Foundation Church



Foundation Church is committed to 'Making Jesus Known in Everett, Wa, the surrounding communities and throughout the world.


  • Jesus Pursues in Our Unbelief


    Discipleship Questions 1. Where do you struggle to believe Jesus and the plans he has for you? 2. Give a specific example where Jesus has given you sight after a period of struggle to believe? 3. In what ways could you be contributing to the Body of Christ at Foundation Church? 4. Who does your heart ache for – that they might know Jesus?

  • Jesus The Christ


    Discipleship Question 1) What was it like for you when you first confessed that Jesus is Lord? 2) Has your expectations of Christ ever been disappointed? 3) Who is in your life that needs to be discipled? 4) Is there someone in your life that you want to confess that Jesus is the Christ? Do you have hope for them?

  • Demanding a Sign


    Discipleship Questions 1) Do certain movies or books cause you to have doubt in your belief in Christ? Was there a time when something did cause you to doubt? 2) How strong is your faith? If it's strong, why? How would you explain your faith to a non-believer? 3) In Mark 8:15 Jesus said: "Watch out; beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.”. Have you ever encountered someone who demanded some sort of proof or evidence of God? What did you say to them? If not, what would you say to someone who did? 4) Are you applying what you learn from the scriptures to your life? Do you find it difficult sometimes? Why?

  • Mark 8:1-10


    Discipleship Questions: 1. Can you recount a lesson that was hard for you to understand? 2. Can you sympathize with the Disciples difficulty in understanding who Christ really was/is? 3. Have you felt The Lords compassion before? Please describe it. Tell of a time that you had compassion for someone? Did it lead you to take action? 4. Is there currently somebody that you know that needs compassion that you can or should take action on?

  • Robert Cheong


    Discipleship Questions 1. What keeps you from approaching God boldly and confidently through prayer? 2. What aspect of your life is causing you to lose heart? 3. What truth(s) about God do you doubt most? What lies do you find yourself believing? Which gospel truth(s) from this passage resonate most with you? 4. Given your life’s story of experiencing imperfect, even hurtful love, what reality is God inviting you to experience and enjoy right now, through the power of his Spirit? 5. How can grasping the fullness of God’s love impact how you love others—your friends, your spouse, your children, with your neighbors and co-workers?

  • Mark 7:31-37


    Discipleship Questions: 1. What is the present status of your prayer life? How can your prayer life be strengthened? What factors distract you from prayer? 2. There is no place where earth’s sorrows are more felt than Heaven. What issues or areas of your heart do you need to take to Jesus and meet Him and receive his compassion and mercy? And how can you be a vessel of Jesus' compassion to those around you? 3. What can we learn about Jesus from his willingness to touch the deaf man? And not only him, but also the leper in Mark 1:40-45. How can you model your life after Jesus' example? Who are the 'untouchable' persons in our culture? 4. Why is God's Word central and necessary to establishing God's Kingdom? How did God use His Word in your life to draw you unto Him?

  • The Glory of God and the Hardened Heart


    Discipleship Questions: 1. How have you treated the Lord Jesus with contempt for only seeking him for things he can provide or do for you? 2. Have you ever witnessed the Lord do something amazing to only focus on that which was done but not on the One who did it (e.g., healing a broken marriage, provision, miracle, etc)? If so, what? 3. Speak to a time where you (in hindsight) knew your heart was hardened to the reality of who Jesus is because you were/are consumed with your present circumstances. 4. In what ways (currently) has the Holy Spirit opened your eyes, ears, and heart to the GLORY of Jesus Christ? 5. Mark’s record of Jesus walking on water is not about the rescue of the disciples (that’s a small part of the story), but rather it is all about Jesus revealing his GLORY to his followers. How are you growing in your understanding of the GLORY of Jesus more as we go through the Gospel of Mark?

  • Jesus Came for You


    Does God care about your struggles and pains? Often it seems to us that the only way that God could love us is if we clean ourselves up and become presentable to him. But the bible doesn’t demand that, in-fact it is a primarily a story of God loving the unlovable and rescuing those who are dirty and broken. You should never forget the truth that when Jesus came, he came for you. Discipleship Questions: When was a time when you were rejected? How did you feel, what was you response to being rejected? What thoughts do you have when you here the words ‘God so loved the world’? Who in your life would you consider 'furthest from God'? How do you feel knowing that God could save them? Explain in your own words how God has loved you? Read Isaiah 55:1-3 together, what do we learn about God’s grace from this passage?

  • Jesus Came for the Creation


    As christians we believe that God is a redeemer, but so often our belief ends with our own personal salvation. In this sermon we ask the question how is God’s good creation redeemed through the coming of Jesus Christ and what role do we as christians play in that? Discipleship Questions: What are some of the physical effects of the curse that God placed on his creation? Paul says that "the creation was placed under bondage to sin, in hope”. What do you think he means by “in hope”? How does Jesus’ death and resurrection affect God’s relationship with his creation? What role do you play in the redemption of God’s creation? How does the idea that Jesus will make all things new again change your perspective on how you are living right now?

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