Life Long Learner

Ep. 32 - NYE - Learning from reflection and recovery



Tune in to hear Gines and Matt send off 2020 and wish you the happiest of New Years. This is the time of year to reflect on what was a dramatic year and look back at some of the lessons out of it and celebrate the wins. They share their thoughts on the importance of the reflection process and make recommendations for time to dream big and let those thoughts and feelings simmer as you completely connect with where you are. There is so much value in the recovery and they suggest taking some time to enjoy life. To smell the roses and be grateful for all the wins. The new year is here so dream big and let go of the ‘how’ for the holiday period. Enjoy where you are and enjoy the end of 2020 in the spirit of how you want 2021 to be. See you in 2021. For more updates head to -