Epistemología En Una Hora: Un Curso Interactivo (spanish Edition)

Lección 1 Dos tipos de creenciasLección 2 Un ejemplo de lo que hace la epistemologíaLección 3 La naturaleza no revisionista de la epistemología.Lección 4 Dos tipos de...

Philosophical Knowledge: What It Is And Why Philosophy Departments Don't Want You To Have It

The empirical sciences make assumptions that they are not themselves capable of justifying. Philosophy justifies those assumptions; that is its job.

Aggression Is Frustrated Power-lust

Aggression is not a basic drive, contrary to what is often assumed. It is a response to frustrated power-lust.

Weakness Of The Will Is About Not Having A Fixed Set Of Values

Weakness of the will is primarily about a conflict between two possible identities and only secondarily about a given course of action. A non-Judas does not become a Judas ‘in a...

The Myth Of Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder is female privilege. It is to be understood in political, as opposed to psychoanalytic, terms.

Jesus As Sex Object: And Other Papers On Sexuality And Psychopathology

Papers on autism, OCD, borderline personality disorder, bureaucratism, psychopathy, and sexual psychopathy.Table of contents:Why Star Trek was Such a Good Show: A Freudian...

Teoría Del Apego Y Enfermedad Mental (spanish Edition)

El principio básico de la teoría del apego es que los apegos emocionales de una persona influyen en las formas en que el individuo trata las situaciones problemáticas. Y la...

What Is Analytic Truth? A Dialogue

In this dialogue, it is made clear what analytic truth is, why such truths exist, and what their role is in the acquisition of knowledge.

A Priori Knowledge And Other Philosophical Works

Five classic works of modern analytic philosophy. What is an intention?Kant's EthicsPhilosophical KnowledgeA Priori KnowledgeAnalytic Truth vs. Formal Truth

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