Connect The Dots



Technology strategist, leader, entrepreneur, and speaker offering observations and commentary on current events, global issues, leadership, and technology.


  • Connect The Dots - Technology Lock - In (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    07/05/2017 Duración: 06min

    To understand how we get out of our collective world mess, we need to understand what technology lock-in is and how it relates to market power and establishment forces. Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - Living In The Twilight Zone (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    07/05/2017 Duración: 06min

    Ever feel like you're living an episode (or season) of the Twilight Zone? This is how I've felt for months - not just the last few, but before the election, too. How have we come to this? And how do we get out of this? Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - The Left Is Losing Its Touch (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    07/05/2017 Duración: 06min

    The Left is losing its touch. For an ideology that is focused on tolerance and open-mindedness, the Left's Resistance movement seems to be so focused on reacting to Trump and the GOP, that it's forgetting how to listen to others to be better influencers. The Right, for its part, is so greedy with its power, that it's already shooting itself in the foot. Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - The Linguistics Gap that Explains Trump (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    12/02/2017 Duración: 08min

    When conservatives speak, they hear a different message than what liberals hear. When liberals speak, they hear a different message than what conservatives hear. Did Donald Trump call Mexicans murderers and rapists OR did he highlight a border security issue? Understanding this linguistics gap is crucial to 1) influencing the other side, and 2) building up our understanding of the problem from ALL angles... Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - Conservatives & Liberals Are Flipping The Script (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    12/02/2017 Duración: 07min

    Generally speaking, conservatives tend to prioritize the Constitution and Religion over human rights, equality, and justice. While Liberals tend to prioritize human rights, equality, and justice over the Constitution and Religion... With 51% of Trump supporters believing that the President should have the right to override the Courts, are we now seeing a flip of the script? Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - How Panicking & Bickering Destroys Our Democracy (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    10/01/2017 Duración: 04min

    The amount of discord between the Left and the Right with the election of Donald Trump. Progressives can achieve far more by moving beyond panicking. Everyone can achieve far more by moving beyond bickering. It's not one ideology or another that's correct - no ideology will ever win (at least not in our lifetime). So the question becomes, how can transform our current emotions into productive action that strengthen our democracy and moves toward post-ideological politics? There's a clear way forward. Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - How Progressives Can Find The Positive (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    10/01/2017 Duración: 07min

    Progressives have seen nothing but negativity in the election of Donald Trump. He's not a progressive, but there are some very likely positives that will come from Trump's election for the progressive cause... if people see the potential possibilities and focus on making them real. Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - Good Leadership Is Hard To Find (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    10/01/2017 Duración: 06min

    If management is a science, then leadership is most certainly the art... but like the martial arts, leadership can be learned, practiced, and improved. Yet, we don't do enough in business, government, or community organizations to develop our leaders. Instead, we rely too much on a top-down authoritative structure that is killing our society and our democracy. Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - Tips On How To Talk Politics (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    15/11/2016 Duración: 09min

    In a previous episode, I talk about the need to talk about politics differently. What are some ways to make that real and act on that concept? Give me a few minutes

  • Connect The Dots - The New Way To Talk Politics (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    15/11/2016 Duración: 06min

    Have you noticed the trend in the way we talk about politics these days? Have you noticed how every conversation seems to take an our-team-vs-their team approach? We have to change this. Here's why. Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - The Gap Between Leaders And Communities (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    15/11/2016 Duración: 04min

    Why did Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton? It may have less to do with either candidate than the pundits would like you to believe. In fact, it may have more to do with a growing gap between leaders and communities both in and beyond government at all levels. Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - Our Democracy Is An Illusion (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    17/10/2016 Duración: 05min

    We live in a country where 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry every night and 200,000 veterans are homeless. Our presidential debates should be smart, fun, funny, collaborative, introspective -- and they're far from that. Our population engages with their government once every 2-4 years, if they vote at all. We are not living in a democracy. Our democracy is an illusion. Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - Left Right Mindset (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    17/10/2016 Duración: 07min

    The left-right mindset defines a lot of our conversations today. The echo chambers and bubbles of each side operate in the left-center and the right-center, but the further left/right you get in your politics, the more they become very similar. The left-right mindset entraps us, and we need to break free of it. Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - Why Law Enforcement Should Always B Transparent (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    23/09/2016 Duración: 04min

    Transparency is important for building trust. Without transparency, we can't have accountability. Without accountability, trust falls, engagement decreases, injustices prevail, and the oligarchy arises. Dashcam and bodycam footage should be released. Each time it's not released, an amateur video comes up and creates a different (and not necessarily unbiased) narrative. And, in the process, trust in law enforcement decreases. We must work to build trust by being more transparent as leaders. Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - Evolving Beyond Open Government (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    23/09/2016 Duración: 06min

    The Sunlight Foundation is going through an identity crisis. It's done great work for open government, but its theory of change must evolve to go beyond radical transparency and include radical engagement. We are living in a tech-driven world. If we don't have tech that helps people organize and channel their social pressure in response to what transparency initiatives reveal, no meaningful action will take place. Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - Terror Or Terrorism (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    19/09/2016 Duración: 04min

    A disturbing scenario played out this past weekend with simultaneous terrorist attacks in New Jersey and in New York. Both political parties started reacting in a very political manner. Did you catch it? Their reactions aligned with how you would expect the party in-power to respond compared the party not-in-power to respond. Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - A New Era Of Distrust (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    01/09/2016 Duración: 05min

    Are we entering a pseudo 'cold civil war' or is this new era of distrust between ordinary citizens just a passing phase? As the two major presidential candidates ramp up their attacks on each other, people will become increasingly turned off from politics at a time when we need people to be more engaged than ever. But leaders can help reverse this trend. Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - Your Life Is Being Produced (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    28/08/2016 Duración: 05min

    Editors, producers, ad creatives, and a number of other "content creators" for mass media consumption shape your world. Someone makes Bieber and Kardashian more important in your newsfeed than the millions of people being left behind by our current system. Intentionally or not, their choices determine what issues are discussed, what perspectives are covered, the wording of the headlines, etc. - and this impacts our democracy, our self-image, and our society in far greater ways than we realize. Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - Organizing Without Organizations (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    28/08/2016 Duración: 04min

    We've changed from a "top-down" society to a "networked society", but our organizations haven't. In too many places, we're still operating with a top-down leadership style - government, political parties, non-profits, unions, you-name-it. We need to get better at organizing ourselves without top-down organizations. It's critical for democracy. Give me a few minutes.

  • Connect The Dots - Tech We Need For The World We Need (Give Me A Few Minutes)

    07/08/2016 Duración: 06min

    Today's technology does not help us come together to build the world we want and need. And that's okay - that's not what it was designed for. That's why we're building Powerline. For people's power - the tech we need, for the world we need. Learn more:

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