Life Long Learner



A podcast that explores education, learning and growth. They explore the notion that everyone is an educator and learning happens all the time. Each week they tackle a new topic, and have guests on their show to share what education and learning means to them.


  • Ep.39 - Learning from Building with Ryan Doughty

    06/05/2021 Duración: 29min

    Today Gines and Matt are joined by Ryan Doughty, the owner of the award-winning Summit adventure park. Ryan shares his incredible story and together the three of them unpack the lessons Ryan has learned from the past 15 years of building successful businesses, powerful teams, and a large loving family. During this playful and passionate interview, It becomes quite clear that whatever good things Ryan has built have also built him. Ryan explains that after many years and many mistakes, relationships are the most important part of any success story and that he now makes a conscious effort to ensure that growth isn’t at the expense of relationships. Ryan openly discusses some of his regrets over the years and helps us to stay focused on what’s truly important. So tune in and uncover some key ingredients that will enable you to successfully building anything in your life, whether it’s a business, relationships, teams, or a more supportive mindset. “Success is not just about what you accomplish in life but what yo

  • Ep. 38 - Learning from being uncomfortable

    27/04/2021 Duración: 31min

    This week Gines and Matt talk about being uncomfortable.  They explore the value of being uncomfortable and the value of putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations. They share the most recent uncomfortable situations and what they have learned from them. There is plenty of benefits of playing outside your comfort zone. Let's not try and kid ourselves our comfort zone is nice, it is warm, it is snuggly it is...comfortable. When we stretch ourselves a little, things on the edges or maybe completely outside our comfort zone, we are open, we grow, we learn, and it usually leads to great things.  Nothing extraordinary came from playing within one's comfort zone. Also there nothing wrong with wanting to be ordinary, that is okay. However, if you want to be extraordinary you are going to have to push yourself outside your comfort zone.  For more updates and to subscribe head to - 

  • Ep. 37 - The value of learning

    31/03/2021 Duración: 26min

    This week Gines and Matt chat about the value of learning. They discuss why we as humans naturally love learning and how curiosity can play a major role in motivating us as adults. They touch on what may happen if we stop learning and just go through the motions, they theorize why some stop questioning things or striving to develop themselves and what effect that has on the human spirit. We can choose to learn from everything that happens for us, however that is a choice, that many do not choose.  Life never stops teaching so why stop learning. Tune in for the reminder you need to kick start your personal development and growth. For more updates and to subscribe head  to -

  • Ep. 36 - Learning to love Mondays

    07/03/2021 Duración: 21min

    We have all been there, Sunday afternoon rolls around and the heavyweight seems to sink in, Monday is coming! We have this connotation about Monday's being dreadful, heavy, non-joy provoking kinda day. This happens when we come back from holidays too...Why is that? Gines and Matt chat about why they love their Monday. They heard from they friends family and colleagues, 'oh it is easy for you.' you see all have a choice on how we look at Mondays. If we like it or not, Mondays are coming and they are going to continue to come.  They chat about how you can set up your Monday mornings for a series of green lights.  Life is too short to not like Mondays. It doesn't have to be always sunshine and rainbows, but what is the overall feeling of Mondays? We can choose what our Monday look mornings look like.  "The storm is coming if we like it or not, you can stay inside and whinge about it, or learn to dance in the ran." For more updates and to subscribe head  to - Fa

  • Ep. 35 - Learning from Intuition

    24/02/2021 Duración: 31min

    This week Gines and Matt chat about Intuition. They discuss the power of intuition and how it can take you from A to Z without having to go through all the other letters of the alphabet. They discuss how for many of us we have never been taught how to activate this super power, in many cases we live in a world that shouts hard work and if you can’t see it it isn’t real. Most of us have been brought up to believe in the 5 senses. What about our 6 sense, intuition? Can it be developed like a muscle? Why do we struggle to discern the voice of intuition and that of self doubt and what can we do to remedy this??? So join the boys as they unpack this super power and give you ideas to help  develop and trust your intuition. “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Albeit Einstein. For more updates head to -

  • Ep. 34 - Learning from Discipline

    15/02/2021 Duración: 29min

    This week Gines and Matt chat about Discipline. They explore their definition of discipline, the shapes of discipline, and the feelings associated with the discipline.  Discipline is turning up regardless of how you feel plus the consistency during the hard times. They talk about the difference between stubbornness and discipline. Both will get shit done. Discipline is deliberate, while stubborn is driven by emotions.  Why does stubbornness have a negative connotation?  They also chat about ways to cultivate discipline. The small steps stack together to create the wins to reinforce discipline.  What is something that you can cultivate more discipline in your life this week?  Green Lights By Matthew McConaughey -

  • Ep. 33 - Learning from 2020

    02/02/2021 Duración: 20min

    2020 has come and gone and now its in the rear-view. Join Gines and Matt as they catch up and chat about what they learnt, what they want to experience more of this year and what they want to take with them into 2021.  They the lesson they learned from 2020, the realisations and the ah-ha moments.  For more updates head to -                                                                                                        &nbs

  • Ep. 32 - NYE - Learning from reflection and recovery

    31/12/2020 Duración: 21min

    Tune in to hear Gines and Matt send off 2020 and wish you the happiest of New Years. This is the time of year to reflect on what was a dramatic year and look back at some of the lessons out of it and celebrate the wins. They share their thoughts on the importance of the reflection process and make recommendations for time to dream big and let those thoughts and feelings simmer as you completely connect with where you are. There is so much value in the recovery and they suggest taking some time to enjoy life. To smell the roses and be grateful for all the wins. The new year is here so dream big and let go of the ‘how’ for the holiday period. Enjoy where you are and enjoy the end of 2020 in the spirit of how you want 2021 to be. See you in 2021. For more updates head to -

  • Ep. 31 Learning from celebration

    11/12/2020 Duración: 31min

    It is a festive time of year. Let the celebrating begin. This week Matt and Gines chat about the benefits and the need to celebrate. Celebrating does not happen enough in today's world. Often secluded to Hallmark specific days of the year. Birthday. Christmas. Mother’s Day. Father day. Valentine’s Day. It can seem very clinical and lifeless. What about the daily celebrations, for all the things in our life. What about celebrating the our relationships. our body, our mind and most importantly the daily wins. Why do the problems take up all our attention when the celebration is the fuel in the tank? The boys challenge each other and you,  to put more fuel in your tank celebrate the daily wins and all that you already have. Keep striving but don’t forget the grateful heart. The more you celebrate in your life, the more there is to celebrate. Life should not only be live but celebrated. Not sure which one ;) you choose

  • Ep.30 Learning From Change

    05/12/2020 Duración: 29min

    This week Gines and Matt talk about Learning from Change. Charles Darwin  says it best, It’s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. The boys explore the idea that everything is constantly changing around us. They discuss how to create certainty within uncertainty and talk about how we as human beings are made to evolve. Sometimes it isn’t obvious that our resistance to change is what is actually causing us pain and suffering not the change itself. This week Gines and Matt encourage you next time you feel the pressure to look for the change that will move you into the flow of things and try letting go of the things you can’t control. Change is inevitable sometimes you just get to role with it! For more updates head to -

  • Ep. 29 Learning from Hope

    08/11/2020 Duración: 28min

    According to the dictionary Hope is defined by - "a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen." Hope is something to look forward too. Also hope is a mindset, that can be influenced by changing perspectives. So often our hope is dictated by our surroundings, our environment, imagine cultivating hope regardless of what is happening around you. Imagine finding peace in the midst of chaos. Gines and Matt chat about the difference between Faith and Hope. Faith seems to be about belief. A belief system associated with yourself, someone, a group, something larger than you. When we hear that word so many of use reject the entire concept of faith due to all the stigma associated with religion. Is it possible that we have confused religion with faith!? Is that why we don’t trust it? Hope is a little less of a leap, it can be seen associated with a tangible outcome.... this is easier for us to grasp... and is less tainted by history. In our society we have learnt if you can’t see it it isn’t th

  • Ep. 28 Learning from Running - Lessons from the trail - Resilience, Commitment Squad and Tribe

    27/10/2020 Duración: 50min

    This week Matt interviews Gines! Most of the time when people find out what distances Gines runs, their response is 'Wow, you can run,' while he simply replies, 'Yeah you can say I like to run.'  During the chat the fellas explore what Gines has learned from running , why he does it and keeps bringing him back for me each time. They talk about being curious in finding out what the body is capable of and diving down a rabbit hole of running. Running has taught Gines first hand that the body is stronger than the  mind initial thinks and when you can master your mind you can train your mind to be stronger than your body. This is where a form of resilience is born. The resilience that is needed to push through a tough point in an ultra marathon has taught Gines to face day to day challenges with a higher amount of ease. We learn that running is not just running, the mental side is very strong in the sport.  Gines also talks about his tribe. The difference between a 'cheer squad' and a 'commit squ

  • Ep. 27 Learning from Courage

    16/10/2020 Duración: 41min

    This week we chat about learning from courage. What is courage? How do we use it? When is it needed?  Courage can be to speak up, to step up, to stand up for the underdog and or yourself. However, it also take courage to be quiet, listen and show compassion. Current society it is very common for there to be a lack of courage, because it is uncomfortable at times. Humans are wired to take the path of least resistance and less painful, however it may not serve you long term.  We explore the notion of courage takes audacity and will propel you forward in numerous ways. We talk about tangible strategies to take away and use to show and play with courage.  If you liked this episode, let us know! Leave us a review, send us a message, say hello!  For more updates head to -

  • Ep. 26 - Learning from Marc Cooper - Director of Wow

    09/10/2020 Duración: 50min

    This week we have a special guest and dear friend all the way from Canada, Mr. Marc Cooper. Marc is a very talented established individual, he is an epic camp director of camp Tamarack, Director and founder of Wowmentum, leadership guru, artist, costume extraordinaire, loving husband and dad and all round great guy! We dive into leaderships styles to hiring practices, the value in cheering on the under dog and everything in between. The value of unorthodox leadership and the transferable nature of camp culture into any other organisation.  Marc is an unique person and that is one of his many super powers. We ask Marc to share about diving into finding his authentic self and why he thinks at times in today's society it is a hard thing to do. Marc's end note, "Never play leap frog with a unicorn."  Where to find Marc? For more updates head to -

  • Ep. 25 - Learning from your Ego - The benefits of having a beginner mindset

    28/09/2020 Duración: 31min

    This episode is a ripper! We should have been talking for hours, don't worry we didn't We chat about EGO, all things that go with the ego. Can the ego serve us? Is it all bad? When can the ego help us? We chat about the times when ego is misrepresented and when it can aid with your situations you may face. We mention the notion of the beginner mindset. how that mindset does not lead with the ego, instead it leads with curiosity.  Very interesting episode, tune in to find out more.  For more updates head to - 

  • Ep.24 - Learning from Principles - Happy Vs Right

    19/09/2020 Duración: 32min

    Matt and Gines have a great chat about principles. What role they play in day to day life, what are they? How they differ to values? They chat about how principles is tightly tied to character and can the substance that one stands for. However, they question what is the cost of your principle being carried out? Meaning is it worth being Happy or Right? What happens when two different principles collide?  Listen in for an insight conversation about principles! For more updates head to -

  • Ep. 23 - Who are your teachers?

    01/09/2020 Duración: 28min

    This week we chat about the notion of learning from teachers and educators. How the traditional sense of them are in schools and institutions. However, before school who did you learn from? Most likely your primary care giver and from yourself. We explore the notion about what is we looked at everyone as a teacher. What would that look like? If you took every interaction you had from colleagues, to friends to family to the person serving you at the petrol station as a learning moment. It is important to note that we must be ready and open to learn. If you are not then there is no learning going to happen. We challenge you to start looking at interaction and see how you can learn from that person and the situation.  For more updates head to -

  • Ep. 22 - Learning from being alone

    17/08/2020 Duración: 29min

    We chat about the power in what you can learn from being alone. There is so much you can learn from being with yourself. Currently we have a lot of time to spend by ourselves or with our immediate household. Right now we all have a choice how we want to spend this time. Our world has lot of distractions, those distractions have been somewhat taken away, are you finding yourself looking for those distractions? on your phone, mind numbing hours in front of Netflix? Or you choosing to do something you always wanted to learn or enjoy the book you hav been thinking about for a while?  "The funny thing is when you start feeling happy by alone, that's when people decide to be with you" We mention the book Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle - For more updates head to -

  • Ep. 21 - Power of encouragement

    07/08/2020 Duración: 27min

    Now more than ever encouragement is needed. There is a lot of doom and gloom in the media and all round us, especially with recent lock downs. Encouragement is so powerful and can be the much needed pick me up for someone. At tunes encouragement is coupled with feedback which definitely has it's place, however, encouragement on it own is even more powerful. Matt and Gines chat about difference of genuine and non genuine encouragement. There is also an importance to be open to encouragement, as if you don't let it in you will receive the benefit from it all. For more updates head to -

  • Ep. 20 - Introverts and Extroverts, whats the difference?

    29/07/2020 Duración: 29min

    This week we chat about introverts and extroverts. To explore how certain aspects of society have been set up to benefit the extrovert. The traditional education system caters very much for the extrovert. Gines and Matt talk about the benefit of knowing which one you are. By knowing this it will help you decipher what you need to recharge and also what takes energy from you. In stems from last week's chat about knowing yourself.  Both introvert a and extroverts are very powerful in their own right. We are in interesting times right that the world has turned a little introverted with Covid-19 restrictions and how this plays a role in taking energy from the extroverts that want to be around people, however, it gives to the introverts. We reference the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain - For more updates head to -

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