Weston Park Baptist Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Weekly Sermons from Weston Park Baptist Churchwww.westonparkbaptist.org


  • The Crisis of Commitment


    Jesus gives his disciples a new commandment that they are to love one another even as Jesus has loved them. They are to love one another with a sacrificial love as Jesus has modelled before them. The question is the same for them and us , How will we respond to Jesus love and the call to love each other? Will we accept Jesus love or push his love away? Will we love each other or seek power over others? It comes down to a crisis of commitment. Are we really for Jesus or for ourselves? Our answer determines the course of our lives.

  • The Way of Humility & Service


    The foot-washing event in the Upper Room is a powerful enacted parable recorded by the Evangelist. By washing the disciples' feet Jesus challenges the assumptions of his own disciples (and the society at large). Jesus is pointing out that a pyramid model of "power over others" has no place in the new Kingdom of God. Rather than "power over" we are called to be servants of one another where humility and gift-love are the chosen values of Jesus. The invitation is to move beyond competition and comparison and to simply love and serve one another. Too often our own prejudices and "hard lines" keep us back from showing compassion and kindness to all of God's created family.

  • Delighting in Love: Godly Dads and Their Children


    Watch at: https://youtu.be/DGsvm50P9Bk

  • Going Fishing


    Watch at: https://youtu.be/1eP81TNaCpw

  • Metamorphosis on the Mountain


    The transfiguration story is told in each of the Synoptic Gospels - (each on e has their own details of the event.) However, the key is that Jesus changes into his glorious state ("metamorphosis") before Peter, James and John. They are given the precious gift of gazing upon the beauty of the glorified Christ. Along with this visual epiphany they hear God's voice encouraging them to listen to the words of Jesus. Together they are called to "pay attention" to what Jesus is teaching them. It is a lesson they are not to forget! Similarly, we are invited to truly pay attention to Jesus' words as we live our lives. Indeed, everything depends upon our receptivity to the life changing words (and presence) of the glorified Christ.

  • Who Do People Say That I Am?


    The key question in the Gospel of Mark has to do with the identity of Jesus Who is Jesus is the crux of the matter! Jesus asks this question specifically when he asks his disciples Who do you say that I am? Peter gets it right when he answers, You are the Christ! The challenge for the disciples (and us) is to understand and live out the truth of the matter that Jesus is the Messiah. In the words of Jesus it is phrased Deny yourself and take up your cross which means dont live for yourself but live in love for others. This is the challenge that we face as we live out our lives.

  • Metamorphosis


    The Good News is that God changes us into something beautiful something remarkable. Even as a caterpillar is changed into a gorgeous butterfly so God transforms us into the image of his beloved Son. We dont deserve it. But he does it out of love. It is a work that happens from within by the activity of the Holy Spirit (layer by layer the old self is removed and replaced by the new self of Jesus transformative love.) Pentecost is a celebration of this metamorphosis old into new, from one degree of glory to another.

  • The Power of Faith


    Watch at: https://youtu.be/uN9vgq20Als

  • The Tension Between Faith and Doubt


    As we make our way in the spiritual journey we often experience some turbulence between faith and doubt. We are like the father of the ill boy who cries out, I believe, help my unbelief! At our core we truly do believe in Gods loving presence but in the moment we are caught up in lifes storms and fears. Jesus encourages us to find our rest in him for it is his presence that dispels our fears. In him the tension between faith and doubt lessens and the comfort of his deep love sustains us as we travel our days under his loving hand.

  • The Centrality of Faith


    The journey of a disciple is a journey of faith. Mark makes this point as he interweaves the stories of the chronically ill woman and Jairus the synagogue ruler who pleads to Jesus for his dying daughter. Both characters demonstrate faith as they come to Jesus asking for help. The question for us do we live with an attitude of faith or are we controlled by fear? Jesus encourages us to place our trust in him and live our day to day in an attitude of confidence that God is on our side. May we embrace faith as our guiding star so that we can live in hope and expectation of Gods blessings.

  • Putting Out into Deep Waters


    Watch at: https://youtu.be/YMDSBe9IR0M

  • A Day in the Life of Jesus


    Jesus ministers to people wherever they are at. He also ministers to us wherever we are at. This is the message of the Good NewsGods gracious love for us wherever we are at. Peter learns this truth over time by being present to Jesusin the synagogue, in his house, on the streets, in times of seclusion and while traveling from town to town. It is being present to Jesus (like Peter) in every life situation that we grow and become authentic followers of our Risen Lord.

  • The Journey of a Disciple


    Jesus takes the initiative in calling us to become his disciples. The question is Will we pay attention to our lives and respond with a 'yes' when our moment comes?" As an example, Jesus calls Andrew and the unnamed disciple to follow him in the words Come and see." Andrew then later invites his brother Simon to come check out the new found Messiah. Jesus then invites Simon to join his group, symbolized in the change of his name to Peter. Similarly, Jesus invites us to become his disciples and friends. It is up to us how we will respond. This is the challenge and opportunity of our lives.

  • Easter Sunday


    The women of Easter go to the tomb expecting to meet a dead Jesus. Instead, they find an empty tomb and a resurrected Christ! The angels message to them not only heralds Jesus victory over death but announces the forgiveness and restoration of wayward disciples. The community of disciples are to go forward with the mission of Jesus to proclaim the glorious truth that the kingdom of God draws near. Indeed, His kingdom will be a reign of love and peace that has no end.

  • Good Friday


    On the way to the cross Simon of Cyrene has a moment with Jesus unceremoniously, Simon is compelled by a Roman soldier to carry the cross of Christ. In that moment Simon meets Jesus and his life is changed (not only for him but for his family!) If we are alert we also will have our moment with Jesus. He goes before all of us and at the right time we will meet him face to face. Let us open eyes and hearts to meet Christ in this Easter season.

  • Palm Sunday


    Watch at: https://youtu.be/BHOXyHPlyOk

  • The Scandal of Jesus


    As Jesus continues in ministry he faces greater and greater oppression. the resistance comes to a head in his perceived welcoming spirit to the outcasts of society. Selecting Levi, the tax-collector, and attending a party with Levi's friends was seen as poor judgment (and being a bad example to others!) What the Pharisees don't understand is the adventurous spirit of Jesus and the elasticity of his thinking. Jesus understands the implications of the new kingdom of God and how it transcends the old censorial system which the Pharisees cling to. The new system is one of grace and mercy to all - even the ones who are seen as inferior and outside of God's blessing.

  • A Time for Prayer & Compassion


    Jesus models for us a heart of prayer and compassion. His fundamental desire is to know the heart of Abba and then translate his vision into action for Gods kingdom. As our leader Jesus reveals the import of prayerful conversation with Abba and the intentional activity of keeping in step with his Spirit. As Jesus disciples we are called to imitate our Lord and demonstrate it through actions of kindness for the marginalized and hurting people of the world.

  • Call & Response


    Jesus begins his ministry by announcing the Good News of the kingdom of Godthe kingdom is drawing near now! Along with this declaration Jesus begins the process of building a community of disciples to assist him in his kingdom work. He calls and the disciples respond with a bold yes joining his band of followers. This pattern of call and response requires both commitment and a communal engagement. When we say yes in this manner we become active participants in the establishment of Gods kingdom on earth.

  • A Time to Wake Up


    Jesus breaks into our world to announce the Good News (not the Bad News!) that the kingdom of God is drawing near. He invites us to change our attitude from one of pessimism to one of hope and our lifestyle from one of self-centeredness to a concern for the other. As we make these changes (repent and believe) Jesus promises to travel with us so we can live with confidence, trust in his care, and the assurance that we share in the eternal life of Gods invigorating presence.

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