George Digianni Health And Wellness



Former trainer to Dennis Rodman, Mark Cuban and Michael Dell, George DiGianni is no ordinary fitness professional. George founded 21 Day Body Makeover ( and Genetic Direction (, a leading provider of genetics-based personal health management programs. Both companies currently operate to help customers with unique goals.With over 25 years of experience as a leader in the health and wellness industry, George DiGianni is passionate about helping others transform their lives and achieve profound positive change through personal and professional development. Author, talk show host, and behavior modification and wellness coach, George is a widely sought after speaker who empowers international audiences to redefine who they are and what they can accomplish.


  • Foundational Health Tools & Final Show

    16/12/2018 Duración: 42min

    All too often people unhappy with their fitness level and over-all health look to the latest fitness and diet craze to "change them." Certain staples of health have not changed and will not change. Dr. Webster and I will discuss the never changing information you need to know before adopting a new diet, exercise program or supplement. This will be my last attempt to empower and arm you with information to help you make an educated decision before allowing a study to influence your next diet or supplement. It is my deep desire to help you to think for yourself instead of being sheeple by following a friend’s path, what mainstream media tells you, in addition to whom to trust when hiring a professional. We discuss doctors, nutrition, exercise and what to look for in a study that lets you know it's credible before deciding to implement a change. Lastly, I take a bow and exit left after twenty years of the Train Station Fitness show on The Ticket in DFW. I’m leaving radio to move on to other ventures. Genet

  • 10 Outdated-Ineffective Fitness Mistakes

    01/12/2018 Duración: 44min

    Scott Bale is a master trainer, which he defines. We discuss the movements and mentality of the exerciser who lacks results. Many deal with chronic pain, due to exercising the way they did when they were young, and being resistant to change. They often never connect the movement to the affected area. Scott's website is In addition, Scott shares who specifically needs corrective exercise How does corrective exercise affect performance enhancement? Here are the 10 mistakes we discuss in detail. 1.Performing exercises with less than optimal form 2. Only training in one plane of motion 3. Limit exercise to strength training machines that do not translate into real-world movements 4. Isolation movements - glutes on a butt blaster machine, your quadriceps on a leg extension machine, and your hamstrings on a leg curl. We discuss why you should train movements, not muscles. 5. Working through the pain -If the adjustments don’t help, you may need to eliminate that exercise. How do you iden

  • OTC Medicine Mistakes

    21/11/2018 Duración: 42min

    Dr. Joel Kahn, MD is a cardiologist and best-selling author, America’s Healthy Heart Doc Dr. Kahn, is a clinical professor of medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine and an associate professor at Oakland University/Beaumont Hospital medical schools. He graduated summa cum laude from the University of Michigan Medical School and trained in interventional cardiology in Dallas and Kansas City. Known as "America’s Healthy Heart Doc," Kahn is a diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine and maintains sub-specialty board certification in cardiovascular medicine. He’s author of multiple No. 1 best-selling books including, “Whole Heart Solution,” “Dead Execs Don’t Get Bonuses,” and his most recent, “The Plant-Based Solution.” Kahn is a regular medical expert on major national shows including, “Dr. Phil,” “The Doctors,” “Dr. Oz,” and “Larry King.” He is owner of three health restaurants in Detroit and Austin, Texas. Visit: on Facebook at: or follow

  • Chronic Pain Linked To Depression

    11/11/2018 Duración: 42min

    Bryan Clifton, Founder of Kalypso Wellness Centers Chief of Anesthesia at Northeast Baptist Hospital Veteran According to CDC 50M people live with chronic pain due to: Age related overuse injuries Sports injuries Low Back, Knee, Ankle, Shoulder, Joint     A link between chronic pain and depression   WEBSITE:  Ketamine is well known drug that has been used as an anesthetic for over 50 years, is used in operating rooms around the world, and is viewed by World Health Organization as core medicine in healthcare. The FDA has approved it as an anesthetic, and anesthesiologists use it routinely for this purpose.   While low dose ketamine has not yet been FDA approved for the treatment of Chronic Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (nerve pain), Inflammatory Pain, Fibromyalgia, Bipolar Disorder or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); researchers for the last 15 years have shown that sub-clinical doses can rapidly relieve symptoms when given as IV infusions

  • CBD Oil Miracle or Snake Oil

    04/11/2018 Duración: 41min

    Dr. Bomi Joseph founder of Peak Health Every year, more than 2 million Americans suffer from serious pharmaceutical drug reactions. According to the FDA, these reactions cause about 100,000 deaths per year, making prescription drugs the fourth leading cause of death in the United States Peak Health’s Dr. Bomi Joseph (PhD) is dedicated to conducting research and studying the efficacy of plant compounds on human health and has successfully developed a variety of phytoceutical products. The genesis of Peak Health is “Johnson & Johnson Ayurvedic Pharmacy,” founded in 1918 in Alleppey, Kerala, India by Dr. Joseph’s great uncle. As a child, Dr. Joseph spent his summers helping his great uncle in the phyto pharmacy. Dr. Joseph has published more than 42 peer-reviewed studies which can be found here: He spent nearly a decade developing ImmunAG™, which is the first-ever non-cannabis derived cannabidiol (CBD) oil. He also works with seve

  • How to Stop Feeling Like a Victim

    27/10/2018 Duración: 42min

    It happens to men and women—even celebrities such as Serena Williams, Selena Gomez, Kelly Clarkson and Amy Schumer. Fat-shaming—criticizing people's physical appearance based on their weight—is both rude and hurtful. Most people who listen to my show are not obese, but being shamed for how you look, what you believe and desires that don't fit the narrative of the culture you live in can be equally damaging. Nicole Black, who was fat-shamed for 30 years, reached a peak when she packed an extra 100 pounds on her 5-ft. 1-inch frame, feeling like a victim is strictly optional. Nicole is an author, speaker and advocate for mindful living. She is the co-founder and former CEO of Renaud's Patisserie & Bistro. When she isn't working to promote her story of getting healthy from the inside out, she enjoys travel, yoga, Pilates. In her new book, Fat Shame: Ditch the Shame, Get Confident, and Claim the Life You Deserve,Fat Shame: Ditch the Shame, Get Confident, and Claim the Life You Deserve Black

  • Connection between the Holidays and Your Health

    20/10/2018 Duración: 42min

    Joining me on today's episode is Dr. Mark Engelman, MD, Founder and President of the Engelman Health Institute and permanent Clinical Consultant for Cyrex Laboratories. Cyrex Laboratories’ website is: More than 50 million Americans suffer from autoimmune disease.  What are some common signs?  Why are the holidays a common time for an autoimmune disease to be triggered?  Dr. Mark Engelman said, researchers have identified 80-100 different autoimmune diseases and suspect at least 40 additional diseases of having an autoimmune basis. These diseases are chronic and can be life-threatening. While current studies have shown genetic predisposition accounts for approximately 30% percent of all autoimmune diseases.   70 % is due to environmental factors.  Other than polluted water and air, how are you contributing to your own health issues while unaware of the warning signs? The key to making great stride in modern medicine is personalized functional medicine, which helps identify key challenges to

  • Kick The Habit or It Will Kick you

    13/10/2018 Duración: 41min

    Health educator Dr. Julie Gatza is one of the nation’s top chiropractic physicians with more than 20 years of clinical practice. A highly popular speaker, she has designed and presented hundreds of wellness workshops for both patients and practitioners where she’s addressed a wide range of health issues with a focus on the role that digestion plays in maintaining a healthy immune system. Every year at this time, Halloween, Thanksgiving, then Christmas, we're bombarded with the sight of sugared treats in our own home, and parties to match.  While we're aware of the dangers of sugar connected to weight gain, I am unsure how many are aware of the connection between sugar and disease. Cancer, heart disease and my guess are sugar can be connected to almost any disease is its part of our daily life. I say this because we know most disease is connected to chronic inflammation. We also know sugar disrupts pH balance (alkaline vs acidity ratio) and increases inflammation. Add that to mental str

  • Leave Sheeple Behind Think For Yourself

    08/10/2018 Duración: 47min

    In this episode we discuss the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) published in The Lancet found an association between saturated fat and living longer.   Also, is our choice in food killing our economy and Aging is the number 1 killer around the globe. Lobbyists are making good progress towards classifying aging as a disease. Now let's see, what is their incentive to classify age as a disease?   Could it be for yet another up and coming medication that will be marketed in a way that makes us feel even more broken having to rely on big pharma to keep us alive?    Saturated fats have been controversial for decades. Doctors tell us to limit saturated fat, but a recent study has many people questioning their advice.   Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study published in The Lancet found an association between saturated fat and living longer. 135,000 people from 21 different countries were questioned over a seven-year period specifically focused on diet.   Researchers recorded how many subjects

  • Unique, Proven Flu Prevention Tips

    29/09/2018 Duración: 44min

    Centers of Disease Control and Prevention says it’s time to prepare for the 2018-2019 flu season now, especially coming off of a horrible season that killed more children than any other non-pandemic year on record. Dr. Ken Redcross, board-certified internal medicine physician and author of, “Bond: The 4 Cornerstones of a Lasting and Caring Relationship with Your Doctor,” says, if just one person in your household comes down with the flu, it can just take a few hours for it to spread to everyone. In fact, it only takes one sick person’s cough to spread 2,000 virus-laden droplets into the air! Having a strong immune system is key to protection and keeping it clean from the inside out, including your environmental surroundings, can make the difference in whether or not you will catch flu. Redcross says tackling influenza room-by-room in your home this season can keep those unwanted houseguests (aka: germs), from invading your space and lower your chances of getting sick this season and he will share with your

  • Russian Roulette With Your Health

    22/09/2018 Duración: 48min

    In this episode Dr Webster and I will discuss: Dangers of certain Antibiotics Sharing Your Love Life with Your Cardiologist  Signs and dangers of High and low Cortisol.  While we've all seen and heard the warnings of medication on a commercial, we tend to dismiss or not heed their warnings. I believe it's often due to the upbeat, happy voice of the talent reading the script. Imagine having a doctor read the same script slowly without high energy happy emotion in his/her voice. Would that make us stop and be reluctant to run to a doctor for medication? I guess that may depend on how "sick" you really are. One thing not mentioned on this warning below are genetic factors. Some people are simply not going to experience any  known issues, while others can suffer greatly. Think of it as Russian Roulette. A game of chance at your expense. Fluoroquinolones are antibiotics to treat or prevent certain bacterial infections that come with serious side effects. Brand names: Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) Ciprofloxacin extended-r

  • Your New doctor & Patient Concerns

    15/09/2018 Duración: 43min

    Dr. Jane Orient Your doctor might not be dedicated to (or skilled at) finding the correct diagnosis or best treatment for The De-sciencing of American Medicine and What It Means to You. Darrell Kirch of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), intends to redefine what makes a good doctor.  Physicians who reveal an improper attitude are being purged now So where does this leave patients? They might lose their trusted, highly skilled physician, who was dedicated to making them well but who revealed a politically incorrect belief that is irrelevant to their care... Your doctor might not be dedicated to (or skilled at) finding the correct diagnosis or best treatment for you. That might even be contrary to his/her duty to improve population health or cosmic justice With all the talk about “evidence-based medicine,” you might think that doctors were becoming much more focused on rigorous science. But like the names attached to bills in Congress—such as the Affordable Care Act, which outlaws a

  • Results don't lie

    08/09/2018 Duración: 41min

    In the health space, in particular, too many people play to too many agendas and vomit their inconclusive biases in studies with data that lacks consideration for every conceivable variable. To do this would almost be impossible or at the very least cost prohibitive.  So, what are we left with? Many unknowns that could give us the answers we desire and need to make an informed decision based on all of facts/data rather than partial which could affect our health or the goals we're trying to reach. Headlines are sensational and confuse those who've benefitted from their way of thinking and living. With partial or minimal data and sample size studies (subjects in a study) being spewed all over magazines, newspapers and the net, it leaves some people to question their choices, while others feel paralyzed as if they cannot do anything right, so they give up trying to be healthy. I've done my best, in many ways with many diverse guests these twenty years on the radio to express and expose the truth about health wit

  • Emotions Affect Performance

    25/08/2018 Duración: 41min

    Website: The Association for Applied Sports Psychology work with athletes, coaches, non-sport performers (dancers, musicians), business professionals, and military, firefighters, police). Dr. Kristen Dieffenbach, an executive board member, and Certified Mental Performance Consultant will discuss emotion regulation for athletes and non-athletes and the science behind it. In this episode, we discuss how each emotion has the potential to either help or hinder performance whether you're an athlete or non-athlete in the work-place. Many non-athletes need to use emotional regulation techniques in their every day lives/at work. Those with high-pressure jobs (business professionals), high-risk occupations (firefighters, police, military, etc.) and performers (dancers, musicians) can use emotional regulation to succeed, survive or perfect their craft. How are emotional regulation techniques different for athletes, performers, business professionals, etc.? I ask about how an athlete like

  • Positive Thinking Won't Change Your Life unless it's followed by action.

    11/08/2018 Duración: 30min

    Are you or your partner sabotaging your success? Weight loss, belief systems, and daily action steps for life-long success. David Essel has worked as a counselor since 1992 and has a #1 bestseller called “Focus! Slay your goals In his new book, David talk about the story of Evelyn – who created a powerful and persevering mindset, with powerful daily action steps that made her lose 240 pounds. David says, the odds of persevering through the challenges, will not be on your side if your program is not put in writing, with specific days and times that you’re going to exercise, specific days and times that you’re going to eat your clean meals, specific days and times. We discuss  overcome procrastination and negative thinking Find out why the key to long-term success is based upon learning how to deal with emotions in life! Get focused with an accountability partner.  When it comes to achieving goals does the subconscious mind sabotages our success? Regardless of your desire, money, weight los

  • Achieve 2x the wealth in 1/3 the time

    09/08/2018 Duración: 44min

    My guest Tracy Timm said, people who LOVE their job make over 2x the wealth as those who simply “like” their job in approximately 1/3 the time.      Tracy:   Yale grad, behavioral psych degree, thesis on infant development and behavioral psych   Human capital advisor for Dallas’s fastest growing companies (over 100+ companies, and counting)   Career coaching for executives and young professionals   Stats from: So how do we find that love for what we do that brings us wealth we desire? In this episode, Tracy discusses why so many people are chasing money hoping that brings happiness, when the numbers show that the equation works in reverse—those who love what they do accumulate more wealth, faster.   She said, "instead of setting ourselves up for failure by chasing everyone else’s version of success, we have to know ourselves and define success for ourselves if we ever want to feel truly fulfilled and “well” at work    We’re all waiting for proof of the promise of our decisions (like your job is a bus st

  • Female Rocky inspiration

    28/07/2018 Duración: 41min

    As a kid, after seeing a Rocky movie I believed I could take on the world. As we age, people, disappointments and normal life challenges make it harder to stay motivated and believe in a bright future.  We search for inspiration in the success of others but rarely look toward a 17-yr. old to inspire us. While competing in a marathon in 2017 my guest 17-year-old Ariana Luterman – intentionally stopped just short of the finish line to help her opponent by nudging her ahead to win the race. Ariana’s story is sure to help restore faith in humanity while inspiring you to care for yourself and others just a little more. Ariana's Dallas teen-does-good story seized the attention of the Fox 4, CBS News, the Today show, and several other national programs. ​My hope is that you gain your own inspiration, motivation, and humility by learning from someone who, while lacks in age, wisdom, and experience, does not lack support for another. Would you trust a 17-yr. old to help restore your faith in human

  • Anxiety Disorder and Nutrition: Is There a Link?

    21/07/2018 Duración: 39min

    Rarely do we consider anxiety as a normal human experience. Consensus about its origin shows anxiety was needed for survival to keep us alert and safe from danger. However, if we manifest anxiety beyond what we were designed for, exaggerated in excess of real danger, when under psychological distress or disease, that is abnormal. Anxiety disorder occurs from a set of risk factors and variables such as genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life events. It affects 18.% of adults in the United States (approximately 40 million adults between 18 to 54 yrs old) In this episode, Dr. Webster and I discuss causes of anxiety often unknown or dismissed by many, such as emotions (what we’re feeling), medication, supplements, food, and genetics. Are you contributing to your anxiety beyond what your body and health was designed for and can handle? It's not uncommon for someone with an anxiety disorder to also suffer from depression or vice versa. Almost half of the people diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed

  • Can we really reverse Type 2 Diabetes?

    15/07/2018 Duración: 42min

    Amy McKenzie, Ph.D., Research Scientist says her team is reversing type 2 diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes affects 30 million Americans and costs $327 billion annually. It has been, until now, considered chronic and progressive. Heart disease affects 1 in 3 adults and costs nearly $400 billion annually. Virta Health’s website is here: We begin the show by learning some stats on how many American's have Type 2 Diabetes in the US today compared to 20 yrs. ago. And learning the difference between Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes I also get into some real, but sticky points. How many people with Type 2 want to be "healed"? Discussing people who "need" medication for a condition and the mentality of relying on meds giving a false belief of being healthy now that symptoms are managed.   Virta Health claims to reverse Type 2 Diabetes. Is this simply through lifestyle change? Some more questions I ask Dr. McKenzie: How is Virta treatment different than others? What is the success rate? What e

  • Living Skinny in Fat Genes

    30/06/2018 Duración: 45min

    My guest Felicia Stoler is a registered dietitian nutritionist, author, “Living Skinny in Fat Genes”   Some of the best parts of summer are edible, however indulging in the season’s most popular foods at picnics, barbecues and on boardwalks can lead to double trouble when it comes to your health because of certain summer food intolerances.     She says this is why reactions to food sensitivities increase during this season and what causes these reactions resulting in unwanted flare-ups that are real summer spoilers – and what nutritional steps you can take to avoid a reaction.  PLUS what foods you can substitute that will make summer more edible and enjoyable.      Felicia, know as America's Health & Wellness ExpertTM is a registered dietitian nutritionist, exercise physiologist and expert consultant in disease prevention. She is the author of, “Living Skinny in Fat GenesTM: The Healthy Way to Lose Weight and Feel Great”    “Atmosphere and social pressure can play a huge role in what we choose

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