From Sand To Silicon



Israel is but a small part of a colourful mosaic called the Middle East. She is an integration of east and west, multiple diverse religions and cultures. From inception, a nation struggling to survive. In this podcast we will explore Israel's ancient sites, modern day society, achievements, failures and her role in the Middle East conflicts. Hosted by Itai Tennenbaum.


  • The Showdown

    12/10/2016 Duración: 20min

    The US and Russia seem to be on the brink a second cold war as rhetoric and threats are exchange between them. When I was a young solider in the Israeli army I witnessed the event that perhaps ended the last cold war. It was the largest ariel battle since World War II. It was a showdown between the super powers..

  • Israeli Chutzpah

    24/09/2016 Duración: 22min

    The Prime Minster of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, spoke to the UN general assembly and almost literally gave them the finger. How and why does the leader of a nation only one tenth of one percent of the world population have the audacity, the chutzpah, to speak to the world nations this way? Find out by listening to this episode.

  • Now or Never

    11/09/2016 Duración: 21min

    Join me as I talk about Israel's dramatic story of independence. We will learn about the passionate argument within the Jewish leadership, the Arab objections and threats, the US White House showdown and how an unknown Kansas City Jew influenced the president of the USA. To contact me tweet me @itaitours.

  • Introduction

    07/09/2016 Duración: 03min

    Welcome to "From Sand to Silicon Podcast" where you will be introduced to the vast and challenging issues facing the State of Israel. i will also introduce myself.