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  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 21:22:54
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FloraFlora FangVOA


  • 假如我今生无缘见到你

    07/11/2018 Duración: 05min

    If it is not my portion to meet thee in this life/ 假如我今生无缘遇到你 /@作者 | 泰戈尔  译者 | 冰心If it is not my portion to meet thee in this lifethen let me ever feel that I have missed thy sight---let me not forget for a moment,let me carry the pangs of this sorrow in my dreamsand in my wakeful hours.假如我今生无缘遇到你,就让我永远感到恨不相逢——让我念念不忘,让我在醒时梦中都怀带着这悲哀的苦痛。As my days pass in the crowded market of this world and my hands grow full with the daily profits,let me ever feel that I have gained nothing---let me not forget for a moment,let me carry the pangs of this sorrow in my dreamsand in my wakeful hours.当我的日子在世界的闹市中度过,我的双手满捧着每日的赢利的时候,让我永远觉得我是一无所获——让我念念不忘,让我在醒时梦中都带着这悲哀的苦痛。When I sit by the roadside, tired and panting, when I spread my bed low in the dust,let me ever feel that the long journey is still before me---let me not forget a moment,let me carry the pangs of this sorrow in my dreams and in my wakeful hours.当我坐在路边,疲乏喘息,当我在尘土中铺设卧具,让我永远记着前面还有悠悠的长路——让我念念不忘,让我在醒时梦中都怀带着悲哀的苦痛。When my rooms have been decked out and the flutes sound and

  • 听完心里暖暖的

    07/11/2018 Duración: 06min

    晨读美文,享受语言之美,在清晨的阳光下、在夕阳的斜辉中、和Flora一起与英语相伴。我是Flora Fang,蔚来英语俱乐部主创、“英语相伴”和”VOA英语听力”公众号主播。“英语相伴”持续为大家提供集思想性、文学艺术性、英语语言知识性、欣赏趣味性为一体的好文。

  • 李开复写给女儿的一封信

    07/11/2018 Duración: 06min

    李开复写给女儿的一封信/ 节选 /College will be the most important years in your life. It is in college that you will truly discover what learning is about. You often question “what good is this course”. I encourage you to be inquisitive, but I also want to tell you :“education is what you have left after all that is taught is forgotten”.大学将是你人生最重要的时光,在大学里你会发现学习的真谛。你以前经常会问到 “这个课程有什么用”,这是个好问题,但是我希望你理解:“教育的真谛就是当你忘记一切所学到的东西之后所剩下的东西。” What I mean by that is the materials taught isn’t as important as you gaining the ability to learn a new subject, and the ability to analyze a new problem. That is really what learning in college is about – this will be the period where you go from teacher-taught to master-inspired, after which you must become self-learner. So do take each subject seriously, and even if what you learn isn’t critical for your life, the skills of learning will be something you cherish forever.我的意思是,最重要的不是你学到的具体的知识,而是你学习新事物和解决新问题的能力。这才是大学学习的真正意义——这将是你从被动学习转向自主学习的阶段,之后你会变成一个很好的自学者。所以,即便你所学的不是生活里所急需的,也要认真看待大学里的每一门功课,就算

  • 让孩子受用的教育方式

    07/11/2018 Duración: 03min

    晨读美文,享受语言之美,在清晨的阳光下、在夕阳的斜辉中、和Flora一起与英语相伴。我是Flora Fang,蔚来英语俱乐部主创、“英语相伴”和”VOA英语听力”公众号主播。“英语相伴”持续为大家提供集思想性、文学艺术性、英语语言知识性、欣赏趣味性为一体的好文。

  • 没有通往幸福的路

    07/11/2018 Duración: 05min

    Too many people think of happiness as the ultimate goal of life. But, if you’re waiting for happiness to arrive then it’s likely that it never will!有太多人把幸福当作人生的终极目标,但如果你只是等待幸福来敲门,幸福可能永远都不会到来!You’re always wanting something more, always looking forward to a time when you’ll be “happy”. And, if you fall into this trap, you’ll never reach that goal.你总是期待得到更多,总是期待着你变“幸福”的那一刻。然而,如果你陷入这种思维陷阱,那你永远也达不到这个目的。Happiness should not be your life’s goal, it should be your life! The only time to be happy is right now! It’s a state of mind, not a set of accomplishments or the accumulation of material things. You must accept that life will always have challenges and things will not always go your way.幸福不该是生活的目标,它应该是生活本身!幸福唯一该存在的时刻,就是每时每刻的现在!它是一种心态,而不是一连串的成就,或者物质财富的积累。你必须要接受的是:生活中总会有挑战,事情不会总朝着你期望的方向发展。Instead of feeling disappointed when things don’t work out the way you’d hoped, feel grateful for the experience. Instead of dreaming of a brighter, happier, richer tomorrow, make today as wonderful as you can.事情的发展不如你所愿时不要沮丧,你要对拥

  • 葬花吟

    07/11/2018 Duración: 08min

    花谢花飞飞满天,红消香断有谁怜?As blossoms fade and fly across the sky,Who pities the faded red, the scent that has been?游丝软系飘春榭,落絮轻沾扑绣帘。Softly the gossamerfloats over spring pavilions,Gently the willow fluffwafts to the embroidered screen.闺中女儿惜春暮,愁绪满怀无释处,A girl in her chambermourns the passing of spring,No relief from anxietyher poor heart knows;手把花锄出绣闺,忍踏落花来复去。Hoe in handshe steps through her portal,Loath to tread on the blossomas she comes and goes.柳丝榆荚自芳菲,不管桃飘与李飞。Willows and elms,fresh and verdant,Care not if peach and plumblossom drift away;桃李明年能再发,明年闺中知有谁?Next yearthe peach and plum will bloom again,But her chamber may stand emptyon that day.三月香巢已垒成,梁间燕子太无情。By the third monththe scented nests are built,But the swallows on the beamare heartless all;明年花发虽可啄,却不道人去梁空巢也倾!Next year, though once againyou may peck the buds,From the beam of an empty roomyour nest will fall.一年三百六十日,风刀霜剑严相逼。Each yearfor three hundred and sixty daysThe cutting wind and biting frost contend.明媚鲜妍能几时,一朝飘泊难寻觅。How long can beauty flowerfresh and fair?

  • 这就是你的生活

    07/11/2018 Duración: 06min

    This Is Your Life/ 这就是你的生活 /You have this Life.这是你所拥有的人生。You were born for this Life.生来就有。You want some people to be in your life, but they don't.你希望一些人能陪伴你,但他们没有。You don't want some people to be with you, but they do.你不想要一些人走进你的生活,但他们却来了。You are endeavouring to come out of certain conditions of your life.你竭尽全力想要摆脱某些生活状况。But you are forced to live with them.但又不得不继续在这种状况下生活下去。You don't want to go outside in the rain, but sometimes you have to.你不想在下雨时出门,但有时你却别无选择。You are yearning for something to happen, but it always eludes you.你渴望一些事情的发生,可偏偏不如你所愿。You never anticipate some incidents to happen in your life, but they do occur when you are oblivious of those happenings.你从没有预料到一些事会在你的生活中发生,可偏偏在你毫无防备的时候发生了。Sometimes you get things what you don't aspire for, but you don't get certain things what you are really looking for.有时你会得到你并不渴求的东西,但却得不到心心念念想要得到的东西。You don't like some places to visit, but sometimes you have to stay there for a while.你不喜欢去一些地方,但你不得不在那里待上一段时间。This is your life, say welcome with the open mind.这就是你

  • 有一种努力叫做投资自己

    07/11/2018 Duración: 02min

    See whatever you are doing, however you spend your time that tells who you are.无论你现在正做什么事情,怎么使用你的时间决定了你是怎样的人。So think about what it is you like to create your life experience.仔细思考你所想创造的生活。Once I look at how you commit your time, once I do an evaluation on how you spend your time, I can tell you exactly what you’re committed to.一旦我看过你是如何使用时间的,我对你度过时光的方式做出评价,我能准确的说出你的理想。How much time do you spend working on you?你花了多少时间来提高自己?How much time do you spend every day working on your dream?你每天花了多少时间去努力实现梦想?In the last 90 days, how many books have you read?在过去的90天里,你的阅读量为多少?In the last year, what new skill or knowledge have you acquired?你过去的一年里,你又习得了什么新技能或新知识?What kind of investment have you made in you?你对自己做出了何种投资?A lot of people as soon as they punch out, they rush home to sit on the couch, they rush home to do nothing, they rush home just to, to sit there and figure out, "OK, I’m gonna go sleep,do it all tomorrow."许多人一下班,就急忙赶回家,坐在沙发上,什么也不做,仅仅只是坐在那儿,最后决定,先去睡觉,所有的事明天再完成吧。You have to give it everything you got, no more

  • 可曾记得 千与千寻

    07/11/2018 Duración: 02min

    Somewhere, a voice calls in the depths of my heart在我心深处的某个地方,有个声音在呼唤May I always be dreaming, the dreams that move my heart我可能一直在做梦,梦触动了我的心So many tears of sadness, uncountable through and through所以太多悲伤的泪水,悲伤一直环绕I know on the other side of them I'll find you我知道在某个地方我会找到你Everytime we fall down to the ground we look up to the blue sky above每当我们跌倒,我们仰望蓝天We wake to it's blueness, as for the first time我们第一次醒来时是蓝色的Though the road is long and lonely and the end far away, out of sight尽管路途遥远又漫长,尽头又远又黑暗I can with these two arms embrace the light我能用双臂拥抱光明As I bid farewell my heart stops, in tenderness I feel当我告别我的心跳,我感觉到温柔My silent empty body begins to listen to what is real我沉默而空洞的体肤开始寻求什么才是真实的The wonder of living, the wonder of dying活着的奇迹,死亡的奇迹The wind, town, and flowers, we all dance one unity微风,小镇和花儿,我们都在一起跳舞Somewhere a voice calls in the depths of my heart在我心深处的某个地方,有个声音在呼唤keep dreaming your dreams, don't ever let them part继续做梦吧,不要让他们分开Why speak of all your sadness or of life's painfull woes为什么说你所有的悲伤或生活的困境Instead l

  • 平生至此,欢喜是你

    07/11/2018 Duración: 06min

    I love you我欢喜你You have deer-like agility,the innocence of a lamb–I would play with the lambyet worry lest the deer take fright;I have thus learnt to be silent(almost melancholy!)so how could you know?你的聪明像一只鹿,你的别的许多德性又像一匹羊;我愿意来同羊温存,又耽心鹿因此受了虚惊:故在你面前只得学成如此沉默,(几乎近于抑郁了的沉默!)你怎么能知?I am really poor:no beautiful plumes,nor the instinct to adorn passion with language!No good at expressing myself with a smile of the lips,my eyes are too slow to look upon anyone else’s intent.我贫乏到一切:我不有美丽的毛羽,并那用言语来装饰他热情的本能也无!脸上不会像别人能挂上点殷勤,嘴角也不会怎样来常深着微笑,眼睛又是那样笨——追不上你意思所在。The moment anyone chances to mention your name,my heart jumps, and I break into a sweat.Only alone on a dark starry nightwould I dare to whisper it.别人对我无意中念到你的名字,我心就抖战,身就沁汗!并不当到别人,只在那有星子的夜里,我才敢低低喊你的名字。-END- 主播 | Flora Fang  结尾歌曲 | Story Of An Artist / M. Ward 

  • 不怕大器晚成,只怕一生平庸

    07/11/2018 Duración: 03min

    Where you spend your time determines what kind of person you become.你把时间花在什么样的地方,决定了你成为什么样的人。Remember, it's not where you came from but how hard you try that decides what level you finally end up in.记住,决定你层次的,从来都不是你的出身,而是你的努力。If you spend your time in working out, you'll end up in good shape.你把时间花在了运动上,你就会拥有匀称的体型。If you spend your time in learning, you'll end up with skills which help you survive.你把时间花在了学习上,你就会拥有生存的技能。If you spend your time in idling, you'll end up achieving nothing.你把时间花在了颓废上,你就会变得一事无成。If you spend your time queuing, you'll end up having neither time normoney.你把时间花在了排队上,你就既失去了时间也失去了金钱。No one can decide how your life goes.没有人可以左右你的人生。And no one can live your life for you.同样,也没有人可以帮你过自己的人生。If you find your life not perfect enough, the only thing you should complain about is that you didn't try hard enough.如果你的生活不够完美,你唯一该抱怨的是不够努力的自己。Only the weak complain about others.只有弱者才会抱怨别人。The strong focus on how to become stronger.强者只会想着如何变强。Complaining is the ugliest trash in this world.抱怨,是世界上最难看的垃圾。Me

  • 余者皆浮云,斯人若彩虹

    07/11/2018 Duración: 05min

    《怦然心动》(台词节选)父亲教女,朱莉爸爸教女儿如何全面得看待一个人、一件事:A painting is more than the sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic.一幅画不是众多物件简单拼凑而成的。牛只是一头牛,草地也只有青草和鲜花,而穿过树枝的阳光也仅仅只是一束光,但如果将它们放到一起,就会产生奇迹一般的魅力。(潜台词:看人不能看表面,也不能过于片面,要综合的评价一个人。)朱莉的心灵感悟:The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view.我爬得越高,眼前的风景便愈发迷人。Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink. And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon. It was during one of those sunsets that my father's idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart.有时落日泛起紫红的余晖,有时散发出橘红色的火光燃起天边的晚霞。在这绚烂的日落景象中,我慢慢领悟了父亲所说的整体胜于局部之和的道理。外公教孙,布莱斯外公教他如何看待一个人的内在和外在:Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.有些人沦为平庸浅薄,金玉其外,而败絮其中。可不经意间,有一天你会遇到一个彩虹般

  • 窃书记

    07/11/2018 Duración: 08min

    When I was ten years old, I lived with my family in a small ranch house in rural South Jersey. I often accompanied my mother to the A&P to buy groceries. We did not have a car, so we walked, and I would help her carry the bags.我10岁的时候,和家人一起住在南泽西郊区一个低矮的小平房里。我经常陪妈妈到A&P超市去买日用品。我们没有车,所以都是走着去的,而我都会帮她拎袋子。My mother had to shop very carefully, as my father was on strike. She was a waitress, and her salary and tips barely sustained us. One day, while she was weighing prices, a promotional display for the World Book Encyclopedia caught my eye. The volumes were cream-colored, with forest-green spines stamped in gold. Volume One was ninety-nine cents with a ten- dollar purchase.妈妈买东西必须精打细算,因为爸爸当时正在罢工。她是一个服务员,工资和小费加在一起也就勉强够维持我们的生活。一天,当她在超市里比较价格时,《世界百科全书》的促销展示吸引了我的注意。那是一套奶白色的书,暗绿色的书脊上面烫着金字。购物满10美元就可以用99美分买这套书的第一册。All I could think of, as we combed the aisles for creamed corn, dry milk, cans of Spam, and shredded wheat, was the book, which I longed for with all my being. 当我们穿梭在超市货架通道之间寻找着奶油玉米、奶粉、斯帕姆午餐肉罐头和脆麦片条时,我满脑子想

  • 温情小故事 | 土豆小狗

    07/11/2018 Duración: 04min

    My four-year-old son, Shane, had been asking for a puppy for over a month, but his daddy kept saying, "No dogs!"一个多月以来,我四岁的儿子沙恩一直要求养一只小狗,但他爸爸总是说:“不许养狗!”One day I was peeling potatoes for dinner, and Shane was sitting on the floor at my feet asking for the thousands time, "Why won't Daddy let me have a puppy?" "Because they'll bring us trouble. Don't cry. Maybe Daddy will change his mind someday," I encouraged him. "No, he won't, and I won't have a puppy in a million years," Shane cried. I looked at his dirty, tearful face and said, "I know a way to make Daddy change his mind." "Really?" Shane wiped away his tears.一天,我在削土豆准备做饭,沙恩坐在我脚边的地板上,他第一千次问我:“为什么爸爸不让我养小狗呢?”“因为小狗会给我们带来麻烦。不要哭了,说不定爸爸哪天就会改变主意呢。”我鼓励他道。“不,他不会的,再过一百万年我也不会有一只小狗。”沙恩哭着说。我望着他脏兮兮、泪汪汪的小脸说道:“我知道一个方法,可以让爸爸改变主意。”“真的?”沙恩这才抹掉眼泪。I handed him a potato. "Take this and carry it with you until it turns into a puppy," I whispered . "Keep it with you all the time, and on the third day, tie a string around it and take it around the yard and see what happens!"我递给他一

  • 你的孩子,其实不是你的孩子

    07/11/2018 Duración: 04min

    On Children论孩子作者:Kahlil Gibran Your children are not your children.你的儿女,其实不是你的儿女 They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself.他们是生命对于自身渴望而诞生的孩子 They come through you but not from you.他们借助你来到这世界,却非因你而来 And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.他们在你身旁,却并不属于你 You may give them your love but not your thoughts.你可以给予他们的是你的爱,却不是你的想法 For they have their own thoughts.因为他们有自己的思想 You may house their bodies but not their souls,你可以庇护的是他们的身体,却不是他们的灵魂 For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.因为他们的灵魂属于明天,属于你做梦也无法到达的明天 You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.你可以拼尽全力,变得像他们一样,却不要让他们变得和你一样 For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.因为生命不会后退,也不在过去停留 You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.你是弓,儿女是从你那里射出的箭 The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and he bends you with his might that his arrows may go swift and far.弓箭手望着未来之路上的箭靶,他用尽力气将你拉开,使他的箭射得又快又远 Let your bend

  • 你有教养的样子,真帅

    07/11/2018 Duración: 11min

        -我为什么要善良Why should I be a good man?我为什么要善良?What a silly question.真是个傻问题。I choose to be a good man because it is what makes us human.我选择做一个善良的人,因为这就是人性。It is our bottom line.它是我们的底线。I choose to be a good man because I know there are times that I need help from others. So I choose to give my help to others.我选择做一个善良的人,因为我知道我也会需要其他人的帮助。于是我选择先去帮助别人。I choose to be a good man because I want to be liked. I want to touch others' hearts so that I won't feel so alone.我选择做一个善良的人,因为我希望被人喜欢。我想去触摸别人的心,好让我自己不会感到那么孤单。This world is cruel. No one can survive it all alone.这个世界是残酷的。You need love. You need support.You need people who cherish you.你需要爱。你需要支持。你需要有人来珍惜你。And that's what being a good man is about.做一个善良的人,就是因为这些。I want the world to be good. So I become good myself.我希望这个世界对我好,所以,我要让自己先变好。

  • 11/08/2018 Duración: 09min

    秋 AutumnThere is no month in the whole year, in which nature wears a more beautiful appearance than in the month of August! 一年四季之中,大自然的外貌最美不过的一个月就是八月。Spring has many beauties, and May is a fresh and blooming month, but the charms of this time of year are enhanced by their contrast with the winter season.春天有许多美的地方,五月是新鲜和娇艳的月份,但是这种时节的媚人之处是由于和冬季的对照而加强起来的。August has no such advantage. It comes when we remember nothing but clear skies, green fields and sweet smelling flowers when the recollection of snow, and ice, and bleak winds, has faded from our minds as completely as they have disappeared from the earth and yet what a pleasant time it is! 八月没有这种有利的条件。它来的时候,我们所记得的只有晴朗的天、绿色的田野和芬芳的花——雪、冰和凜冽的寒风已经完全被我们的脑子遗忘了,正如它们已经完全从地面消失了一样,——然而这八月是何等可爱的时节啊!Orchards and corn-fields ring with the hum of labour; trees bend beneath the thick clusters of ripe fruit, which bows their branches to the ground; and the corn, piled in graceful sheaves, or waving in every light breath that sweeps above it, as if it wooed the sickle, tinges

  • 《背影》朱自清 | 节选

    11/08/2018 Duración: 06min

    『背影』节选我说道,“爸爸,你走吧。”I said,"Dad, you may leave now."他望车外看了看说:“我买几个橘子去。你就在此地,不要走动。”But he looked out of the window and said,"I’m going to buy some oranges for you. Wait for me here. Don't go about.”我看那边月台的栅栏外有几个卖东西的等着顾客。I caught the vision of several peddlers waiting for customers outside the fence beyond a platform.走到那边月台,须穿过铁道,须跳下去又爬上去。However, before reaching that platform, crossing the railway tracks and doing some speeling up and down with difficulty would be necessary .父亲是一个胖子,走过去自然要费事些。That would be definitely a hard job for father, a fat man.我本来要去的,他不肯,只好让他去。I intended to do all that myself, but he stopped me. So I had to let him go.我看见他戴着黑布小帽,穿着黑布大马褂,深青布棉袍,蹒跚地走到铁道边,慢慢探身下去,尚不大难。It came into my eyes that he waddled towards the railway tracks and slowly climbed off the platform in his black Chinese skullcap, black mandarin jacket and dark blue cotton-wadded long gown, which brought about an somewhat awkwardness.可是他穿过铁道,要爬上那边月台,就不容易了。But after crossing the railway tracks, he had even more trouble in gettin

  • 《病变》 (英文版+粤语版)

    11/08/2018 Duración: 07min

    有天我睡醒看到我的身边没有你I wake up in the morning you absent without leave在我的右边是你曾经喜欢的玩具Your favorite toy to my right side's the only thing I see可当我站起身来在房间里寻找你But when I'm looking for you everywhere on my feet留下的只有带着你味道的一封信All I can find is a letter with your scent but distantly就在昨天还一起看我们的照片Just a day before we be together viewing our albums可现在让我感觉像烂剧里的主演But now I feel like I'm a shitty movie leading role为什么这种事情会发生在我身边Oh heaven take a look at what you put me through是不是老天没能看到对你的疯癫Or even god failed to see all the love I got for you还想着 创造你的宇宙,但现在 已经被我清空I Thought about being your cosmos, but now I'm all wiped out cold你让我 整个人都冰冻,还怎么再次为你心动You made me feel so ice cold, so how can I get your heart movedWake me 不是你的意愿,离开我 开始新的起点Wake up me you did not intend to, leaving me for someone new可能我 还会对你贪恋,谁让你 曾经让我疯癫Maybe for you I still covet, but you did drive me loco疯癫 那也是过去的画面Loco, like a fainted déjà vu photo看往后的几天 我猜测你不会出现And that I know you won't show upwhen these days pass through我回想这几年 就像是要命的病变Recall on these years, now feels l

  • 傲慢与偏见佳句摘录

    05/08/2018 Duración: 04min

    1. It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.有钱的单身汉总要娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理。2. One cannot know what a man really is by the end of a fortnight. But if we do not venture, somebody else will.跟一个人相处了两个星期,不可能就此了解他究竟是怎样一个人。不过,要是我们不去尝试尝试,别人可少不了要尝试的。3. But if a woman is partial to a man, and does not endeavour to conceal it, he must find it out.假如一个女人爱上了一个男人,只要女方不故意瞒住男方,男方一定会看得出的。4. I would wish not to be hasty in censuring any one; but I always speak what I think.我倒希望不要轻易责难一个人,可是我一向都是想到什么就说什么。5. But to be so easily seen through I am afraid is pitiful.不过,这么容易被人看透,那恐怕也是件可怜的事吧。6. A regard for the requester would often make one readily yield to a request without waiting for arguments to reason one into it.要知道,一个人如果尊重别人提出的要求,通常都是用不着说服就会心甘情愿地听从的。7. My good opinion once lost is lost for ever.我对于某个人一旦没有了好感,就永远没有好感。8. There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil, a natural defect, which not even the best education can overcome.

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