


StarLady uses Evolutionary Astrology to forecast on the New Moon and Full Moon of each month. These forecasts will involve the current transits of planets and signs. StarLady nourishes the Soul and rekindles your Spirit.


  • Forecast for March 11-24, 2024

    08/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    The New Moon @ 20* Pisces is sandwiched between Saturn and a Neptune Venus conjunction as we complete another solar year and face Sun in Aries on the Equinox. Saturn balsamic phase Neptune asks: "How are you making peace with our imperfect world?" Reflect on your co-creative efforts and process with Universal Source. Are you whole with your reality? Answer these questions as we embark on the Sun in Aries mantra: "I initiate with consideration of others" We will all see how congruent our values line up with our reality as Venus and Mars approach their conjunction to Saturn this spring. Say and do what you mean and manifest your true values into the reality you desire now and into the future.

  • Forecast for Dec. 12-25, 2023, 2023

    14/12/2023 Duración: 21min

    The Sun-Moon conjunction @ 21* Sag will aspect nearly every planet inviting us to establish new goals and visions for ourselves and the planet. "What are the broadest understandings of truth for me now?" We have a parade of planets either changing directions or changing signs. This can really shake things up for us so stay grounded in your new search for meaning this holiday. This dance between Capricorn and Sagittarius energy abounds. The Sun in Capricorn mantra: "I achieve my goals with emotional self reliance" Finally, Mercury in Capricorn goes retrograde from 8* Cap back to 22* Sag and will aspect eight planetary archetypes of energy in doing so. The interior conjunction to the Sun just before Christmas will be an especially ripe time for illumination on this righteous journey to the core of our Souls

  • AstroCast for Nov. 27th - Dec. 11th, 2023

    26/11/2023 Duración: 32min

    This Full Moon of Gemini opposes a Sun-Mars conjunction in Sag and forms a unique t-square with Saturn @ 1* Pisces. Are you choosing to return to Source energy or are the separating forces still holding you back? Venus conjunct the south node in Libra squares Pluto in late Capricorn setting up possible power struggles in relationships. Who's in charge in my world? Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus form a waxing sextile with that Venus-South node pairing. This is a classic Yod formation whereby evolution forces some major adjustment with these archetypes. Possible manifestations include land destruction and shifting boundaries (war) or renewed progressive visions on sharing resources. Will the current "lines in the sand mentality" in the Mideast and Eastern Europe prevail or do we embark on new frontiers of peace and mutual respect? Finally, join us for the full and free Mercury Retrograde webinar Dec. 13th @ 6pm MST. Mercury Rx @ 8* Capricorn until the New Year @ 22* Sag. Get to the essence of all commun

  • AstroCast for Nov. 13-26, 2023

    11/11/2023 Duración: 33min

    This is the time of year when the dual desire nature of our Souls becomes more focused. What in your Life now needs to fall away? How are you merging with others with a larger sense of your role in the Universe? The New Moon conjunct Mars @ 21* Scorpio may help to provide the answers for you. The Sagittarius mantra: "I understand the relativity of truth with others" On Nov. 18th, Mars and The Sun conjunct @ 25* Scorpio and a new two year cycle begins for this discovery of our conscious desires and alignment with Source energy. Be proactive right now and find your reasons for merging. Remember that Scorpio energy also rules confrontation. Mercury will then conjunct Mars three times over the next two months starting at 25* Scorpio. May your journey from the the depths of the Soul provide you with less eruptions and many more resolutions. Find and share your new healings and new modalities on this multi-layered journey to the core of the Soul

  • Lunar Eclipse AstroCast for Oct. 28 - Nov. 12, 2023

    27/10/2023 Duración: 23min

    The heaviness on the planet right now reflects this Scorpio Lunar Eclipse and Pluto in direct motion squaring the nodal axis. This set up occurs with Saturn now also going direct @ 1* Pisces. Reality checks for all right now. That Lunar Eclipse this weekend is @ 5* Scorpio-Taurus and also highlights oppositions of the Mercury-Mars conjunction (Scorpio) to Jupiter (Taurus). The themes are: Power Over vs. Autonomy. My Resources vs. Shared Resources. Activated polarities of energies abound so as to provide a catharsis leading to initiating new ways forward. What are the new realities facing you? Find common ground and seek balance in relating with partners and colleagues. Finally, Jupiter in Taurus moves from new phase to crescent phase with Neptune in Pisces. This provides another transitional vibe from yang to yin, so, internal adjustments abound. Ripe time for growth for those willing to feel it on this unusually dramatic journey to the core of our Souls.

  • AstroCast for Oct.14-28, 2023

    12/10/2023 Duración: 24min

    This New Moon will feature a Solar Eclipse @ 21* of Libra and will be partially visible in the western United States. This eclipse occurs at the same time Pluto is stationary direct and making a square the the Aries-Libra nodes. In addition, transiting Pluto is squatting right on the US natal Pluto @ 28* Capricorn. We are collectively reviewing skipped steps in our maturation processes and resolve as a nation. This includes our innate beliefs as well as our secular constructs, institutions and governing bodies. The Libra inner planets then square that Pluto (Soul) creating some internal friction and causing us to feel a bit defensive. The Sun in Scorpio mantra remains: "I metamorphose myself with evolving self-reliance" The veil is thin now. We are always evolving and a powerful window to the Soul has opened on this New Moon. May your progress be reflected back to you in all your relationship efforts this fall.

  • AstroCast for Sept. 30 - Oct. 14, 2023

    27/09/2023 Duración: 28min

    The Full Moon arrives @ 6* Aries-Libra and we begin south node eclipse season soon in October. The lessons are all about relationships and we look in the mirror to review, initiate new efforts, and see events from another perspective. All outer planets remain retrograde and the three inner planets change signs coloring our experience. Mercury and Venus aspect Uranus providing Ah-Ha moments and other mental revelations. Lastly, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto form a wonderful trine in the earth signs and Pluto will be stationary direct in Capricorn smack dab on the USA Pluto inspiring our collective Soul to evolve and renew. Resource rewards come more easily now on this always spiritual, yet definitely material journey to the core of the Soul.

  • Forecast for Sept. 14-29, 2023

    12/09/2023 Duración: 26min

    The New Moon opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces providing the energetic mojo to shed old, deep unconscious belief patterns blocking our progress. The Virgo palette, with Mercury and Mars' transits, helps us to balance the practical with the intuitive. Six planets retrograde. Use your dream diaries and meditative awareness for clues as to what has been holding you back. Uranus will have 5 waxing trines to Pluto in the fire signs. Venus direct makes waxing squares to Jupiter in Taurus inspiring creativity and propelling you forward with new resource appreciation and strategies. Sun in Libra Sept. 23rd - this resource theme becomes the new veneer onto our relationships with others. Your inner work now pays off. Resource appreciation = relationship peace then prosperity follows.

  • Forecast for August 1-15, 2023

    29/07/2023 Duración: 19min

    Enjoy this Full Moon edition from StarLady

  • Forecast for July 17-31, 2023

    14/07/2023 Duración: 22min

    New Moon in Cancer @ 25* The Sun squares the nodal axis just prior to entering Leo on July 22nd. The Leo mantra remains: I align My Will with Divine Will" Venus turns stationary retrograde in Leo along with Chiron Rx in Aries providing some fireworks and feistiness to our summertime pursuits. Pluto squares the nodal axis as well, July 27th in late Capricorn so the final degrees of the cardinal modality is a leading edge of evolution on this warm and fuzzy journey to the core of our Soul.

  • Forecast for July 3-16, 2023

    30/06/2023 Duración: 28min

    The Full Moon in Capricorn arrives as Neptune (27* – 5* Pisces) turns retrograde. Neptune is actually finishing up a 165 year old cycle as it transits through the last of Pisces. Neptune’s escapism tendencies may be especially piqued this summer during its 4-month retrograde. Where is your will and discipline being challenged? The Sun in Cancer mantra remains: “I evolve emotionally with self responsibility” Mercury conjunct the Sun emphasizes our emotional connections to our natural identities and our home and families. Nuclear and extended families descending upon our doorsteps may cause triggers. Focus on your emotional homeostasis. Finally, Mars enters Virgo July 10th through August 27th providing necessary grounding and efforts to move forward. Balance your work and play this summer on this always exciting journey to the core of your Soul.

  • Forecast for June 17 - July 3, 2023

    16/06/2023 Duración: 22min

    The New Moon in Gemini comes sandwiched in between Saturn and Neptune retrograde through this last half of the month of June. Jupiter makes a waxing sextile to that retro Saturn. "How are you manifesting?" With the Gemini New Moon, new directions will become more conscious. Which will you choose? Saturn in Pisces holds infinite possibilities. The Sun in Gemini mantra: "I gather information with intuitive searching." There is opportunity to become clear on our innermost needs and desires. Mars in Leo provides robust energy making aspects to Uranus and Chiron. Stop reading now and listen to all the details on this new post of the StarLady Soul-Reader Network!

  • Astrocast for June 3-17, 2023

    03/06/2023 Duración: 22min

    The Full Moon in Sagittarius requires emotional self-honesty so as to avoid any literal death and re-birth events in our lives. Mars in Leo opposition to Pluto in early Aquarius square the nodes is within orb of influence for the majority of 2023. Venus also joins Mars in Leo adding a uniquely personal emphasis to the opposition. Venus in Leo for four months June 5th through October 8th heightens the awareness. The Sun in Gemini mantra: "I gather information with intuitive searching." There is opportunity to become clear on our innermost needs and desires. Mercury is racing ahead now in Taurus conjunct Uranus May 20th and then enters Gemini June 11-26th. Lots of ability and support for problem solving and elevated consciousness for spiritual growth. Finally, Pluto and Saturn go stationary retrograde within one week in mid-June. Keep grounded and keep it real on this accelerating journey to the core of our Souls.

  • Forecast for May 5-18, 2023

    04/05/2023 Duración: 24min

    The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus this weekend invokes the need for internal security vs. external security. Remember this is a north node eclipse season so that Taurean self-reliance becomes paramount. Disillusions around material stuff may occur if we are not focused within. The Taurus mantra: "I create self-reliance with every metamorphose" Pluto, newly retrograde, is the first of 20 retrogrades we shall collectively experience in lofty Aquarius. This one is opposing Mars and squaring Jupiter who is readying to ingress Taurus. Throughout mid-May to the end of the month we shall have to endure lots of energy @ 0* of the fixed signs. Check out your charts. Awareness and Objectivity are key. Finally, we shall have two grand water trines anchored by this powerful Full Moon: Moon, Neptune and Mars + Moon, Saturn and Venus. Trust your emotions to guide your way and feel the fullness of this Lunar Eclipse. Remember, It is your party and you can cry if you want to on this glorious, multi-dimensional journey to the co

  • Forecast for March 21 - April 4th, 2023

    19/03/2023 Duración: 34min

    The Aries Mantra: "I initiate with consideration of others" All planets are chugging ahead direct motion. New beginnings and new changes are on the horizon. Pluto first enters Aquarius March 23rd - June 10th. Pluto will have two retrograde cycles in Capricorn and then into Aquarius for the next twenty years. Tremendous potential for equitable systems on the planet. Other keywords include the ability for detachment and renewed objectivity with less drama as we move forward, break free, and then liberate and innovate our way to those new systems. Venus and Mercury will enter Taurus  pushing our financial buttons. Mars entering Cancer March 25th and can create emotional insecurity. What makes you feel okay in our changing world? Focus now on all the positive and abundant feelings and work to remove doubt and fear. Jupiter in Aries races ahead of Saturn in Pisces, both beginning their new twenty year social cycle on this excitingly abundant and prosperous journey to the core of our Souls.

  • Forecast for March 6-20, 2023

    06/03/2023 Duración: 29min

    Are you beginning to Feel the Shift of energy? All planets are chugging ahead direct motion and we shall have new ingresses for Sun, Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto. The 2-part webinar series has been postponed for one week. Now on March 13th and 20th (6-8PM) so plenty of time to get enrolled and registered. These long term, outer planet ingresses are already being felt with their orb of influence and represent profound shifts for our Souls. Join Us. We have an early Aries blast of intensity with expansive Jupiter conjunct Chiron March 12th @ 15* Aries. The Aries mantra remains: "I initiate with consideration of others" Venus enters Taurus deepening our core values and providing a solid foundation for how we conduct ourselves. Mercury enters Aries just after Venus accelerating our process. Mars waxing square to Neptune also puts all systems Go.

  • Forecast for Sept. 10-24, 2022

    08/01/2023 Duración: 23min

    This Full Moon in Pisces occurs on the eve of a Mercury Retrograde. Make no assumptions and clarify what you are hearing from others. The combination of sensitive emotions and frenetic communications may cause discomfort. A great time to commune with nature and Source energy. However, we are not yet ascended masters, therefore, set healthy boundaries and do not take on others emotional work. Awareness is key. Mars in Gemini for nearly 7 months will add to the incessant mutability this month. Venus in Virgo from Sept. 4-29. Mercury Rx in Libra will oppose Jupiter in Aries three times during this period. Cease the mental and allow for the deeper intuitive insights to come through. Finally, 7 retrograde planets in the sky until Mercury, Pluto and Saturn go stationary direct in October. This exacerbates the heightened energy so practice flexibility and deep breathing. The Sun In Libra mantra: "I balance a diversity of relationships with my own initiative" May it be so on this magical dance to the core of our So

  • Forecast for January 6-20, 2023

    06/01/2023 Duración: 26min

    Lots of changes and busy-ness with Mars and Mercury in Capricorn as well as Uranus in Taurus going direct within 10 days of one another. The bass note remains Saturn waning semi-sextile to Neptune. This is the 330* mark (balsamic phase) between these two powerhouses. What is finishing up in your physical world that is not in sync with your metaphysical beliefs? Clean it up before the upcoming Aquarian shift. The New Moon of Cancer is a double emphasis on our bringing our emotional bodies along for the ride. Sensitivities to perceived offenses in our social circles are highlighted. It is really time to honor it all; the melancholy and the mania. Both are valid. Mercury conjunct Sun @ 8* Cap is the halfway point of its cycle and Mercury will be in Earth signs throughout the year. Breathe, slow down and ponder before asserting yourself or responding. Venus squares Uranus @ 14* Aquarius and the nodes of the Moon and elevates our value systems to new levels of awareness. Finally, the Sun conjunct Pluto at 28* Cap

  • Forecast for Dec. 22 - Jan. 6, 2023

    23/12/2022 Duración: 28min

    Featuring: Mercury and Mars in Gemini Jupiter Balsamic Neptune Venus in Aquarius Saturn waning semi-square Uranus

  • Forecast for Dec. 7-20, 2022

    06/12/2022 Duración: 11min

    Featuring Mars conjunct this Full Moon Gemini

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