Foundation Church

The Glory of God and the Hardened Heart



Discipleship Questions: 1. How have you treated the Lord Jesus with contempt for only seeking him for things he can provide or do for you? 2. Have you ever witnessed the Lord do something amazing to only focus on that which was done but not on the One who did it (e.g., healing a broken marriage, provision, miracle, etc)? If so, what? 3. Speak to a time where you (in hindsight) knew your heart was hardened to the reality of who Jesus is because you were/are consumed with your present circumstances. 4. In what ways (currently) has the Holy Spirit opened your eyes, ears, and heart to the GLORY of Jesus Christ? 5. Mark’s record of Jesus walking on water is not about the rescue of the disciples (that’s a small part of the story), but rather it is all about Jesus revealing his GLORY to his followers. How are you growing in your understanding of the GLORY of Jesus more as we go through the Gospel of Mark?