitting ourselves to God and understanding that God is defending us and we need to rest in Him. Follow the example of Christ as Satan tested Him. Find out whether or not fasting is ever a spiritual act. Hear Pastor Dean discuss his recent attendance at the AIPAC conference in Washington, D.C. and its importance of fostering American–Israeli relations that benefit both nations.

  • 163 - Stand Firm by Putting on the Armor [b]

    07/03/2019 Duración: 01h04min

    Do you panic and fall apart when bombarded with problems and adversity? Listen to this lesson to learn how to stand firm and be stabilized even when under demonic attack. Find out about the pieces of the whole armor of God and the spiritual truth that each represents. See that you must get rid of distractions in your life and concentrate on learning the truth that is revealed in the Word of God. Rest in the knowledge that it is God who is defending us and we can always trust His promises.

  • 162 - Stand Firm by Putting on the Full Armor of God [b]

    28/02/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    How can you defend yourself against an enemy you can’t see? Listen to this lesson to learn about the spiritual warfare we are engaged in as Christians. Learn why we are never told to engage our demonic enemies directly but that we are to resist by standing firm. We do this by relying on what we are learning from the Word of God which strengthens and stabilizes us. Find out about God’s mighty power that protects and defends us and see what the schemes of the devil are. During this lesson Dr. Dean referenced a couple of books by C. Gordon Olson: Beyond Calvinism and Arminianism and New Testament Translation The book by Dr. Bruce Baker entitled For Thou Art With Me. Biblical Help for the Termially Ill and for Those Who Love Them is available from Grace Acres Press as a paperback or ebook.

  • 161 - How to Stand Firm Against the Devil [b]

    21/02/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    What does it mean to resist the devil? Listen to this lesson to learn what we are to do when we face adversity and suffering in our life. Find out that we need to have learned the Word of God so we are not caught off guard and that we are to walk in humility, submitting to God. Understand that the problems in our life are tests and they are designed to give us an opportunity to trust God. Be learning about God and His plans now so when we face a disaster we are prepared to stand our ground.

  • 160 - Satan Cruising for Victims [b]

    07/02/2019 Duración: 01h04min

    Watch out! If you’re a Christian you have a stalker who wants to destroy your faith. What should you do? Listen to this lesson to learn who the stalker is and what your response should be. See an example of a man of great faith who faced terrible undeserved suffering. Find out the importance of standing firm and enduring in adversity. Learn the purpose of testing and like Job, recognize that everything we have is a gift from God and things are not the reason for our happiness.

  • 159 - The Angelic Conflict and Suffering [b]

    31/01/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    Why was Satan allowed to tempt Eve in the Garden of Eden and why was he permitted to test the Lord Jesus Christ? Listen to this amazing lesson that pulls back the curtain on the unseen spiritual war that rages around us so we get a glimpse of the larger picture behind world history. Hear twenty-two summarizing reasons that show a theme throughout the Bible of a trial that is occurring where Satan is the defendant and humans are the witnesses. Find out that since Satan has already been sentenced by God to the Lake of Fire why the sentence has not yet been carried out. With this knowledge gain an enlarged perspective on the tests and adversities that come into your life and how to handle them. The book by Dr. Bruce Baker entitled For Thou Art With Me. Biblical Help for the Termially Ill and for Those Who Love Them is available from Grace Acres Press as a paperback or ebook.

  • 158 - The Fall of Satan: The Fallen Cherub [b]

    03/01/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    Take a moment to visualize Satan. Do you see a devilish creature with red skin, horns, a tail, and a pitchfork? Listen to this lesson to learn that Satan (also referenced as Lucifer) was a magnificent angelic creature called a cherub who covered the throne of God. See that he was a skilled musician and ruled over the other cherubs. Hear the five arrogant statements he made which led to his condemnation and being cast out of his exalted position. Find out the identities of the prince of Tyre and the king of Tyre and how Satan is behind the throne of evil human leaders. Recognize that our lives are lived in the midst of this warfare and that at times we suffer for this reason.

  • 157 - The Fall of Satan: The Rebellion Begins [b]

    27/12/2018 Duración: 01h10min

    Begin a riveting exploration of the unseen world that affects everything we do today. Listen to this lesson to hear about a prehistoric angelic creature in the Bible called Lucifer (as well as other names) who rebelled against God and the part he plays throughout human history. Hear three views of interpretation of Isaiah 13–14 and Ezekiel 28 and which one is supported by a literal, inerrant view of Scripture. See nine reasons why these passages are referring to Satan and whether Babylon’s final destruction is yet to come. Learn from this that Christians today still face Satanic attacks.

  • 156 - Satan, Suffering, and Spiritual Warfare [b]

    20/12/2018 Duración: 01h19min

    Are you aware that you have a target on your back that Satan is aiming at to get you to rebel against God? Listen to this lesson to learn about the invisible warfare all Christians are engaged in on a daily basis. Hear eleven biblical names for Satan and what these names teach us about him. See the commands we have been given on how to handle Satan’s attacks on us with an emphasis on standing our ground. Find out the categories of suffering and how all suffering can be turned into blessing in our lives. At the end hear a report from Jeff Phipps on his mission work in Brazil.

  • 155 - Humility; Casting Our Cares Upon Him [b]

    13/12/2018 Duración: 01h05min

    How do we cast all our cares on God? Listen to this lesson to learn that this involves submitting to authority and obedience to God’s Word. Find out that when we have genuine humility God will lift us up, but that going through the motions of worship must be accompanied by a humble mental attitude. See that our example is that Christ did not depend upon Himself to bear the suffering on the Cross but was totally dependent on God the Father and that should be our mindset when we face adversity and suffering.

  • 154 - Humility; Service. How to Humble Yourself - Part 2 [b]

    29/11/2018 Duración: 01h06min

    What makes someone a fool? Listen to this lesson to learn about four categories of fools and see that at times believers act as fools. Hear about the facets of the sin nature and how we are affected by these when we are not walking by means of the Holy Spirit. See four contrasts between those that God abominates and those He blesses. As believers we are not to be under the control of our arrogance but we are to humble ourselves and be submissive to authority and to one another with Christ as our example.

  • 153 - Humility; Service. How to Humble Yourself [b]

    15/11/2018 Duración: 01h02min

    Is it important for us to assert ourselves in order to be successful? Listen to this lesson to learn that the Bible teaches us that we are to humble ourselves. Find out the meaning of humility and its relationship to submission to authority. See that humility must be taught by parents when a child is young and may include corporal punishment. Accept that by nature we are all arrogant and that Christ’s submission to the Cross is to be our example.

  • 152 - Crowns; Humility; Service [b]

    08/11/2018 Duración: 01h11s

    What crowns can believers anticipate receiving at the Judgment Seat of Christ? Listen to this lesson to hear about four crowns that we are eligible to receive and what the qualifications are. For those who are spiritual leaders in the church, learn about a special crown and also the importance of preparation for the exercise of your spiritual gift. For all believers, make decisions to grow to spiritual maturity, remembering that salvation is a free gift but rewards and crowns are earned. Join in the celebration when our Savior graciously presents us with rewards and crowns.

  • 151 - Crowns and Rewards for Faithful Service [b]

    01/11/2018 Duración: 01h07min

    Are you living a life of purpose or just drifting along with whatever the day brings? Listen to this lesson to see the importance of having the aim of spiritual maturity as you organize your time. Find out the difference between rulers’ crowns and crowns for believers. Hear seven points describing these stephanos crowns and see when they are awarded. When life becomes difficult and we grow weary, be reminded of the crowns that await those who are faithful servants of God.

  • 150 - Servant Leaders in the Church [c]

    25/10/2018 Duración: 01h06min

    How many church leaders are necessary for a church to be administered wisely? Listen to this this lesson to learn that as the early church began to increase in number, men were selected to meet the needs of each congregation. Learn about the role of elder and deacon and see which is always described individually and which is part of a group. See the qualifications and responsibilities for these leaders with an emphasis on teaching for the elder. Recognize that all of us in the body of Christ are gifted and these gifts are to be used to serve others.

  • 149 - What Does “Pastor” Mean? Understanding “Pastors and Teachers” [c]

    18/10/2018 Duración: 01h10min

    Can teaching be an individual spiritual gift or is it always a part of the gift of pastor? Listen to this lesson to learn the technical Greek grammatical issues involved here that indicate that while all pastors are to be teachers, all teachers are not pastors. Find out if the Granville Sharp grammar rule applies here and what the “men ... de” construction is. Learn why pastor and teacher is linked by a hyphen. See that while the role of a pastor is leadership and guidance, it always includes teaching so that his hearers may be equipped to serve God.

  • 148 - What Does “Pastor” Mean? Shepherding in the New Testament [c]

    11/10/2018 Duración: 01h04min

    Girls becoming boys? Boys becoming girls? As hard as that is to believe watch a video showing what Canadian schools are teaching their youth and how we must be alert as it spreads into our country. Continue a study of spiritual leaders such as pastors and shepherds. Hear Jesus’ conversation with Peter about his future ministry and the significance of the synonyms that are used. Find out why Jesus’ emphasis on love changes throughout His ministry. Understand that it is God who provides the hearers and the pastor is responsible for feeding his flock. If you'd like to watch the video Dr. Dean showed during class, you can view it here.

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