Omg Radio With Jamie Palmer



Welcome to OMG Radio! Im Jamie Palmer Digital Business Strategist, implementation coach, and boy mom! This show is for entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, influencers, small business owners and Outliers who want to create more impact, make more money and grow their online business. If you want simple strategies and actionable steps to building your business, growing your following and creating momentum that takes you closer to you dreams and a life of freedom without overwhelm then tune in! This is OMG Radio.


  • How To Gain Organic Reach On Facebook In 2020

    14/04/2020 Duración: 12min

    I often hear people say organic reach is dead on Facebook Pages. . I would contend the people who are saying that aren’t creating content that resonates with their ideal client. So today I’ll share how to increase organic reach on your Facebook page.  1 - Create Macro Content For Facebook Specifically - I highly recommend creating either Facebook lives or uploading your videos directly to facebook. Facebook favors content that keeps people on their platform so by creating a Facebook Live which is native to facebook you increase your reach.  2 - Encourage engagement - I see so many people post but neglect to ask people to engage. It may seem a bit silly but you have to actually tell people what to do. For example if you want them to comment or answer a question tell them to do so.  3 - Do Interviews with other people - Interviews are a great way to create cross promotion on your page especially when the interviewee has your ideal client hanging out in their audience. This works great for you to increase organi

  • The 5 Elements You Need To Grow Your Online Business

    09/04/2020 Duración: 19min

    We are living in unprecedented times and that can make it extremely challenging to navigate how to effectively grow your business.  I truly believe that if there is a will there is a way. Today I will share with you the 5 Essential elements to grow your business!  1) Show Up Consistently – Early Reports from Facebook indicate that people are spending 79% more time online. What does that mean for you? 2) Make Offers – Your prospective clients can’t buy from you if you don’t make an offer. Let’s talk about how to do that in today’s climate.  3) Get Visible – There are more media offers, virtual summits, workshops, and conferences than ever let’s talk about how to tap into those valuable teaching opportunities to get you visible.  4) Focus – While this might seem obvious it is more important than ever to stay focused on your goals. We entrepreneurs can suffer from glittery object syndrome, hello, I’m guilty of this! Let’s talk about FOCUS! 5) Mind Your Mindset – You CANNOT lead and serve your community if you ha

  • 5 Tested methods To Grow Your Instagram In 2020

    07/04/2020 Duración: 10min

    Instagram is here to stay so it is time to get serious about the 5 tested methods to grow your Instagram in 2020. Today, I will share with you the 5 methods I have personally used in my business to grow my instagram followings.

  • Achieving Your Life's Goals With Gillian Duncan

    06/04/2020 Duración: 28min

    I am so excited to welcome Gillian Duncan to the show today! Gillian is author, editor and podcast host over at Clarity Junction which is a site inspiring women to go out and live the life they want (rather than the one they think they should be having) and it covers all areas from goal achieving, personal development, health and wellness. Gillian is also author of the book Sleep: Cure Your Insomnia, Improve Your Health and Feel Better. She discusses the importance of sleep as part of entrepreneurial self-care, and give tips on how you can improve your sleep. Follow Gillian On Social Media! Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Youtube: Pinterest: Like what you hear? Apply to work with us! Click here.

  • The Essentials You Need In Place To Build An Online Education Business

    02/04/2020 Duración: 09min

    Today is all about the essentials that you need in place to build an information and education business online. My goal is to keep this simple for you so that you don’t get overwhelmed and bombarded by all the things you COULD do. My goal is to keep it simple, get you launched and start to generate income as you move from a service provider or coach into a educational business model where you sell courses and group programs. So let’s not overcomplicate things when it comes to building an online business.

  • What I’ve Learned From Working from Home for 34,340 hours - Ninja Tips for Working From Home

    31/03/2020 Duración: 16min

    Let’s dive into all the lessons (and ninja tips) I’ve learned from working from home for nearly 34,340 hours. For all you math geeks in the room or those who are just curious that’s 16.5 years! Crazy, even to me! I am clearly no stranger to working from home but I’ve had lots of invaders into my work from home routine as of late. Both my husband and two little kids are also working from home during this crazy time. Regardless of how long you have been working from be it a newbie or a veteran like myself we can all use some ninja tips to improve our ability and focus. Like what you hear? Apply to work with us! Click here.

  • Create An Engaged Facebook Community with Joanna Novelo

    30/03/2020 Duración: 28min

    I had the pleasure of speaking with Joanna Novelo on the podcast who is an expert at managing communities on Facebook. I've known Joanna for several years and I LOVE her no-nonsense approach to strategy. She is hands-down the go-to person for building and engaging your facebook community. If you have a group and are thinking what is the benefit of this to me? Then you must talk to Joanna. We talk all the things managing a group during these turbulent times, how to start a community and how to keep one engaged. Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: Like what you hear? Apply to work with us! Click here.

  • My Favorite Resources for Running an Online Business in 2020

    26/03/2020 Duración: 19min

    I’ve been running a online business for over a decade which means I’ve logged nearly 34,000 hours of work from home time. Having the best and simplest tools to run that business is one of my keys to success and today I will share with you my favorite tools that I use regularly for running my online business.  In this podcast I will share the tools I use on a regular basis but if you want the full list of tools that I have put together you can access that below DOWNLOAD THE FULL LIST OF RESOURCES HERE Like what you hear? Apply to work with us! Click here.  

  • Marketing Your Business During The 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic

    24/03/2020 Duración: 11min

    A lot has changed in the course of the past few weeks especially when it comes to marketing your business with the Covid-19 virus in full swing throughout the country.. We are all learning to navigate this new norm and now more than ever more of us are working from home. It’s a bit wild. My family and I are home on self-isolation and it is absolutely challenging to work, care for the kids and home school. I’m sure many of you are facing the same thing. Given the current situation I have made some drastic changes to the content that I am putting out in an effort to support you.  Having been in business for nearly 17 years and endured many global challenges in my years, I thought it would be appropriate to share with you some marketing strategies and recommendations during this climate. Like what you hear? Apply to work with us! Click here.

  • Covid 19 And Your Online Business - A Message For My Community

    19/03/2020 Duración: 18min

    Given the current circumstances, I felt a strong pull to create this video for my community. This is a challenging time and I encourage us to come together to help lift one another up. Yes, things are uncertain but it is now more than ever that I want to encourage you to step-up and be a leader in your industry. New information is coming out daily. Many of us, have had major adjustments in our lives over the last week, including having our kids home full time or even losing our job. This is absolutely a challenging time. Let's expand instead of contracting. We entrepreneurs have a duty to contribute to the economy.    I have worked extensively in the online industry for the better part of the last decade and I want each of you to know that I am here to help and support you. If you are lonely, need ideas, aren't sure what technology to use. Please reach out to my personal email If there is a will, we can find a way to make your business work. You are not alone and I want to be

  • The 10 Things Every Sales Page Needs To Convert

    17/03/2020 Duración: 14min

    If you run an online business and you want to sell you information products on auto-pilot then you must have a sales page so in today’s video I will share with you the 10 things every sales page needs to convert. If you're a coach or a service provider or you're selling information products online, you need to have a sales page that converts. So let’s dive into the 10 elements you need to have in place to get a sales page to convert. Like what you hear? Apply to work with us! Click here.

  • Habit Creation For Entrepreneurs Part 2

    12/03/2020 Duración: 09min

    Today I am sharing part two of habit creation for entrepreneurs. In case you missed the first video you can check it out here. This video is all about tracking your progress, staying committed in spite of what comes up and enjoying the process.  I think a lot of entrepreneurs suffer from the mentality of when I get to x I will enjoy myself. The problem with that is that you are prolonging your happiness. You are putting off enjoying the now. I bring this up in relation to habits because enjoying the process is critical to creating habits that stick. If you aren’t enjoying the habit and therefore the process, then it won’t hang around and become automatic.  Ultimately the goal is just like one tiny part of this bigger thing we call life. I think it's total bullshit that so many of us live to just reach another goal. We live to get to the next level and ultimately we sacrifice our own happiness and enjoyment because we aren’t where we want to be yet. The destination isn’t the goal. The idea is to enjoy the jour

  • Habit Creation For Entrepreneurs Part 1

    10/03/2020 Duración: 10min

    Good habits are absolutely critical to success. When we dive into business ownership, I have found over the years that many of my clients didn’t realize all of the hats that they would ultimately have to wear. It can feel like at times you are being pulled into a million directions but that is ultimately the reason why you must create good habits as an entrepreneur. When I begin to think about habit creation for entrepreneurs there are two sides for me; the personal side and the business side. I believe that it is important to make sure you tend to the personal side of yourself so that you can show up as the best version of yourself in business. Like what you hear? Apply to work with us! Click here.

  • How To Create A Landing Page For Instagram

    05/03/2020 Duración: 10min

    Have you created a landing page specifically for your instagram account? Instagram isn’t going away anytime soon with stories growing increasingly more popular and long form posts crushing it in the news feed it is time to get serious about creating a landing page specifically for your instagram page.  Now, you might be thinking why do I want to create a landing page specifically for instagram, can’t I just link my website? Sure, you can absolutely link to the website but let’s be honest here...they are probably going to do everything EXCEPT give you their email address. Why? Because well, it is easy to get distracted and forget them taking any action at all if your website isn’t mobile friendly. The other challenge is that instagram wants you to stay inside their ecosystem and on their mobile centric platform. There are no links in the captions and you can only get access to the swipe up feature if you have over 10,000 followers. As a business owner though, you realize the importance of driving traffic to th

  • Offer Creation For Entrepreneurs, Service Providers, And Coaches

    03/03/2020 Duración: 14min

    Let’s talk all about Offer Creation! One of the first actions I like to take with clients is map out their offer suite and client journey. I I believe this helps you to stay focused on the vision for your business even if you aren’t creating all of the products out of the gate. Streamlining offerings and products out of the gate makes your business repeatable. Meaning you can sell the same thing over and over again, make a process for selling, delivery and so much more. This saves time, money and energy! The entire goal for me and my clients is to create a signature offering that they can grow and scale with systems or people in place to help them reach their financial goals. Like what you hear? Apply to work with us! Click here.

  • Practicing What You Preach As An Entrepreneur

    27/02/2020 Duración: 12min

    Are you practicing what you preach as an entrepreneur? This topic is very near and dear to my heart as it has become a core value of my company. I always strive to be in 100% alignment with my words and action. I see all too often in the online world people showing up out of alignment. To be fair, this is very easy to do because with social media we can hand select what we show to the world, we can stage it. We can choose who we show up as and we can hide the messy stuff or ourselves completely. I believe that we each have to do our part and practice what we preach. In my 16 years in business, I've seen it a lot in business. I've seen people show up online as one person and then be a completely different one behind the scenes. I've seen it on the flip side with clients trying to hire people because they want to embody what that person is but aren't really ready to do the work of showing up and living in that way. When I think about if I am practicing what I preach I think about the words that I am saying, the

  • How To Grow Your Pinterest In 2020

    25/02/2020 Duración: 16min

    Pinterest is not going away, folks, so today I’m going to share with you 2020 strategist for Pinterest growth! Pinterest has just surpassed Snapchat for the most engaged daily users at over 300 million! The average Pinterest user is a female ages 30 to 49 and her family household makes over $150,000 a year. Pinterest users use Pinterest to plan life events. Now what does that mean exactly? For example a baby shower, wedding, home remodel, or side business. Like what you hear? Apply to work with us! Click here.

  • Focus on The One Thing To Grow Your Online Business

    19/02/2020 Duración: 15min

    All too often I see entrepreneur after entrepreneur, go through this cycle of creating a course or program or then they go and launch it. After the launch is over we entrepreneurs will often get this brilliant idea to create another course or another program. Then we go through this whole cycle again. Then we wonder why we aren't growing a multi-six figure or seven figure business. I challenge you to focus on building your signature course or program and focus on it for the next 12 to 18 months. You might be surprised by how much can change with hardcore focus. I've seen it happen where people go from making $100,000 to seven figures with the focus of one thing because it's all about growing and scaling your business. If you aren't hyper-focused, then you're going to struggle. I truly want to end the entrepreneurial struggle. So I encourage you to commit to just one offer, one funnel, and just one program for the next year. Can you do it? Like what you hear? Apply to work with us! Click here.

  • The Importance Of Activating Your Intuition with Willow Bradner

    17/02/2020 Duración: 43min

    I am so excited to welcome Willow Bradner to the show today! In 2011 Willow experienced a series of events that led her to discover her hidden gifts and physic abilities.  Today, Willow’s psychic abilities are used for entrepreneurs and women wanting to rise beyond their limiting beliefs, and tap into their true potential and possibilities. Willow has now trained under famed Psychics, Sonia Choquette, James Van Prague and Deb Sheppard. She is also a Reiki Master Teacher. Willow teaches the importance of activating your Intuition, so you can trust yourself and your business decisions. She assists you in creating the Impact you are here on this earth to make! If you want to find out more about reaching your full potential and shifting your life in a positive direction, then tune In! Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Youtube:

  • Email Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs

    10/02/2020 Duración: 09min

    Email marketing is one of those often neglected activities when it comes to online marketing BUT it shouldn’t be. In today’s episode, I’m going to share some ninja tips about email marketing for 6 figure entrepreneurs who are looking to get a higher open rate with their email marketing efforts. Emails are one of the few things you have a bit of ownership over in the online marketing space. You don’t own your facebook or instagram followers but you do lease the email addresses from the people online. Often times entrepreneurs get hung up on creating these beautiful email marketing templates online to get a low open rate, the neglect to be consistent in their email marketing efforts, they don’t have a nurture sequence in place out of the gate and they don’t streamline the call to action when it comes to each email. So today I will share with you some ninja tips around getting better open rates, understanding the importance of conversational emails and one call to action. Like what you hear? Apply to work with u

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