The Doctor's Farmacy With Mark Hyman, M.d.



We are seeing an ever-increasing burden of chronic disease, primarily driven by our food and food system. This is perpetuated by agricultural, food and health care policies that dont support health. We need to rethink disease and reimagine a food system and a health care system the protects health, unburdens the economy from the weight of obesity and chronic disease, protects the environment, helps reverse climate change and creates a nation of healthy children and citizens. This podcast is a place for deep conversations about the critical issues of our time in the space of health, wellness, food and politics. New episodes are released every Wednesday morning. I hope you'll join me.


  • Does Your Immune System Listen To Your Thoughts?

    28/06/2019 Duración: 07min

    Emerging research is giving us a more comprehensive picture than ever before about the way our mind can impact our health. While science continues to reveal the dramatic impacts of stress on the immune system, more and more clinical research is also emerging around topics such as the immunology of joy and the immunology of gratitude. In this mini-episode, Dr. Mark Hyman speaks to Dr. Leonard Calabrese, an expert in immunology and rheumatology, about how the right practices to support these areas of life actually improve the immune system.  Dr. Leonard Calabrese is a Professor of Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University and Vice Chair of the Department of Rheumatic and Immunologic Diseases. He is the director of the RJ Fasenmyer Center for Clinical Immunology at the Cleveland Clinic and holds joint appointments in the Department of Infectious Diseases and the Wellness Institute. Dr. Calabrese has made significant contributions to science in the fields of ch

  • How Do Psychedelics Help You Reach Enlightenment or At Least Happiness? with Michael Pollan

    26/06/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    As we see the amount of information and technology we have access to growing, we also gain a stronger view of universal human tendencies that are overarching in time and culture. One of those that is particularly fascinating is our desire to change consciousness, to alter our brain and our mood, whether it’s with drugs, food, or even activities like meditation and breathwork.  That’s one of the many reasons the emerging research on psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy is so interesting, especially considering it was completely written-off for decades after getting a bad rap in the 60s, despite having shown therapeutic promise in the 50s. Today on The Doctor’s Farmacy, I’m joined by world-renowned author Michael Pollan to talk about the exciting reemergence of psychedelic therapy and the possibilities it holds for the future of healthcare. Michael Pollan is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Cooked, Food Rules, In Defense of Food, The Omnivore's Dilemma, The Botany of Desire, and his latest book How to

  • The Ground-Breaking Study You Haven’t Heard About

    21/06/2019 Duración: 10min

    Ketogenic diets have gained significant popularity in the mainstream. However, ketogenic diets have actually been around in medicine for a long time. For example, they are used for treating intractable epilepsy when medications fail. Yes, that’s right, when meds fail we use food! Now mounting research has also found them to be effective in reversing type 2 diabetes, a disease previously thought to be non-reversible. Diabetes expert Dr. Sarah Hallberg has studied the impact of a low-carb, high-fat diet (essentially a ketogenic diet) in treating type 2 diabetes. Her results have been ground-breaking yet largely overlooked by mainstream media and the medical community. Why is this? In this mini-episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy, Dr. Hyman explores this question with author, researcher and executive director of the Nutrition Coalition, Nina Teicholz and also talks to Dr. Sarah Hallberg about her research and the importance of acknowledging that type 2 diabetes reversal is possible. To listen to Dr. Hyman’s full-len

  • Do You Dream Big Enough for Your Life? with Jon and Missy Butcher

    19/06/2019 Duración: 01h54s

    We don’t have any control over the cards we’re dealt, but we do have control over how we play them. Part of playing those cards right is believing we can have everything we want and figuring out exactly what it takes to get there. This week on The Doctor’s Farmacy, Jon and Missy Butcher sit down with me to talk about their program Lifebook, that helps others do just that. And it really works! I’ve personally gone through their system to bring my own vision of a happy life to fruition and upend limiting beliefs and it’s changed my life in unbelievable ways. Jon and Missy are artist-entrepreneurs whose life together revolves around their amazing relationship, family, and work. Together, they have founded over a dozen companies, all organized around causes that matter. Their purpose and mission is to create the highest possible quality of life they can for themselves and the people they love while helping others around the world to do the same. To learn more and to enroll in Lifebook Online, please visit https:

  • Why You Should Avoid Sweet Fat

    14/06/2019 Duración: 05min

    Many of us were taught that eating dietary fat makes us fat and leads to heart disease. This assumption has been catastrophic for our health. In fact, fats are essential for optimal health, and saturated fat, specifically, is not the boogeyman we once thought. We know now that there is no monolithic saturated fat. There are many saturated fats, each with its own effects. The saturated fat in coconut, for instance is different from the saturated fat in butter. In this mini-episode, Dr. Hyman talks with neurologist Dr. David Perlmutter about how saturated fat came to get such a bad rap. They dive into many of the ways the right saturated fats are beneficial to your health and discuss why, what Dr. Hyman calls “sweet fat,” is so harmful. *A Note on Fat: While a high fat diet does not work for everyone, we now know that fat is not the enemy it was previously made out to be. Some people do well with less fats and some do better with more fats. It is important to determine what work specifically for your body. **Pl

  • How Do Stem Cells Heal?

    12/06/2019 Duración: 51min

    Stem cells are a major player in the future of medicine. They have the potential to become many other types of tissue—they are essentially like a smart-bomb that we can use to target a specific problem. But the magic doesn’t stop there. Not only can stem cells home in on damaged cells and tissues, they then send signals to those damaged cells or tissues encouraging them to heal. As someone who is always trying to improve my own health, and since I want to live to be 120, I love to seek out the latest therapies and try them myself so I can truly understand the benefits and improve my longevity. 27 years ago I had surgery for a ruptured disk and I’ve been plagued with issues from that as I’ve aged (which I know many of you can relate to); I was excited to try stem cell therapy as a treatment option for my own pain and mobility. So today on The Doctor’s Farmacy podcast, I’m going to share my conversation with the very doctors I trusted to do my own stem cell makeover. Dr. Harry Adelson, Dr. Amy Killen, and Dr. D

  • Reclaim Your Time By Changing Your Relationship to Technology

    07/06/2019 Duración: 08min

    We are living in a stressed-out, super-busy, hyper-caffeinated world, often pushing aside what matters most to us when things get hectic. And technology is everywhere—in our pockets, on desks, our nightstands, and even on our wrists. Yet, most of us have never given its role in our lives a second thought. In this mini-episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy, Dr. Hyman talks to Marie Forleo and Cal Newport about making time for what’s most important to you by establishing an intentional relationship with technology. Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation and one of Inc.’s 500 fastest growing companies, Marie Forleo is the creator of the award-winning online show MarieTV and the founder of B-School, an online business school for modern entrepreneurs. Cal Newport is an associate professor of computer science at Georgetown University and writes about the impact of technological innovations on our culture. He is the author of six books, including Digital Minimalism and Deep Work. We are living in a str

  • How One Woman Is Transforming the Food System with Danielle Nierenberg

    05/06/2019 Duración: 01h10min

    What if we could lift 150 million people out of hunger? By empowering women farmers with education, money, and other resources we could increase crop yields by 20 to 30% and do just that. And if you’re wondering why I’m specifically talking about women, it’s because on a global scale women do not have the same accessibility to own land, receive loans, and other essential components of farming. Yet, they are leading the way when it comes to agriculture. Today on The Doctor’s Farmacy I’m joined by Danielle Nierenberg to talk about the foundational role women play in agriculture all over the world and how we can all become better food activists. Danielle co-founded the non-profit Food Tank in 2013 as an organization focused on building a global community for safe, healthy, nourished eaters. To learn more about Food Tank, please visit and to find opportunities to get involved in your area, check out the Good Food Org Guide at

  • Foods That Fight Depression & Improve Sleep

    31/05/2019 Duración: 10min

    We know that a diet comprised of foods from our industrial diet—one high in processed sugar, starch, refined fat, and low in whole foods, fruits, and vegetables—can wreak havoc on your physical health. But what does that same diet do to your mental health and quality of sleep? Are there specific foods and nutrients that are especially effective in combating depression and promoting better sleep? In this mini-episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy, Dr. Mark Hyman talks with Dr. Drew Ramsey, a writer, farmer, and psychiatrist who practices nutritional psychiatry, and Shawn Stevenson, author of the international best-selling book “Sleep Smarter,” to find out what to eat to support your mental health and get quality sleep. Listen to Dr. Hyman’s full length episode with Dr. Drew Ramsey: Listen to Dr. Hyman’s full length episode with Shawn Stevenson:

  • Why Big Food Should Be Afraid of You with Vishen Lakhiani

    29/05/2019 Duración: 53min

    We are all human first, after all, and connection can help us create the right systemic shifts. This week on The Doctor’s Farmacy, I was joined by visionary Vishen Lakhiani to talk about the role of education in creating transformation. Vishen is the founder of Mindvalley University, a former computer engineer, and is noted for his ability to integrate information across the field of human transformation into unified models. His book, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind was a New York Times bestseller and hit the coveted number one spot on Amazon five times in 2017. Vishen also founded A-Fest, the transformational festival described as the “TED meets Coachella” of the industry, which is actually where I met my wife Mia.

  • How Our Food System Acts as an Invisible Form of Oppression

    24/05/2019 Duración: 10min

    We know all too well the visible forms of racism in our society. Less visible, however, is how our food system acts as the deadliest weapon used against the poor and minorities— keeping them poor, sick and fat, hijacking their brains and biology. The science is clear—our processed, sugary, starchy diet is the single biggest cause of disease and death—type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, and even dementia.  And your zip code is more important than your genetic code in determining your risk of disease and death. If you are African American you are 80% more likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, over 4 times as likely to have kidney failure, and 3.5 times as likely to suffer amputations as whites. I’ve explored these topics with a number of my guests on this podcast. This mini-episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy includes portions of my past conversations on this podcast with president of Black Lives Matter for the area of Greater New York, Hawk Newsome, Columbia Univer

  • Why Making Food Taste Better Makes it Healthier with Dan Barber

    22/05/2019 Duración: 01h03min

    I’m a big believer in the farm to table movement, but with one major caveat: you can’t skim the cream! What I’m saying is that we can’t cherry pick when it comes to our crops, growing the same ones over and over (even if they're grown organically), and assume that it is a sound ecological practice. Just like humans need a diversity of foods to get the right nutrients, soil needs a diversity of plants grown on it and even the right animal inputs in order to be nutrient dense, too. On this episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy, I’m joined by mastermind chef and regenerative agriculture advocate Dan Barber. Dan is breaking the conventional ways we eat, cook, and think about food. He is the chef and co-owner of Blue Hill and Blue Hill at Stone Barns, and the author of The Third Plate. He also co-founded Row 7 Seed Company, a seed company bringing together chefs and plant breeders in the development of new varieties of vegetables and grains. Dan has received multiple James Beard awards including Best Chef: New York City

  • Finding Your Purpose Through Happiness, Intention and Surrender

    17/05/2019 Duración: 07min

    Our internal dialogue is intimately connected to our physical body, and our mitochondria are always eavesdropping on our thoughts. In fact, our mindset can be one of our strongest guiding forces. The overwhelming stresses in today’s world can create enormous strain on our nervous system, leading to burnout and breakdown. Through working on our mindset, we can lessen our reactions to stress. But it takes practice and loyalty to our intentions to make our good mindset habitual. Your thoughts have real and measurable effects on your overall health and wellbeing. Feeling we have a purpose in life and sharing our unique gifts with the world allows us to tap into more joyful living. And a major part of pursuing a sense of purpose is identifying what makes you feel your best. I’ve explored this topic with a number of my guests on this podcast. This mini-episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy includes portions of my past conversations on this podcast with Bulletproof founder and CEO, Dave Asprey and Reverend Michael Beckw

  • Why Your Health Depends on the Soil with Dr. Daphne Miller

    15/05/2019 Duración: 42min

    In college, I read a book called The Soil and Health by Albert Howard. Little did I know, that book would forever change the way I viewed the relationship between dirt, food, bacteria, and human health.Emerging research continues to reveal the powerful influence of the microbiome on our health. Our microbiome is comprised of the trillions of bacteria, fungi, and even viruses present within the body. The balance of these microbes can make or break good health, and you won’t be surprised to learn the food we eat, and more specifically how it’s grown, is heavily correlated to our microbial composition. Today’s guest on The Doctor’s Farmacy is Daphne Miller, a doctor bridging the gap between medicine and farming. Dr. Miller is a practicing family physician, Clinical Professor at the University of California San Francisco, and Founder of the Health from the Soil Up Initiative. She is the author of two books: The Jungle Effect: Healthiest Diets from Around the World and Farmacology: Total Health from the Soil Up. A

  • The State of Science for Sex, Aging and Regenerative Medicine with Dr. George Shapiro

    10/05/2019 Duración: 01h09min

    The goal to age well and stay on top of my health led me to my guest on this episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy, Dr. George Shapiro. Dr. Shapiro has been a practicing physician for 30 years, specializing in internal medicine, cardiovascular disease, and age management medicine. Dr. Shapiro was the recipient of the 10th Annual Alan P. Mintz, MD Award, for Clinical Excellence in Age Management Medicine, as he has become known nationwide as an expert in age management medicine, and leads one of the most prominent age management practices in the country as president of Cenegenics New York City. He has long been known as one of New York’s foremost cardiologists, specializing in regenerative medicine and improving longevity, including the genomics of cardiovascular disease and congestive heart failure. On today’s episode, Dr. Shapiro and I discuss the world of regenerative medicine and what the science says about healthy aging. One major issue of aging for many people is a decline in the endocrine system, altering hor

  • The Science of Preventing (and Reversing) Dementia with Dr. Marwan Sabbagh

    08/05/2019 Duración: 55min

    For so long, we’ve been told that memory loss and dementia are just a normal part of aging. Though we now know it doesn’t have to be that way, and that there are many measures we can proactively take to avoid cognitive decline with aging, there are still 6 million people in the US who have Alzheimer’s or pre-Alzheimer’s and that number is expected to rise to 15 million by 2060. But emerging research is helping us look at new ways to treat and even prevent devastating diseases like this, giving people a newfound sense of hope. Today’s guest on The Doctor’s Farmacy, Dr. Marwan Sabbagh, has spent the majority of his life pioneering this field. From the age of 8, he knew he wanted to be a doctor, and just ten years later at 18, he began researching Alzheimer’s. Dr. Sabbagh is a board-certified neurologist and considered one of the leading experts in Alzheimer’s and dementia. He is on the editorial board for the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and BMC Neurology and is now editor in chief of Neurology and Therapy an

  • Why We Need a President Who Cares About Food with Rep. Tim Ryan

    01/05/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    Our food system is completely broken. The foods that nourish us, elevate our health, and prevent chronic illness are more expensive for farmers to produce and for consumers to buy than those that have been proven to create disease. They’re also destroying our environment and causing climate change at the same time. Children are being fed nutrient-poor sugary, starchy foods at school and we wonder why so many of them can’t focus and why they’re always sick. They are being led on a difficult, lifelong path right from the start. And then there’s the national economic burden of disease, which is only increasing as rates of type 2 diabetes and obesity do the same. In fact, one in three Medicare dollars is spent on diabetes, and poor food choices kill 11 million people every year. Over the next 35 years, it's going to cost the US a whopping 95 trillion dollars to deal with diseases that can be prevented by lifestyle and dietary choices. These are grim statistics, but the truth is that we CAN do something to elicit

  • Why We All Lie, How It Messes Up Our Lives and How To Fix It with Lauren Zander

    24/04/2019 Duración: 01h04min

    Years ago, I met a woman who changed my life. A mutual friend introduced us and we went to grab a cup of coffee; but I didn’t realize how life-changing that day would be. That woman was Lauren Zander, and though she’s now a best friend of mine, I was a bit scared in the beginning of our relationship. She saw right through my exterior persona and instantly challenged me to think about the things I didn’t want to address in my life—I was overworking, unhappy in my marriage, and worried so much about doing for everyone else that I wasn’t really being okay with myself. But those uncomfortable truths brought a lot of thought out in me, and months later Lauren finally convinced me to dive deeper into that darkness. Today, Lauren joins me on The Doctor’s Farmacy to talk about my own personal journey with life coaching—or what I call Functional Medicine for the soul—to discover happiness, success, and so much more. Lauren Handel Zander is the Co-Founder and Chairwoman of Handel Group, an international corporate consu

  • Are Psychedelics the New Wonder Drug for Mental Illness and the Fear of Death? with Dr. Anthony Bossis

    17/04/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    When it comes to medicine, many of us want immediate results. What if just one dose of medicine could dramatically shift your perception, decreasing anxiety, depression, fear of death, addictive tendencies, and so much more? It might sound too good to be true, but the therapeutic use of psychedelics is showing us it’s possible. Now, I’m not talking about taking magic mushrooms at a Grateful Dead concert. The medicine used in psychedelic trials is created in a lab, carefully dosed for the patient, and administered in a specific setting with a trained guide who is present throughout the entire process. This highly controlled process can yield some pretty amazing results and we will be seeing much more science emerge on the safe use of psychedelics for a variety of disorders. This week on The Doctor’s Farmacy, Dr. Anthony Bossis joins me to elaborate on using psychedelics to expand our sensory abilities and relax our experience with death and illness. Anthony P. Bossis, Ph.D. conducts FDA-approved clinical trial

  • The Secret Power of Fasting for Longevity and Healing with Valter Longo

    10/04/2019 Duración: 01h30min

    These days, we hear a lot about fasting. Intermittent fasting, time-restricted eating, and water fasting are just some of the many terms being thrown around in support of better health. And we can’t forget about the high-fat, ketogenic, and low-carb approaches that are gaining in popularity as well. Which one is best? What does it all mean for our longevity, brain health, and overall wellness? My guest on this week’s episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy is here to sift through the terminology and confusion around fasting. Dr. Valter Longo is internationally recognized as a leader in the field of aging studies and related diseases. Known as a “Guru of Longevity,” Dr. Longo is currently Professor of Biogerontology and Biological Sciences and Director of the Institute of Longevity of the School of Gerontology at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, as well as Director of the Oncology and Longevity Program at IFOM in Milan. He is also the Scientific Director of the Create Cures Foundation and the Valt

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