A DANA PERINO BOOK CLUB PICK Following the events of the “fast, hard-hitting, and impossible to put down” (The Real Book Spy) Field of Valor, Logan West continues his...
"Narrator Caitlin Davies brings a wry sense of humor to Allegra, a.k.a. April Ludgate, whose life is severely out of balance, contradicting the yogi lifestyle the Wall Street...
“Pizzazzy… [Zoglin] is among the best showbiz chroniclers… Elvis in Vegas is the story of American industry, but also a canny look at the price of commercial...
This reading group guide for Three Women includes an introduction, discussion questions, and a Q&A with author Lisa Taddeo. The suggested questions are intended to help your...
Real-world, from-the-trenches toddler parenting advice from the author of the bestselling Oh Crap! Potty Training. Toddlers—commonly defined as children aged between two and...
“To track is to live the life of the quarry--mentally, spiritually, and physically. Very few trackers ever reach this level of mastery. Entering the Mind of the Tracker will...
You thought you got enough of Max but now he is coming to your podcast app. This weekly podcast will be Max talking about who knows what. He will also feature guest on his...
From New York Times bestselling author John Connolly, a wonderfully strange and brilliant novel about a boy and his dog and their journey to escape the fires of hell. “Roald...
This reading group guide for Rivers includes an introduction, discussion questions, and ideas for enhancing your book club. The suggested questions are intended to help...