Brilliant Or Stupid?



Brilliant Ideas for a Stupid World


  • Buy 1 Religion, Get 1 Free!


    In this podcast we create not 1, but 2 new religions for you too swallow. First, save your soul with Godism (it deserves to be bolded up!), the religion with the motto “Let God Handle It.” We believe that if there is a God, it’s His job is to worry about all the shit down here … Continue reading Buy 1 Religion, Get 1 Free! →

  • East End thug Tony’s get-rich-scheme — Scare Zoo


    If you love videos of cats losing their nut over cucumbers, then come on down to the world’s first zoo where you can throw fresh veggies at animals for our entertainment! Bring the family and a few bob for the carrots!

  • Pay-as-you-go movies and popcorn


    In our society if we want to watch a movie we have to pay big bucks and be forced the watch the whole thing even if it is crap just to get our money’s worth. That sucks. What is this Russia?! Why can’t we have a system where we pay more the longer we sit in … Continue reading Pay-as-you-go movies and popcorn →

  • The $10 Million Treasure Hunt Movie


    The average Hollywood blockbuster costs about $200 million to make. We propose sharing a slice of that pie with the audience … it’s probably a tax write-off anyway.

  • How to Get Your Fat Kid into Sports


    Why hasn’t some NHL team ever hired the biggest, fattest sumo wrestler on Earth to play goal for them? Or one of those 800 pound people where you have to cut a wall out of the house to get them out and move them around with a crane. Slap on 50 pounds of goalie gear and there … Continue reading How to Get Your Fat Kid into Sports →

  • Brother, can you spare an app?


    How come poor people can’t afford food but they all have smartphones? We may never know the answer to that question, but here’s one we can answer: How are you going to help out the homeless if you don’t carry cash and you can’t swipe your Visa card on their foreheads? Here’s how: the Panhandler … Continue reading Brother, can you spare an app? →