Omg Radio With Jamie Palmer



Welcome to OMG Radio! Im Jamie Palmer Digital Business Strategist, implementation coach, and boy mom! This show is for entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, influencers, small business owners and Outliers who want to create more impact, make more money and grow their online business. If you want simple strategies and actionable steps to building your business, growing your following and creating momentum that takes you closer to you dreams and a life of freedom without overwhelm then tune in! This is OMG Radio.


  • Lessons From Marie Forleo's B- School 2020 and My Pledge To My Community

    20/08/2020 Duración: 25min

    After a rough few months, Marie Forleo announced that she is walking away from the B-School group which housed over 30,000 B-School Alumni. To say that people were and are shocked is an understatement, me included. She and her team announced they would no longer be responsible for the group effective immediately.   Why does this matter? I've been watching, waiting, sitting back and observing for the better part of this year. I have struggled to put into words my sentiments and struggles with what is happening in the online place, in the US and around the Globe (no this is not a political post - just stating). Over the years, the online space has slowly eroded into what it is today. A "fake it, till you make", "do as I say, not as i do." and "Hustle" mentality.   With that said….here are my lessons I wanted to share with you:   1 Practice what you preach 2 Never lose touch with your ideal client 3 Learn to lead 4 You can create a wildly successful business with one product 5 Be open to feedback and crit

  • Ariana Witkin the 4th Trimester Coach

    17/08/2020 Duración: 22min

    I had the pleasure of speaking with 4th Trimester Coach and Pediatrician Ariana Witkin all about her amazing business. We dove deep into the transition from pregnancy to motherhood, the importance of afterbirth intentions and boundary setting and setting yourself up for success with a newborn. This is a amazing episode for all of you mom's out there. I seriously wish I knew Ariana when I had my children. She is a rockstar. Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: ___________________ ​Are you spending hours looking for the perfect picture to post on social media? Imagine what it will feel like when you’re finally able to spend less time on social media. NOW for only $67 a month you’ll be able to transform your business and show up consistently in the online space. ===>>>

  • Marketing with a Singular Focus

    13/08/2020 Duración: 17min

    One of the biggest issues I see in marketing today is a fragmented approach to where the traffic for your marketing is going. The lack of a singular focus and a clear client journey stalls success and stunts growth. It leaves potential clients feeling frustrated because it becomes hard to buy from you or ever worse they have to figure it out. On today's podcast episode I am talking all about the pitfalls of a fragmented marketing approach and how to keep a singular focus to build your business and your marketing ecosystem with ease. ___________________ ​Are you spending hours looking for the perfect picture to post on social media? Imagine what it will feel like when you’re finally able to spend less time on social media. NOW for only $67 a month you’ll be able to transform your business and show up consistently in the online space. ===>>>

  • Cutting the Grass, Time Management & How I get it all done

    06/08/2020 Duración: 20min

    I was cutting the grass last week and I got tons of ideas for content to create in the middle of cutting the grass, I paused to check in with work and had a message from a friend that said something like, "how do you get it all done?" Wow did that get my brain thinking. In today's podcast episode, I am going to share the tried and true methods I have used to grow my business while working less and how I get it all done with two little kids at home. Yup...all of that in today's episode.  

  • Kiki Kirby A One of A Kind Coach!

    27/07/2020 Duración: 27min

    I had the please of speaking with Kiki Kirby a few weeks back and every time I speak with her I leave the conversation thinking, I could talk to her for hours. Kiki is a one of a kind coach that takes a holistic approach to coaching. It is not just about the business, it is about the person as a whole. I LOVE that. She has an incredible story to share with the world. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to chat with her on the podcast! Coaching: Consultancy: Recruitment Mastermind:   Heart Centred Business Coaching - Linked In Password: 2906   Kiki Kirby Coaching + Consultancy Mobile: 07734469482 Email: Coaching: Consultancy: Recruitment Mastermind:   ___________________ ​Are you spending hours looking for the perfect picture to post on social media? Imagine what it will feel like when you’r

  • Moving Forward In Times of Uncertainty

    20/07/2020 Duración: 29min

    I’ve been chatting with several of my private clients over the last couple of weeks and they have been experiencing a flood of emotions with the pandemic, protests, and the election. We ended up having extensive conversations around what they can do to regain some momentum in their lives during these turbulent times. If thought to myself if several clients are feeling this way (and so am I) its time to make a podcast about it. I am sharing some recommendations and ninja tips around feeling better in terms of uncertainty. Again, I am not a medical professional, these are just some things I have done and encouraged others to do during this time. ___________________ ​Are you spending hours looking for the perfect picture to post on social media? Imagine what it will feel like when you’re finally able to spend less time on social media. NOW for only $67 a month you’ll be able to transform your business and show up consistently in the online space. ===>>>

  • Freedom, 2020 & the Gift of Time -Making the Most of the next 6 months

    13/07/2020 Duración: 16min

    I just returned to podcasting after a two week planned summer break! I am super excited to be back with a renewed sense of creativity. During my break I started reflecting on the past 6 months of my life and what I want for the next 6 months. I have seen way too many posts recently being like “can 2020 just be over already?” So that got me to thinking about all that this year has brought me thus far. Let’s go back to go forward, in December of 2019 I wrote this manifesto, if you will about Freedom. Freedom for myself, my family and the clients I serve Time Freedom Financial Freedom Choice Freedom Freedom to break free from the 9 to 5 and social norms Freedom to create the life of my choosing Freedom to work how and when I choose Freedom to make as much money as I choose Freedom of choice to live life on my own terms Freedom to live the best version of myself Freedom to truly be myself and be loved and accepted exactly as I am ___________________ ​Are you spending hours looking for the perfect picture to post

  • Understanding Where Your Ideal Client Is

    25/06/2020 Duración: 14min

    If you want your ideal client to move forward you have to understand WHERE they are in the buying process. Are they aware that they have a problem? Do they know the problem they have (or believe that they have)? Are they aware of your product? Have they tried your competitors? Understanding what they believe about the problem you can help them solve is critical. Oftentimes, we entrepreneurs know what problem we can help our ideal client solve but there is a disconnect because it isn't the problem they believe that they have. So we have to meet them where they are so that we can support them in moving forward in the client journey. This is a big mistake I've seen over and over again in the online marketing world. There is a massive disconnect between the problem the client believes they have and the problem you as the service provider helps with. The outcome and goal the same but entrepreneurs fail to speak the same language as their client and lose sales as a result. This can lead to frustration, overwhelm an

  • Cara Mendez - Intuitive Success Coach

    22/06/2020 Duración: 33min

    Cara Mendez is an Intuitive Success Coach for leaders, visionaries and change-makers who desire to have it all - wealth, family, freedom - on their terms. She guides her clients to their TRUTH so they can step into their soul's purpose, own their power and receive their divine pleasure. She facilitates the Unfiltered Soul Mastermind, is the creator of the digital course, Back to Center and founded the online community Unfiltered Soul. She is also a certified Pranic Healer and is currently training as a NLP, T.I.M.E. Technique, EFT and Hypnosis Practitioner and Shaman. Over the past decade, Cara experienced first-hand giving and doing from a place of depletion that ultimately resulted in adrenal fatigue. On her healing journey, she discovered a new found sense of power through daily self-care practices that reconnected her with her True self. And since, it is her passion to share the power of subconscious reprogramming through generational healing that she underwent so that more women and mothers can experienc

  • Permission Slips

    18/06/2020 Duración: 27min

    “Jamie, how am I supposed to implement your marketing strategy? I can barely keep up as it is.” - Client “Well, that is easy - take a social media and marketing break.” - Me “I can do that.” - Client Yes, I give you permission to stop posting on social media. Put up a post saying you are taking a break for the next two weeks to implement a new strategy” - Me “Thank you so much! That is a great idea.” - client Do you know how many times this same scenario has played out with my clients and in my program? So many that I have lost count and it makes me sad. The fact of the matter is that you don’t need my permission or anyone else’s permission to do something in your business. It is your business and your choice. Yet, over and over again, I see wildly capable entrepreneurs wait for a permission slip to move forward, to get unstuck. ___________________ Are you wondering if your social media marketing is even working? Are you posting and hearing crickets? For a limited time I am offering customized Social Media an

  • Social Media Expert Molly Shipp Goodyear

    15/06/2020 Duración: 20min

    Molly Shipp Goodyear is a social media manager and coach for small businesses. She specializes in retail and restaurants in the Vermont area. She is a power house social media manager and is always up to date on the latest trends. On this episode we talk all the things social media including, our favorite platforms, what is working (and what is not) and so much more! ___________________ Are you wondering if your social media marketing is even working? Are you posting and hearing crickets? For a limited time I am offering customized Social Media and Marketing Snapshots for $27. These are a 2 - 3 page action plan designed specifically for your business. Grab yours today ===>>>

  • Online Business Ecosystem Building - Phase 3 Scaling

    11/06/2020 Duración: 16min

    It's time to rapidly scale the one program you have been focusing on during phase 1 and phase 2. You have proven that you can sell this offering organically, you have built a community and now it's time to turn up the volume on your marketing to make your offering wildly profitable. This is where many entrepreneurs abandon ship and hit the reset button because this phase forces them to get really uncomfortable especially with their role inside of the company. The focus here is on the implementation of the Dream 100 and a solid paid traffic strategy to quickly monetize your offering. Hiring the right people and getting the right systems in place to delegate work to them is critical (and essential) during this time. ___________________ Are you wondering if your social media marketing is even working? Are you posting and hearing crickets? For a limited time I am offering customized Social Media and Marketing Snapshots for $27. These are a 2 - 3 page action plan designed specifically for your business. Grab yours

  • Guest Expert Ruth Kudzi and I Talk Online Business!

    08/06/2020 Duración: 29min

    I got to interview the one and only Ruth Kudz! She is business coach with a unique background in education and psychology. She carries that approach in all that she does with her clients. We talk all things online business strategy, how she came to what she does today, the industry and of course a few ninja tips. Website: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube: ___________________ Are you wondering if your social media marketing is even working? Are you posting and hearing crickets? For a limited time I am offering customized Social Media and Marketing Snapshots for $27. These are a 2 - 3 page action plan designed specifically for your business. Grab yours today ===>>>

  • Online Business Ecosystem Building - Phase 2 Marketing

    04/06/2020 Duración: 18min

    Phase 2 of building your online business ecosystem is all about marketing. This phase is essential to success because this is the point where you grow your community and begin converting it’s members into clients. The focus during this phase is dual purposed: Community Building Minimalistic Launching I would contend that there may be some overlap with this phase and phase 1 since when you go to launch you must have a community and email list to launch to. Otherwise you will hear crickets. During this phase you shift from creation mode into creative mode. This is where you get to be creative around how you are marketing your program or course. This shift should be intentional. While you will certainly go back to Phase 1 and make adjustments around the foundation, sales page, nurture sequence etc. It is imperative that you move out of the creator mindset and into the creatively marketing your products mindset. Often it is during this phase that imposter syndrome rears its ugly head and we feel a pull to go back

  • Marketing Your Health And Wellness Business With Kendra Perry

    01/06/2020 Duración: 25min

    Today on the podcast I had the pleasure of interviewing Kendra Perry, an online business coach for health coaches. Her goal is to help health coaches build badass businesses. Kendra's bold no nonsense approach to her coaching has made her stand out in her industry. She and I will talk about group programs, finding your niche and really growing your business. ________________________ Are you wondering if your social media marketing is even working? Are you posting and hearing crickets? For a limited time I am offering customized Social Media and Marketing Snapshots for $27. These are a 2 - 3 page action plan designed specifically for your business. Grab yours today ===>>>

  • Online Business Ecosystem Building - Phase 1 Foundation

    28/05/2020 Duración: 23min

    Are you feeling overwhelmed by all of the options to grow your business? I hear it a lot. The technology. The implementation. The Programs. The Marketing. The Support. If making a big impact is on your to-do list then it is time to consider building an online business ecosystem. An online business ecosystem is the systems, processes, marketing and funnels you create to make your business come alive online. When I work with clients to build their ecosystem we typically focus on one product or offering for a year and then layer on additional products and programs. The reason we spend an entire year focusing on one signature offering is that it allows us to streamline the sales process, simplify and streamline the marketing process and scale the program. Oftentimes, people go through one launch of a product and hit the reset button on the creation process. This is a big mistake and I will talk more about this later on in the blog. The three phases of an online business ecosystem are: Phase 1 - Foundation Phase 2

  • Action Taking And Simplification

    18/05/2020 Duración: 17min

    I'm going to let you in on a little secret...if you want to scale your business to multi-six figures or seven figures you have to focus on one or two offers. You have to optimize the delivery and marketing of them. You have to create an incredible client experience. You have to wow them and you have to deliver tons of value!    But all too often I see a failure to launch. I see people create course after course and go through failed launch after failed launch only to circle back around and create something new again. Repeating the same cycle.    I see a failure to move into the marketing phase or a failure to even finish the launch full out (hello self-sabtoge since most people buy in the last 24 hours).    And here is the thing...I get it because getting visible is scary. Sharing your work with the world on the internet is scary because you know...internet trolls.   Self-doubt creeps up and it can be hard to overcome the feeling am I qualified, good enough, delivering enough value, is safe t

  • How To Create Long Form Content

    12/05/2020 Duración: 13min

    I love long form content because it is multi-purposed. All too often I see people shy away from this type of content because it can be challenging to create. Today, I am going to share with you my process for how I’ve consistently created long form content for the last 4 plus years.  Before I dive into my process, I want to briefly talk about what long form or as I like to say Macro content is exactly. I define macro content as content that has a long life span. Its benefits can last for weeks, months, or even years. It has SEO value and can be repurposed on multiple platforms. Macro content types include podcasts, youtube videos, facebook lives, and blogs.Let’s dive into my process for creating long form content. ___________________ Are you wondering if your social media marketing is even working? Are you posting and hearing crickets? For a limited time I am offering customized Social Media and Marketing Snapshots for $27. These are a 2 - 3 page action plan designed specifically for your business. Grab yours

  • 5 Proven Methods To Generate Leads In 2020

    05/05/2020 Duración: 10min

    Generating leads is an essential part of building a successful business. If you don’t have leads you can’t make sales! Lead generation is one of my favorite topics to talk about for this enables us to grow our businesses. I love getting creative with my lead generation so today I will share with you 5 of my proven methods for generating leads in 2020. ___________________ Are you wondering if your social media marketing is even working? Are you posting and hearing crickets? For a limited time I am offering customized Social Media and Marketing Snapshots for $27. These are a 2 - 3 page action plan designed specifically for your business. Grab yours today ===>>>

  • How To Grow Your Business Through Podcasting

    22/04/2020 Duración: 14min

    Podcasting is an excellent way to grow your business. The average podcast listener listens to nearly 7 shows per week which is up 40% from 2017. Podcast listeners are educated and nearly 56% of them have a undergraduate degree and 68% are graduates. Nearly 37% of podcast listeners have a household income of 100k annually and 45% have an annual income of 250K. Podcast listeners are also more likely to subscribe to amazon prime and / or netflix. They are educated and have money to spend so if you ideal client calls inside that audience it is time to consider podcasting if you haven’t already. You can see more about the current podcast data by clicking here ( If you don’t have a podcast yet, now, is the time to get started with podcasting as it is still a rapidly growing platform you can leverage to grow your business. So get on it! Like what you hear? Apply to work with us! Click here.

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