Weston Park Baptist Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Weekly Sermons from Weston Park Baptist Churchwww.westonparkbaptist.org


  • A Long Day's Night


    At times God seems distant/absent and we cry out from our hearts, Where are you God? In such experiences we long to hear from our Father in heaven but the only response is silence. It is this theme of silence and waiting upon God that is captured in Psalm 88. The Psalmist becomes our representative in passing through such difficult and painful days. He encourages us to keep clinging, persevering, holding on to God in spite of the apparent heavenly indifference. As we persist in faith the clouds will eventually part and the divine rays of consolation and joy will be known.

  • The Wintry Way


    he seasons of the heart are not always the sunny summer months or the extravagant colours of the spring season. There are also the coldness of winter and the melancholy of autumn. The winter of Psalm 39 speaks from the winter blast of sickness, disappointment, and length of years. The tenor of the psalmist is one of absence and distance from God where are you in my pain and suffering? Such questions also rise up in our own hearts in such wintry spiritual seasons. Will we maintain our faith and hope in God or do we turn away in frustration and anger? How will we travel in our own cold epochs of the heart?

  • All the Light We Cannot See


    Watch at: https://youtu.be/qroc22ZxAvI

  • Following Jesus in this New Year


    Watch at: https://youtu.be/Y5ZyzpQTlTk

  • The Presence & Absence of God


    As we begin a new year we look to our God who has been our dwelling place throughout the generations. God is our true home (not the house or apartment where we live.) The invitation is to keep looking to God through all of the ups and downs of life - the times of joyful presence and painful absence. As we live in this manner we are able to live "with a wise heart (v12) and to know God's guidance in the everyday of our lives.

  • The Nearness of God's Star


    God is a near God. He continually reveals himself to us in surprising ways both through his creation and in his word. It may be in a newly formed star in the night sky, a baby born in a manger, or three strangers showing up at your front door bearing gifts. The key for us is how do we respond to these moments in time? Do we have receptive hearts that are buoyed up with faith? Or do our hearts become calloused by the blows of life so that there is no longer a spark of receptivity? In our present narrative the Magi demonstrate responsive hearts of faith while Herods heart is as hard as stone. As we close out this year and begin a new one may we have pliable hearts that are responsive to the Spirits touch.

  • The Nearness of God Emmanuel


    The angel's message to Joseph (as recorded in Matthew's Gospel) centres on the two names of his newborn child: Jesus and Emmanuel. The name 'Jesus' means 'God saves' because 'he will save his people from their sins'. The second name 'Emmanuel' translates as 'God-is-with-us' referencing Jesus' mission as God's representative to humanity. Together these names point to the solidarity of Jesus with humankind. Jesus is to become the face of God to humanity through his redemptive action of love, suffering and resurrection life.

  • The Nearness of Our Promise


    Praise in challenging times is not always easy. The human overcast hangs heavy and blocks out much of the sun's rays. Yet the call to praise persists and asks us to lift our eyes above the darkness of the cloudbanks. Such was the case for doubting Zechariah. Will he (and we) raise our spirits high to perceive God's new work of transformation in the coming Messiah? Will we allow God's nearness to overcome our pessimistic and skeptical hearts as we strive towards the new humanity of God's blessed kingdom?

  • The nearness of Our Saviour


    The story of Advent is the story of Gods love for humankind. God comes to us in Jesus so that we might live close to him forever. May we recognize God as a close God a near God. May we open our hearts to him in this Advent season.

  • The Nearness of Our Lord


    The message of the incarnation of Christ comes to us in a variety of texts including the Gospel nativity stories as well as texts from the Epistles. Today we begin with a Pauline text from Philippians which simply reminds us that, God is near (Philippians 4:5). In this passage we are encouraged to live in joy, peace and gratitude all because Jesus is near to us in time and space. Jesus is near therefore we do not have to live in fear or be controlled by our anxious hearts. Rather, we are able to live with tranquil and quiet hearts because Jesus is near to us in every situation we face.

  • Songs in the Valley


    The writer of Deuteronomy invites us to remember Gods blessings in our lives remember and not forget. In my mind this is a needed exhortation because frequently we do forget all the blessings we have received from God. Instead, we focus on the problems we are facing in the moment or we become distracted by the busyness (and projects) we are running in the present. The invitation from the sacred text is to remember and reflect upon Gods goodness that we experience in our day to day. In the prosperous or challenging times do not lose sight of the truth that we are sheltered in Gods hands and he will see us through to the completion of our days.

  • What Pleases God?


    Watch at: https://youtu.be/srzxzdJHZBQ

  • How Will We Be Remembered?


    Watch at: https://youtu.be/X_wQelYSzL4

  • The Testing of Our Faith


    Pastor Edson Torres is preachinfg this Sunday. Pastor Edson is the pastor of Projeto Restaurando Vidas, the Brazilian Portuguese church that worships at Weston Park.

  • The Valley of Preparation


    Jesus leaves the upper room with his disciples and they pass through the Kidron Valley on the way to the garden of Gethsemane. It is a time of preparation for our Lord as he steels himself for the onslaught to come. He knows very well that Judas is intent on betraying him to the authorities and his demise is certain. Yet he is committed to protecting his disciples and submitting himself to Gods redemptive plans. For Jesus, the valley of preparation is the valley of descent in which he (the Good Shepherd) lays down his life for his sheep.

  • The Valley of Vision


    God has a vision for us a greater arch that stretches over our lives to give us meaning and purpose. The question we face is; will we discern this greater purpose? The prophet Isaiah speaks about such a purpose in his phrase the valley of vision. It describes a life lived open to Gods movements in our spirits, hearts and minds when we live this way the Spirit has freedom to lead and guide us in Gods ways. May we tear down the walls that separate us from God and become one with him in purpose and compassion for others.

  • The Valley of Refreshment


    Our loving God travels with us in solidarity knowing all about our weaknesses and anxious hearts. He travels with us in our valleys of discouragement and resistance always ready to renew our hearts. The prophet Isaiah underlines this truth as he affirms that the Valley of Discouragement will become a place of refreshment and repose. Our ultimate state is not one of sadness or conflict but one of shalom, joy and abundance all flowing from the hand of our creative, saving God.

  • The Valley of New Beginnings


    Gods word to us is always one of hope. It is a message of Do not fear but keep trusting in the goodness and grace of God. It is a message of love and acceptance in spite of the waywardness of ones past. Truly God is our Good Shepherd who has revealed himself in the Good Shepherd of Galilee (Joh 10). It is this message of comfort and acceptance that the prophet Isaiah extends to the people of exile (of any age) a true message of homecoming and love.

  • The Valley of Aridness


    We live our lives as passing guests before our living God. During our life pilgrimage we are invited to come into a relationship with God so that we know him more and more through each passing day. At times our days are blessed and joyful and at other times we experience seasons of aridness and tears. But through it all God remains our loving God who shelters us in every season of life.

  • The Valley of Victory


    Last Week we considered the valley of darkness and this week, the valley of victory. Life often presents itself in such a manner - we travel from the mist and move into clarity. When we enjoy such seasons of victory and strength we need to be especially cognizant of God's blessings and goodness to us. David models such a thankful heart as he praises God for his gracious gifts - especially for God's steady love and his faithful presence.

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