Sun City Church Podcast



Sun City Church is a life-giving church located in Spokane Valley, Washington. We exist so people far from God can know Him and become like Him. Come visit us every Sunday morning at 9:15am & 11:00am @ our new location on Sprague at University. For more info check out


  • The Elephant and the Donkey in the Room - Part 4 - Political Practices and Postures

    26/05/2024 Duración: 44min

    In concluding the series, Pastor Danny Schulz will share practical steps for engaging with politics as a disciple of Jesus. November is coming. There's going to be a ballot. What is realistic in order to engage with all of this? Let's lean in and learn together about what we can do during this election season. As His Church, we are truly better together.

  • The Elephant and Donkey in the Room - Part 3 - Hope and Humility

    19/05/2024 Duración: 35min

    There's been a noticeable increase in people giving up on politics, feeling like it's all over and irredeemable. At the same time, there's been a significant lack of humility, with everyone suddenly becoming experts, especially online, leading to a rise in combativeness. Pastor Shalom Borgford shares how, as followers of Jesus, we're called to maintain hope and humility. Without it, we become cynical or exhausted, affecting our engagement with politics. Together, let's remember to fix our eyes on eternal things, align our outlook with scripture, and understand that Jesus ultimately triumphs.

  • The Elephant and Donkey in the Room - Part 2 - All Hail King Jesus

    12/05/2024 Duración: 40min

    In this message, Pastor Jamie Schulz helps us confront the notion of Jesus' political nature, often overlooked in modern interpretations. Despite our tendency to separate spiritual and political spheres, Jesus' message encompassed both, challenging the status quo of His time. Ultimately, we're prompted to consider: Is Jesus truly our King, and where does our allegiance lie?

  • The Elephant and Donkey in the Room - Part 1 - The Jesus Way

    05/05/2024 Duración: 42min

    Recent events have highlighted the divisive nature of politics and its impact, even in the church. 2020 left a mark on all of us. Recognizing the need for preparation in the coming year, Pastor Danny Schulz shows us how Jesus engaged with politics. Let's jump into this new series and focus on the "how" rather than the "what" of politics and the nature of navigating relationships and unity.

  • The Spiritual Guide to Family and Parenting - Part 4 - The Power of Words

    28/04/2024 Duración: 39min

    Have you ever experienced the power of your words in parenting? This week, we are focusing on how words can either build up or tear down. Pastor Chris Spedick shares about the significance of speaking blessings over your family and the importance of nurturing everyone's God-given gifts. Join us as we learn how to encourage, guide, and empower our kids the way Jesus intended.

  • The Spiritual Guide to Family and Parenting - Part 3 - The Direction of Discipline

    21/04/2024 Duración: 45min

    Parenting is undeniably challenging, especially when conflict arises within the family. In this sermon, Pastor Danny Schulz addresses the struggles and realities of disciplining and how we should be for our kids and not against them. Looking to Jesus’ example, we learn how to cultivate our relationship with our kids through patience and kindness!

  • The Spiritual Guide to Family and Parenting - Part 2 - Stages

    14/04/2024 Duración: 44min

    What do different seasons of parenting look like, and how do you navigate them? In this sermon, Pastor Jamie Schulz discusses how to parent with intentionality through various stages of a child's development. Be encouraged and find hope in this message for whatever stage you find yourself in!

  • The Spiritual Guide to Family and Parenting - Part 1 - Parenting Toward Relationship

    07/04/2024 Duración: 44min

    Join us in our new series tackling the complexities of parenting. From navigating various family dynamics to wrestling with personal imperfections, Pastor Danny Schulz shares candidly about the challenges and joys of raising children. This series is going to be full of insight and encouragement for parents of all backgrounds, emphasizing the importance of grace, truth, and prioritizing authentic relationships with our kids. It's going to be fun!

  • Easter at Sun City Church 2024

    31/03/2024 Duración: 38min

    The shocking news of Jesus' death and resurrection changed everything. Pastor Danny Schulz illustrates how the extraordinary news of Jesus' life can still capture us and transform our lives even today. Celebrate the miracle of His resurrection with us! Happy Easter!

  • Halos and Harps - Part 4 - The Two Tests in Heaven

    24/03/2024 Duración: 47min

    How do we secure our place in Heaven? Pastor Danny Schulz will help us uncover the common misconceptions about earning our spot—being a good person or simply believing in God. Then, together we’ll unpack the truth and delve into the judgments outlined in Scripture. We invite you to lean in to hear how we prepare for the ultimate test and how to live a life that will make a difference in eternity.

  • Halos and Harps - Part 3 - New Heavens and a New Earth

    17/03/2024 Duración: 45min

    Let's explore what the new Heavens and new earth will be like, and let's dive deep into the narrative of God's unfolding plan and our pivotal role within it. Amidst broken relationships and deviated paths, we find hope in the promise of restoration, where we have harmony, resurrection, and the ultimate fulfillment of our purpose. Join us as Pastor Jamie Schulz helps us navigate the narrative arc from creation to eternal unity, embracing a perspective of Heaven that is so much more than a worldly perspective of halos and harps.

  • Halos and Harps - Part 2 - Will We Have Bodies in Heaven?

    10/03/2024 Duración: 43min

    This week, Pastor Chris Spedick will help us dive into the concept of resurrection bodies and imagine what our bodies will be like in Heaven and the activities we will engage in. We'll consider the significance of investing in relationships on Earth, the importance of aligning our lives with Christ to surrender to His will, and preparing ourselves for the eternal glory that awaits. Be encouraged as you listen in today!

  • Halos and Harps - Part 1 - What is Heaven Actually Like?

    03/03/2024 Duración: 47min

    Imagine what Heaven could look like: white fluffy clouds, angels flying around with glowing halos while playing harps, and floating around with peaceful music into eternity. Wait a minute, is that what Heaven is? What is Heaven actually like? Let’s jump in to what the Bible says about Heaven and go on a journey together toward a clearer understanding and its significance in shaping our lives today.

  • In the Beginning - Part 4 - Are We Designed to Be Controlled?

    25/02/2024 Duración: 39min

    We are finishing up the series "From The Beginning,” and we have Pastors Ike and Sharon Miller from Bright City Church in Durham, North Carolina as our guest speakers! They will be wrapping up this relationship series pointing back to the beginning of creation and God's design. We will be diving into the question: what concepts creep into our foundation of relationships that affect our marriages? This should be a great one! Let's lean in and reflect on our roots and how we can bring God into all it.

  • In the Beginning - Part 3 - Marriage On Mission

    18/02/2024 Duración: 48min

    As we journey back to Genesis, Pastor Danny Schulz uncovers the idea that navigating singleness or marriage is as significant as anything that you do with your life. How do you embrace a marriage on a mission? • Serve selflessly • Constantly practice forgiveness • Reconcile The redemption through Jesus paved the way for humanity to fulfill its purpose. Let’s lean in as we dive into what the text says From the Beginning.

  • In the Beginning - Part 2 - A Suitable Helper

    11/02/2024 Duración: 47min

    Do you struggle with understanding the Biblical “roles” of husband and wife? Ever been told a "help meet" is reduced to household chores? Dive into week two of our series as Pastor Danny Schulz unravels these misconceptions and more. • Explore the pitfalls of defining masculinity and femininity through cultural stereotypes. • Shift your perspective on meaningful work and purpose • Discover the real meaning of “helper”: a partner, not subordinate— and her husband’s strength. Join us for a transformative message on the beauty of working and thriving together, challenging conventional norms and revealing God's timeless blueprint for fulfilling relationships.

  • In the Beginning - Part 1 - Form and Fullness

    04/02/2024 Duración: 43min

    How can we live out God's plan for gender, sex, and marriage in today's  culture? Get ready for a journey back to the beginning as we explore the richness of God's design. In this week’s message, Pastor Jamie Schulz  shares practical insights to:  • Identify and overcome lies from the enemy that undermine your  relationships  • Navigate challenges in both singleness and marriage  • Appreciate and cherish the unique differences in your spouse  Join us to learn the keys to fulfilling relationships grounded in purpose.

  • When the Church Prays - Part 5 - The Prayer of Enlightenment (Guest Speaker Pastor Tracy Armstrong)

    28/01/2024 Duración: 41min

    Unlock the profound journey of the power of prayer in our last message in our series “When The Church Prays.” Pastor and author Tracey Armstrong from Des Moines, Washington will be showing us how the Bible illustrates how God wants to breakthrough in your life and to give you a new hope and renewing of your mind! Let’s lean in towards a deeper understanding of God's profound enlightenment in your life.

  • When the Church Prays - Part 4 - Are You Ready for a Miracle?

    21/01/2024 Duración: 40min

    When the church gathers to pray, God surprises us. What if in our darkest moments, our natural response is not despair, but powerful prayer? Even when we are too exhausted to pray, the collective prayers of other people changes things. Join us to learn how to overcome doubts in prayer, break free from limited expectations, and believe that when we meet with the God of the impossible, anything becomes possible.

  • When the Church Prays - Part 3 - Laborers Are Sent

    14/01/2024 Duración: 48min

    When the church prays, entire communities are strengthened. Despite narratives of declining church attendance, the pandemic has ignited a spiritual hunger among Americans, with many desiring spiritual growth. Join us and see how Jesus calls us to shift our focus from worry to powerful prayer for our church community.

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